Sprained Ankle

Dec 27, 2008
NT, hooping is my life. I'm 5'10, 190, can dunk, played high school and somecollege ball. Today I sprained the same ankle for the third time within 2 years (been spaced out almost every 7-8 months). I wear an ankle brace every time Iball. It's the same story every time, go up for a board, land on someone's foot and roll my ankle. After all these repeat injuries I think I shouldgive ball a rest for a while. Any words of wisdom or stories of coming back from multiple injuries?
this knee injury has put me on the shelf for 6 weeks now
im thinking another 4-6 week before im even close to coming back
i feel your pain
5'10" 190? Damn I need to put on some weight. Don't give it up though, just play around till you get into full game form. I wouldn't give itup though. Basketball is life, might as well play while you can before you get old and can't play anymore

never getting major injuries FTW!
let it fully heal. I rolled mine. it was swollen but i could still walk/run. played. rolled it again within a week.

its hard because ballin is love, but just wait it out. btw Im taking my own advice as of now.
RICES: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, Stabilization.. Also try to dorsiflexion and plantarflexion exercises, along with some minor eversion/inversion footexercises. Don't hoop for a week or 2, but landing on one's foot is part of the game unfortunately... You'll be fine.
ice is not good for your ankle. it just makes it numb, makes the pain go away. hot is better for you, because that cause the swelling go down. because of theheat the blood in that part of your body will flow better and that will you will heal faster. you just gotta make sure you heal completely for playing again.ankle sprains usually happen when you are tired, because you're body reacts slower.

what i do when i sprain my ankle is i put stuff on it, my sister got that from her karate teacher, and that makes me heal so much faster. if i sprain my anklewithin a week and a half i can walk and play again. and i dont mean little ankle sprain, i mean like not being able to walk or move your feet cause it you doit feels like you're gonna die ankle sprains
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

ice is not good for your ankle. it just makes it numb, makes the pain go away. hot is better for you, because that cause the swelling go down. because of the heat the blood in that part of your body will flow better and that will you will heal faster. you just gotta make sure you heal completely for playing again. ankle sprains usually happen when you are tired, because you're body reacts slower.

what i do when i sprain my ankle is i put stuff on it, my sister got that from her karate teacher, and that makes me heal so much faster. if i sprain my ankle within a week and a half i can walk and play again. and i dont mean little ankle sprain, i mean like not being able to walk or move your feet cause it you do it feels like you're gonna die ankle sprains

Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

5'10" 190? Damn I need to put on some weight. Don't give it up though, just play around till you get into full game form. I wouldn't give it up though. Basketball is life, might as well play while you can before you get old and can't play anymore

Thanks for all the support and advice guys, truly appreciated. Playing ball and lifting is my life, the only thing that keeps me stress free and clear minded.Yes 190 is a lot for my height, but I use my strength to my advantage. I'm just going to lay low and let it fully recover, hope to come back stronger thanever.
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

ice is not good for your ankle. it just makes it numb, makes the pain go away. hot is better for you, because that cause the swelling go down. because of the heat the blood in that part of your body will flow better and that will you will heal faster. you just gotta make sure you heal completely for playing again. ankle sprains usually happen when you are tired, because you're body reacts slower.

what i do when i sprain my ankle is i put stuff on it, my sister got that from her karate teacher, and that makes me heal so much faster. if i sprain my ankle within a week and a half i can walk and play again. and i dont mean little ankle sprain, i mean like not being able to walk or move your feet cause it you do it feels like you're gonna die ankle sprains
Doctors told me to ice the ankle and keep it elevated. I know icing is only effective the first 24 hours after the injuries. I heard applying heatcan be beneficial but I have not tried it.
Be glad u just sprained it

It's just bad luck man you can't really do anything when playing to prevent it
yea, it sucks. Unfotunately, its usually the players that hustle that get their ankles sprained
After it heals it will still be swollen. Once you are comfortable with it, you have to stretch iy out and rehab it using long stretchy band thing. You need tokeep stretching it to break up all of the scar tissue (the cracking noise you will hear in a month or two). That should help with range of motion. Later on trya balance board if you have access to one.
actually the inflammatory phase can last up to 3 days so feel free to keep icing it to keep the swelling DOWN. plus if you walk on it everyday you are puttingmore stress on it and likely swelling it more, so continued icing is just fine. I work in sports and know more than my fair share of athletic trainers, nonehave ever told me that heat does anything for sprains or most other injuries for that matter.

