So.. THIS is what its like Vol. WISDOM TEETH REMOVAL.

Sep 28, 2002
Plain and simple, this is torture.

Got put to sleep, surgery was done on Wednesday. Its Friday night and my bottom lip and chin is still 100% numb. WHEN THE HELL DO I GET THE FEELING BACK!?
Plain and simple, this is torture.

Got put to sleep, surgery was done on Wednesday. Its Friday night and my bottom lip and chin is still 100% numb. WHEN THE HELL DO I GET THE FEELING BACK!?
This feel :smh: Wouldn't wish it on anyone. All I can say is stay doped up on them painkillers man because as soon as they wear off :x :x
I was supposed to get my wisdom teeth taken out years ago but I didn't have money. It doesn't really bother me until the extra teeth shift a little and put pressure on my other teeth :frown:.

LMFAO I remember that vid.

I only take 3 asprin every 6 hours for the pain and the antibiotics. I refuse to take the Oxycodine (makes me all fuzzed) Its the tingling and numbness in my lip and chin that are killin me.
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i was lucky that i only had my top wisdom teeth. they were already coming out straight and werent impacted. all the dentist did was give me some novacaine and a shot and they yanked it out in like 5 minutes. was able to walk out and go home by myself. no painkillers, just some antibiotics. was able to eat normal in a couple days.

lower teeth removal are the ones that cause the swelling and pain
Damn that sucks. I got my top 2 removed on separate occasions and all he had to do was wiggle those puppies out **** was EZ :smokin

Gave me motrin doe :smh:
Mines must be removed soon as well. At least i can be lazy when its all said and done.
is taking that out worse than taking out other teeth? I had 4 taken out of me for braces and the process was painful. Had to keep asking dentist to inject more I could feel the tooth twisting away from my mouth as it snapped from teh root
IMO it isn't bad as most people say... and it's not like I'm saying I have a ridiculous pain tolerance...

It sucks to eat for a few days... but if you're on the meds you should be fine... I blew a blunt like 6 hours after my surgery. :lol:
I had all four of mine taken out at once in high school. They pulled them out on friday and i was good on monday
4 years later and I still don't have back all the feeling. It tickles when I shave. Real life homie.
Does everybody have to get their wisdom teeth removed?

No. If your wisdom teeth are growing in straight and not impacting your other teeth, you don't have to get them removed. If you only have two (only one on each side) then it is recommended that you get them removed because there is no use for them since there is no other tooth to help chew on (if that makes sense).

I got my wisdom teeth removed, all four were severely impacted. Heard all the cracking, pulling, sighing, everything. Still drove home afterwards, and did my thing. Wasn't even close to as bad as everyone says it is.
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