STAR TREK: DISCOVERY-NEW TV Series - Renewed for a 2nd Season - Picard

Prodigy turned out to be more than I expected for an animated joint.

Way different than regular Trek. It's like those episodes that were real alien and the least to do with being star fleet but now even more so. Actually reminds me of one of those Star Wars games.
I know people on reddit love the captain of that new spinoff show and say he's a traditional star trek captain but he's such a square and by the book. Kinda boring to me. Seems like half of the reddit hate discovery, I love the show though.
I know people on reddit love the captain of that new spinoff show and say he's a traditional star trek captain but he's such a square and by the book. Kinda boring to me. Seems like half of the reddit hate discovery, I love the show though.
You talking about my boy Anson Mount as the revamped Christopher Pike? Yeah he definitely give square vibes with the shaved look.

I guess. I can see traditionalists liking it since they have not had the typical white straight male as captain on a ST show since Enterprise. That's like over 10 years I think.

All of the captain's on Discovery were good though
Gotta remember to resubscribe to CBS All Access/Paramount Plus in November. At this point, I think I'm really enjoying Discovery more than Picard. We'll see how season 2 of Picard goes.

Been watching old 90s Trek. A lot of this stuff really hits different as an adult than it did as a kid, especially Deep Space Nine.
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Gotta remember to resubscribe to CBS All Access/Paramount Plus in November. At this point, I think I'm really enjoying Discovery more than Picard. We'll see how season 2 of Picard goes.

Been watching old 90s Trek. A lot of this stuff really hits different as an adult than it did as a kid, especially Deep Space Nine.
Season 1 of Picard was great until the season finale. Might as well change the name of the show.
Foolish decision trusting in this "evolved" A.I. that controls the ship, decides its own parameters, got unknown sectors in its system, and calmly says no to orders.

It'll be too late when they realize.
Get the feeling they're gonna drag out the current plot line in Discovery into next season.

Episode 1 of season 2 of Picard was awesome. I just hope it hasn't set the bar too high for the rest of the season.
Yeah, I really enjoyed that. It looked great - like seeing the TNG with movie money.

Bringing Q in right at the end was great too - I was always a little conflicted about him popping up here and there but it makes sense that he’s back to test Picard.

I’m back to promoting my new show idea though - Time Trek. It’s those guys who show up occasionally to reset the timeline. You could go back to any classic part of the movies, TOS, TNG… and involve new people in the stories. It would be a chance to redo old stuff with new production values with a healthy dose of nostalgia.

If Amazon would just show my the money I’m all in…
I like burnham but half the time sonequa martin-green is whispering her lines and looks like she's in deep emotional pain about to cry. It's like she's being overdramatic but at a quiet volume. Anyway, new season of Picard has been fire so far.
I think there's a rule on Discovery where everyone has to stop and address their feelings at least 2 or 3 times per episode.

Picard has been amazing so far into season 2

That Q backhand ain't no joke.
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Aight man, Picard like 100 still with unresolved mommy issues. I'm ready to check out already. His momma fine though, looks like Rebecca Hall.
The discovery finale was so bad. tarka drunk on alien d that he would do anything to go to a planet in an alternate universe he's never been to before and maybe find his guy.
I’ve enjoyed Picard a lot so far - but I think they know this is what we all want.

Anyone watch Strange New Worlds yet? My wife wants to check it out with me but her only previous Trek exposure has been the last couple season of Discovery, so wondering if any TOS watching is needed beforehand haha.

Picard S2 Finale....better than I was expecting but literally this whole season felt like I could've just watched the first 2 episodes, a 2 min trailer of the rest, then fast forward to the finale. Here's to hoping S3 is much, much better and a proper send off for the TNG cast. We also need some ship porn.
I caught the first episode of SNW and thought it was good. It looks like they're switching back to the exploration formula from the TOS and the 90s shows. You don't really need any knowledge of the TOS since it takes place beforehand. I do need to go back and rewatch TOS.

Wasn't a fan of Picard S2 but did enjoy the finale. We'll see how S3 goes.
Strange New Worlds is really good.

I liked season 2 of Picard, but it definitely had its flaws. Felt like it should have been about 6 - 8 episodes instead of 10.
They trying to make up for the fact that in all the seasons of Next Generation they never had a mirror universe episode

Only thing close was a dark timeline ep.
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