Spectator at an A's game gets tasered twice by Oakland Police (Video)

Sep 1, 2008
I thought it seemed kinda excessive to taser a guy twice (word to the movie Hangover) when there's already a bunch of cops surrounding the guy. Then againwitnesses said dude was drunk and somewhat combative.

TEXT FROM SOURCE:Even though the guy shows his ticket, I don't think that's his seat. He came over a little earlier, super drunk. He wasn't angryreally, just obnoxious - hollering and making a scene. He was downing all these little bottles of vodka, and started harassing the kids behind him. A'ssecurity came to check him out when he started yelling profanities. More..

When security told him to cool it, he got really belligerent. Started using racial epithets at the guards, etc. They told him to leave. He refused. They calledin the cops. You see the rest of it.

Whether or not the tazing was necessary/appropriate, people will certainly disagree. The one thing I can tell you for sure is that this guy had no intention ofleaving calmly on his own.

Other things to look out for....

1.1:25 - another fan accidentally gets pushed down
2.1:42 - a foul ball lands in the vicinity

town bizz!

that cop was so 'soft'

he wasnt even doing anything, and he tasered him....

suspension maybe?
ive said this before and ill say it again.

before these pigs became policemen, most of them were either good for nothing bullies or dead weight folks with no sense of direction in life.

after they earn their badges, they abuse their authority and push people around. power tripping bastards. not all the popo are like that, but the powertripping ones outnumber the good ones.
Originally Posted by Drips510

ughhh bay police always pulling #@*@ like this...ruthless... rip oscar grant...


November of 08 some cop pulled out his metal stick or whatever it is and smacked me in the ribs with it, no ayo
great video

lmao at everyone gettin cleared out like hes got a gun
at him sayin "nothin...nothin" we he got tased the first time
the random guy gettin pushed over
the crowd booin/cheerin
@ 3:20. "what happened now?" "uhhh....they took thepitcher out"

was i the only one watching the random guy who got pushed out of the way instead of the incident
The first taze didnt take the guy down so he went again and tasered the guy again. I see no problem with what the officer did. If the drunk guy would havecooperated he wouldnt have had that problem
Teddy Ruxpin's obstuction of justice game was official...until cop three slipped in from the economy seats and took his tape out
My friend was at the game.

He said the 45 year old man was literally crying his 'mommy'.

smh @ me i misread the title i thought it said spectaculor gets taserd (the guy from pretty ricky)
The most excitement that stadium has seen for a while.
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