Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Audi, that can be as simple as adding some fruit juice to your post workout protein, correct?

yes....real fruits, make your own smoothie..........naked, v8 fusion etc.
Damn, I had a nice write up on the C-Bol, but I guess I wasnt logged in and lost it.

Ill come back later and re-type it. 
Besides romanian DL whats a solid Hamstring excerise? I cant do those curl machine things somethin in my left knee like pops everytime lol
Audi- I was wondering where you were. Have you heard anything about presurge unleashed? Are you not excited? Lol nice avy brah (srs) (no zyzz)

For Brett- it has caffein for that jolt of energy, it has creapure creatine for streangth gains, it's also a NO product for pumps, it's got Russian teragon for I beleive either absorbtion and/or focus. Someone correct me... Plus, they are putting something new in this that's supposedly going to revolutionary. It's pretty hyped up, but I'll give it a big shot.
Originally Posted by ccobryan173

Besides romanian DL whats a solid Hamstring excerise? I cant do those curl machine things somethin in my left knee like pops everytime lol
Squats, deadlifts.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Aye Hype change that photo man

Dudes wearing Bootyshorts
Just went to Vitamin Shoppe and stared at the C-Bol for 5 minutes, couldnt pull the trigger. For whatever reason I am hesitant.
I have a question if anyone could help me out.

Im not on any kind of workout plan, but im eating healthier these days and i run 3-4 times a week, as well as playing 2 hard hours of basketball on saturday mornings.

I avoid alcohol during the week, but on the weekend i still like to get in some solid heavy binge drinking once in a while.

So my question is, in all honesty, how much is the one day a week of heavy drinking really hurting me if im pretty disciplined during the rest of the week? (i know its a vague question, but any help would be appreciated)
sup durden

ive used regular mono, con-cret, kre alk, creapure, micronized creatine monohydrate, them popular ones like size on etc.

i rate this the number 1 creatine product i have used to dont need a pre workout stim with this stuff at all for you guys who like to do so jacked etc.......actually the label tells you to not take products like that along with this, strength and workout has been improved since first dose. this is my fist time usin a thermolife product ever btw.

c-bol is creatine nitrate

link ot the write up if you want to learn more in detail [url=][/url]

Ok after reading the review my understanding is that its basically a monohydrate with a nitric oxide. (Hence the term "creatine nitrate":  creatine + nitric oxide)  The reason the label says to not take pre workout supplements is most likely because they already have a similar substance in it.  Do you think its best because of what its contents or because its really 2 products in one?  Do you think a similar result can be achieved by taking a mono and a diff product preworkout supplement?

PlatinumFunk wrote:
So I've been trying something new...

I've been successfully putting on weight for a while... but my strength really hasn't increased. I pyramid most of my major lifts (deadlifts, squats, bench press, bent over row, military press). So what I'm trying now is doing them on a 5x5 program, and then doing my other exercises normally. Could I gain strength while still gaining mass in this manner?

Ex. For back and hammies, today I did:

Good mornings, 3 x 10
Dead lifts, 5 x 5
Bent Over Row 10, 8, 6, 6
Lat Pull Downs 3 x 10
Close grip row 10, 8, 6
I typically hate 5x5 schemes because its a lot of low rep sets.  Most people wont choose the right weight because mentally they ease off because they know they have to do 5 sets.  I prefer the 3 to maybe even 4 set range.  But to answer your quesiton in one word:  yes

dude just follow the directions use the ON whey to supplement our protein needs or your fitness goal

im more a bodybuilder type so i go with 1.0 to 1.5gm/lb per bodyweight. def focus on your whole foods though.  use your ON why post workout along with carb source. 
1.5 per lb of body weight?  really.  That number seems very high.  Me personally the 1g/lb is high but a decent argument can be made for it based upon the persons training/goals.

Minimum of 95 grams of carbohydrates post workout is best. 
Originally Posted by Durden7

PlatinumFunk wrote:
So I've been trying something new...

I've been successfully putting on weight for a while... but my strength really hasn't increased. I pyramid most of my major lifts (deadlifts, squats, bench press, bent over row, military press). So what I'm trying now is doing them on a 5x5 program, and then doing my other exercises normally. Could I gain strength while still gaining mass in this manner?

Ex. For back and hammies, today I did:

Good mornings, 3 x 10
Dead lifts, 5 x 5
Bent Over Row 10, 8, 6, 6
Lat Pull Downs 3 x 10
Close grip row 10, 8, 6
I typically hate 5x5 schemes because its a lot of low rep sets.  Most people wont choose the right weight because mentally they ease off because they know they have to do 5 sets.  I prefer the 3 to maybe even 4 set range.  But to answer your quesiton in one word:  yes

Do you mean people go too light with their first few sets and really only take advantage of set 4/5?

