So, who's still looking for a job?

Sep 16, 2003
Sometimes I just gotta laugh since I cant find one. No its not funny but a little aggravating. Luckily I got money coming in from other sources but its so weird not having anything steady. I think its the hours im available that may be holding me back *shrugs*

Who feel me?
I already have a full time and i just picked up a part time at home depot. Its not hard you just gotta know how to get a job.
Originally Posted by Baltimore

I already have a full time and i just picked up a part time at home depot. Its not hard you just gotta know how to get a job.
Its not really about knowing how to get a job, in some instances its about who you know which makes finding a job a lot more difficult
check craigslist for jobs. you will be surprised how many people will call you back. And BTW, you should really have some connects and a strong resume.
I hear you illfrozn.I HOPE you're joking about holding,but I know EXACTLY where you're coming from.Your mind starts going places it usually wouldn't when you're getting paid on the steady tip.+#$@ is ridiculous out here.
Mayne I think I have a strong resume and I know I have two degrees, but I can't get a damn Job in NYC to save my life. Like I'll take any job paying over 15 an hr right now even though I'm way qualified for a better job.
i would love to work at a gas station overnight type thing, minus the fact of possible getting robbed, but imagine the things you would see in the wee hours of the morning
You should check craigslist...I'm on my 3rd week at a local bank as a teller who posted their openings on there. I actually got an interview a few days after I applied!

FYI: Bank hours are AWESOME!
It been months; still didnt find one yet!

-My only income right now is trapping.smh
it really suck being a broke a@@ college student.
you can have a strong resume, you can have good work experience, you can have connections, but its all about the interview. Walk in their confident, express your strengths and weaknesses, sell them on you, ask for the job at the end of the interview, and follow up 3 days later, dont wait a week like all these websites say. a week later the job can be gone. demand the job man, and you'll get what you want.
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