St. Johns Red Storm: How far away are we?

Oct 5, 2007
I dont get to see much games. I saw tonight's game and was pretty impressed, we got some talent.

I just got upset because I look at UCONN and just look at all the kids from the NYC area and
I haven't followed since I got to the school so I wouldn't exactly know. But they have definitely improved. If this was last season, Uconn would'vespotted us 40+.

But yea, we gotta step up the NYC recruiting, Kemba Walker from The City

. What was the score?
we got some talent.
Honestly, no.

Outa the 16 Big East teams, St John's is 16 when it comes to talent. (without Mase)

But I commend Norm and the kids playing for not giving up on the season yet.

If Norm is gona be kept he has to change things in regards to recruiting.
What's the word with Lance? And despite my expletives during the game we're not 16th in talent in the big east. Depaul? USF?
Without Mason and Boothe, I would have to put St. Johns 15th above DePaul. With those two... anywhere from 13-16. Things are looking up though if Lance is evenhinting at committing
Originally Posted by allen3xis

we got some talent.
Honestly, no.

Outa the 16 Big East teams, St John's is 16 when it comes to talent. (without Mase)

But I commend Norm and the kids playing for not giving up on the season yet.

If Norm is gona be kept he has to change things in regards to recruiting.

Pretty much summed up how I feel. I feel much better about the team than I did one year ago though.
We stink....we need to recruit... but I think without Mase weve played better...

come on Lance!
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Many many years unfortunately.
Yup...and people are getting impatient. The "rebuild" shouldn't have taken this long. You look at teams like Baylor who had itMUCH worse than St. John's, and they managed to get their program back to being respected and good. Until relationships are repaired or made with peopleinside of the 5 boroughs, we are going to continue to lose city kids to other schools in the Big East, ACC, or to Rick Pitino
. We need someone on thecoaching staff that is going to hit the AAU circuit HARD. We need a coach or coaches on the staff who has good ties and relationships with people all aroundthe PSAL, AAU, etc etc in NYC. The city is rich w. b-ball talent, and it's a shame we can only land guys with the talent of Eugene Lawrence. Somethinghas got to give....St. John's is one of the most storied programs in NCAA history, and it's a shame that the program remains in shambles 5-6 yearsafter the whole Pitt fiasco.
FYI Lance was in attendance last night with good words after...check the cbb post for the article.
Rick Pitino

Wasn't there something going around a couple years back of him possibly coming to SJU? Or was that just floating around S&T I can'tremember

St. John's is one of the most storied programs in NCAA history, and it's a shame that the program remains in shambles 5-6 years after the whole Pitt fiasco.
Yea but I think the way Norm has them playing is a positive sign for the future...the recruiting is going to be a big factor I just hope it getsturned around in the near future.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Dar and Mac are both more talented than any SJU player.

DePaul fan here. Similar situation. Both our programs SUCK.

Our only hope is a home run coaching hire after this season because wainwright is the most atrocious coach I have ever witnessed and needs to go. We also needto capitalize on the Chicago talent more, particularly 2011. I pray they're willing to pay to get the right coach.

Sorry, just had to vent.
FIRE NORM ROBERTS ... you guys obviously aren't real SJU fans if you don't follow this philosophy

I won't even go into the roster right now , just stopped by to say Norm sux .
Originally Posted by Proshares

Rick Pitino
Wasn't there something going around a couple years back of him possibly coming to SJU? Or was that just floating around S&T I can't remember

St. John's is one of the most storied programs in NCAA history, and it's a shame that the program remains in shambles 5-6 years after the whole Pitt fiasco.
Yea but I think the way Norm has them playing is a positive sign for the future...the recruiting is going to be a big factor I just hope it gets turned around in the near future.
Here's the problem. Your AD and Presidents specifically didn't want a high profile coach when they were hiring. Petino expressedinterest, but the school didn't. Result is a loss to your creditability as a basketball factory. Kids want to go somewhere where they know they willeither win. Or the coach is known to produce NBA products. Petino can and has proven to do both. He's done great during his career. I laugh at SJU nowas a basketball school. Because they have fallen off so hard. And with your current coach and recruits + players. If you crack the top 10 in the Big Eastit's a GREAT year. They need to overhaul the top beauracracy of the school and change their approach if they want to achieve anything worthwhile at thispoint.
Mike Jarvis burned a lot of bridges in NYC. Norm or whoever takes over the program is going to have to rebuild a relationship with AAU, PSAL and the NYCHSAA.That is where it begins. It will be years before St. Johns is relevant again.
They HAVE to get Lance...but from what I hear, he may be too stupid to even get the qualifying scores to be there in the first place. SJU missed out on landinga GREAT local kid in sylvan landesberg...i'm not sure how much of a realistic shot the school had to get him, but that would have been a, what can you I said before, we HAVE to get Lance at SJU....
Originally Posted by dreClark

Lance said he's already qualified

That's good news....Norm should just do like Coach Cal (when he hired Milt Wagner), and bring on someone from Lance's family on the SJUcoaching staff...
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by dreClark

Lance said he's already qualified

That's good news....Norm should just do like Coach Cal (when he hired Milt Wagner), and bring on someone from Lance's family on the SJU coaching staff...
And add to the growing problem within NCAA basketball by catering to these kids and AAU coaches? Hiring them just to sign a recruit and givingthem other privileges? No thank you. A kid should want to go to a college because he wants to be there. Not because his coach is getting a free ride and apay raise for a few months or years. This is a HUGE problem withing NCAA basketball nowadays and I hate it.
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