Thanks for the help
Yep I said 1-1.5 of course 1.5 bein the higher end. That's a range. I always take in at least my weight or real close too an remember were all human an I prob have my days where I come across some chicken wings an take in a lot more for the day who knows.
Durden-Yep you're right.......and for what you're asking me yes it is possible. Thermolife is expensive I will admit. This stuff is def great. I might even go to their forum an see if they can throw me some hookups down the road. As far as a homemade brew for a cheaper/quantity route. Dunno yet, their formula is patented I believe. Interesting I don't know if its that simple for what this product gives I def like the results, puts on a leaner mass than size on an strength is just great but yea it is like. 2 in 1 w/o the rushed stim feeling.
damn lookin good bro

i gotta pick the arms up, theyre always lacking for me and since ive been cutting (only til spring break though) i feel small as hell

cant wait to lean bulk for the summer

def gonna give cbol a try, i actually havent been taking creatine lately (last month or so) just to take a little time off it

thermolifes whole nitrate thing actually looks legit, way more effective than arginine and they also make a protein with nitrate that apparently is good but i dunno if its as important post workout
This has probably been asked a million times before but what do you guys recommend for post-workout?

Im looking for something that will help build muscle mass/recover but at the same time not have my weight shoot up unless its muscle weight.

Im taking No-Xplode pre-workout if that matters.
Originally Posted by oo206oo

I have a question if anyone could help me out.

Im not on any kind of workout plan, but im eating healthier these days and i run 3-4 times a week, as well as playing 2 hard hours of basketball on saturday mornings.

I avoid alcohol during the week, but on the weekend i still like to get in some solid heavy binge drinking once in a while.

So my question is, in all honesty, how much is the one day a week of heavy drinking really hurting me if im pretty disciplined during the rest of the week? (i know its a vague question, but any help would be appreciated)

since you're not really into working out for aesthetic purposes and more for health purposes, i dont think that one day of drinking will really hurt you.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by oo206oo

I have a question if anyone could help me out.

Im not on any kind of workout plan, but im eating healthier these days and i run 3-4 times a week, as well as playing 2 hard hours of basketball on saturday mornings.

I avoid alcohol during the week, but on the weekend i still like to get in some solid heavy binge drinking once in a while.

So my question is, in all honesty, how much is the one day a week of heavy drinking really hurting me if im pretty disciplined during the rest of the week? (i know its a vague question, but any help would be appreciated)

since you're not really into working out for aesthetic purposes and more for health purposes, i dont think that one day of drinking will really hurt you.
Thanks for the reply dgk. But honestly, i AM doing what im doing to look better (for the summer). Its just that im not doing it as seriously as most of you guys in here because, quite frankly,  i just dont have the time and dedication. 
Its not THAT serious to me but i figured i can easily run more often and eat better, so thats what im doing. Im 6'2 215 with broad shoulders and an athletic build. I dont have a big belly, but i do have a layer of fat over my abs (although the upper abs are still visible). Im basically just trying to lean down for the summer.
yo quick cutting question. It's only 2 days till spring break, if I replace 2 meals in my day with a protein shake (i throw in casein protein, a little hemp, and some wheat bran and milk or water). will that retain muscles and burn the last little bit of fat I need to lose to get my abs poppin
basically alcohol has a ton of calories. one drink (not including mixers or whatever else you're drinking) will be 100 calories or more, due to alcohol having something like 7 cal/gram

it also inhibits protein synthesis.

so you're getting fatter by drinking it and are able to put on less muscle while it's in your system.

like everything else bad, keep it in moderation. if you're trying to lean down, i'd honestly say keep it at once a week at the absolute most, but it all depends on how many calories/day you want to allocate for it.

use to track your calories. depending on how much you weigh, i'd shoot for like 1700-2200 cal/day for a slow steady cut until summer. you can lift heavy and as long as you stay under this goal you'll drop weight.
Originally Posted by syxth element

Originally Posted by Al Audi
Yo, lurkin props on the results.. I've been thinking about taking a preworkout sup myself, can you tell me what's the difference b/t these 2 c-bol listings on amazon?

Amazon product ASIN B002IBVUI0 300 caps for $35.99


Amazon product ASIN B002SG7N7M 250 caps for $47.99


The second one looks more legit.. Is there a newer cbol that was released?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I didn't get a reply a few pages back on a recommendation for creatine, but based on what most of you are saying, C-BOL is the way to go.. Difference between these two?[/color]
Thanks JOE CAMEL, i appreciate the help.

Im gonna continue to keep the drinking to once a week, while continuing my cardio.
Casein for a night time protein shake?

Since protein intake was being discussed yesterday I started asking around and doing a little more research on my intake. I take 2 shakes a day (ON 100% Whey) at mid-day and postwork out. This has been working great but I was told to definitely add a third shake at night. A Casein protein blend. For my goal of gaining 10 lbs a few of the of the seasoned bodybuilders at the gym suggested it to me considering I already have a high intake of whole foods and that it would push me to new gains.

I believe them but could I get a confirmation? Thoughts?
fresh.....go for creapure (creatine monohydrate) first unless youve been lifting for a while

fraction of the price and it will be almost as effective.

hombre lobo- yeah theyre right, whole foods > proteins or weight gainers. they have their place in a person's diet, but they shouldn't be meal replacements.
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