So Who Saw AntonLavey Doing the Stanky Leg at Webster Hall Last Night??

Jul 11, 2006

Son, that's the halal stand by Union Square ? That's my late night drunk food spot forreal....but no, nobody saw it.
That's Anton's stunt double on an food pick up for the agency.
The real AntonLavey wears dress shoes with his DT undercover set-up.
"hurr durr I know a nter in real life so im gonna make a thread every time we do something together hurrdurr"
Originally Posted by Phil Le0tard0

"hurr durr I know a nter in real life so im gonna make a thread every time we do something together hurr durr"

First off, the last how ever many threads were him on my name because he was A. banned and B. crashing at my place for a few days. He went on my laptop whilei was out and I still don't know half the #$$# he did on here and my facebook. I've never made a hanging with AntonLavey thread before. Well exceptfor the time he smashed that cave troll, but that was necessary.

Secondly, who the #%#@ are you?
you take issue with the thread yetyou CLICKED on it. READ through it. and even after felt the need to reply? Herb.

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