after the inflammation goes down your body repairs the tissue for another couple days and then the remodeling/reconstruction phase lasts for one week to a fewmonths (maybe a year) depending. you might need a better/stronger ankle brace or tape. unfortunately once you sprain an ankle it has a higher chance tospraining again and again because the ligaments are stretched out (or broken, you might want to check). and definitely ice it whenever it feels sore orswollen, ice in moderation doesn't hurt anything.

oh and 5'10/190 might be just fine for your body frame as long as its not all fat.
ive broken my elbow twice. Ive found that you really need to keep the ligament active and make sure you keep your mobility. It may hurt a lot, but you have towork trough it and keep running.
Originally Posted by infamousod

actually the inflammatory phase can last up to 3 days so feel free to keep icing it to keep the swelling DOWN. plus if you walk on it everyday you are putting more stress on it and likely swelling it more, so continued icing is just fine. I work in sports and know more than my fair share of athletic trainers, none have ever told me that heat does anything for sprains or most other injuries for that matter.

after the inflammation goes down your body repairs the tissue for another couple days and then the remodeling/reconstruction phase lasts for one week to a few months (maybe a year) depending. you might need a better/stronger ankle brace or tape. unfortunately once you sprain an ankle it has a higher chance to spraining again and again because the ligaments are stretched out (or broken, you might want to check). and definitely ice it whenever it feels sore or swollen, ice in moderation doesn't hurt anything.

oh and 5'10/190 might be just fine for your body frame as long as its not all fat.
Nice, I will continue to ice it for the next two days then. Then I will start some rehab within the week. I know that since this is my thirdsprain on the same ankle it is highly susceptible to injury. I've been using an ASO ankle brace, the one you lace up and has supporting straps. I need astronger one and I don't think I would go through the hassle of taping my ankle every time I play ball. Any advice on a very supportive ankle brace?
Originally Posted by BallinB

Originally Posted by infamousod

actually the inflammatory phase can last up to 3 days so feel free to keep icing it to keep the swelling DOWN. plus if you walk on it everyday you are putting more stress on it and likely swelling it more, so continued icing is just fine. I work in sports and know more than my fair share of athletic trainers, none have ever told me that heat does anything for sprains or most other injuries for that matter.

after the inflammation goes down your body repairs the tissue for another couple days and then the remodeling/reconstruction phase lasts for one week to a few months (maybe a year) depending. you might need a better/stronger ankle brace or tape. unfortunately once you sprain an ankle it has a higher chance to spraining again and again because the ligaments are stretched out (or broken, you might want to check). and definitely ice it whenever it feels sore or swollen, ice in moderation doesn't hurt anything.

oh and 5'10/190 might be just fine for your body frame as long as its not all fat.
Nice, I will continue to ice it for the next two days then. Then I will start some rehab within the week. I know that since this is my third sprain on the same ankle it is highly susceptible to injury. I've been using an ASO ankle brace, the one you lace up and has supporting straps. I need a stronger one and I don't think I would go through the hassle of taping my ankle every time I play ball. Any advice on a very supportive ankle brace?
I love NT just as much as the next man, but honestly, see a doctor about something like a more supportive brace. ASOs are pretty supportive, andI've never personally seen a better one for purchase at a store, so you might have to go through a doctor.

While you're there, be sure to learn some physical therapy exercises.

While physical therapy may seem a little too hardcore, trust me. It'll help you regain lost strength in your ankle, and it will better protect your anklefrom being sprained again. Just be sure to let it heal before starting the physical therapy, and whatever you do, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]don't rush yourself.[/color]
Originally Posted by mixednuts

yea, it sucks. Unfotunately, its usually the players that hustle that get their ankles sprained

Who u tellin? I stopped hustlin a whole lot when I run pick up b/c it's always that one dude that wanna put they damn foot where it don't belong andmake u roll ya ankle. Happend to me about 2 yrs ago, sprained my extender tendions when I thought it was my usual ankle sprain. Dude HAD to try and go for anunreachable ball when I was already there

But OP, don't give up. What kind of supports are u usin? U gotta remember the level of support they provide. I bout some from !##@#, forget the name, butthey $25 a piece and they have gel cushions around the ankle for added support. Feel great. I used to still hurt my ankle w/ the neoprene type ones. work ongettin ya ankles stronger and some better hoop kicks, don't stop hoopin.
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