So T-Mac is pulling a "Moss" on the Rockets?

Jul 5, 2002
This One's on McGrady


By: Mike Moreau Last Updated: 12/12/07 12:19 PM ET | 119 times read

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The Houston Rockets loss to the Philadelphia 76ers Monday night falls squarely on the shoulders of Tracy McGrady. The Rockets best player and "leader" played with, at best, minimal effort and was almost non-existent on the defensive end. He spent most of the night literally standing around.

Use any adjective you want - lazy, lethargic, uninspired, disinterested. When a team's best player gives that poor an effort, your team is in trouble. He should give his game check back to the Rockets and apologize to the fans and to his teammates.

And you knew the injury was coming…Players who don't feel like playing look for ways to conveniently find excuses to exit stage left, and McGrady was right on cue Monday night.

Late in the first half, the Rockets were getting drilled, and it was starting to get ugly. After contesting one of the few shots he did actually go after, T-Mac came down on both feet near the basket - no awkward fall, no physical contact, no landing on anyone's foot.

A few seconds after the play, McGrady started walking gingerly and reached down and grabbed his ankle. The television crew immediately went to the replay to see what happened. Of course, we were all expecting to see one of those slow motion "everybody cringes" landings - where the ankle rolls to the outside, then pops up off the floor. Well, not this time.

T-Mac landed on both feet - and in my opinion, checked the scoreboard, and decided to call it a night.

But, this was just the crowning moment. There was plenty of evidence beforehand indicating McGrady, in my opinion, would be looking for an early exit.

To be fair, Houston was playing their seventh game out of eight on the road. But, they were1-1 on this leg of the road trip, and were playing an Eastern Conference bottom feeder. With a win Houston would go to 12-10 and build a little momentum. A far as the regular season goes, it was a pretty significant game for a struggling team.

However, from the moment Willie Green scored the first three baskets for Philadelphia Rocket fans should have known what was coming. McGrady, right from the opening tap, stood around on possession after possession on the defensive end of the floor. Yes, literally stood around. Go look at the tape.

Now, he did score at the offensive end, going 5 for 7 from the floor in the first quarter. But he can score in his sleep - that's what talent can do for you. With talent like McGrady's you can give the impression you are being productive even when you are less than inspired. The box score will say you had a good game. Your teammates and the fans will know you sold them out.

But even on offense, the effort was minimal. On one play, McGrady botched a fast break when he got the ball caught on his hip and traveled. The look of total disgust on Rick Adelman's face said it all, because he knew his best player was mailing it in.

On another possession, McGrady was trapped on the right wing, stumbled and lost the ball. These weren't great plays by the defense or just miscues. These were two sloppy plays by an unfocused All-Star who, in my opinion, was on cruise control.

Need more evidence? McGrady passed out of a double-team at halfcourt, then as the Sixers rotated to the lane, T-Mac just watched the rest of the possession from 45 feet away. The Rockets played offense four vs. five while their leading scorer chilled at mid-court.

It was on the defensive end of the floor where the truly damning evidence occurred. On possession after possession after possession, McGrady stood straight up and literally did not move for seconds at a time: no athletic stance, no quick feet, no active hands.

In my opinion, he just straight up dogged it.

Here are a few examples:

The Sixers Willie Green missed a jumper on the right wing, which T-Mac did not contest. McGrady then leaked out to halfcourt and the rebound came right back to Green. That's right - the rebound came right back to the guy who shot the jump shot from 20 feet away. McGrady then made a lunge to try and come back and contest the second shot.

Later in the half, with the Rockets down only 41-37, McGrady was standing down on the block watching while his man buried a wide open three on the wing to put the Sixers up by seven.

Or how about the loose ball in the lane that bounced around, with numerous players from both teams fighting for it, and T-Mac standing at the elbow watching the action?

Hey, but he did try to "gut it out" on that ankle for the first 4:08 of 3rd quarter - by standing around like he did in the first half. Houston was only down 12 at halftime, and an inspired effort by their best player could have gotten them right back in it. But after a quick 12-2 run the by the Sixers, the Rockets were done. McGrady was done long before that.

How are the Rockets going to follow a guy like this? This is supposed to be their best player? This is the player supposed to take them deep into the playoffs? This is their leader? If your best player, your highest-paid player, isn't going to give his best effort every night, then your team has a huge problem.

Oh forgot this....

The only thing uglier than T-Mac's performance was the play of Steve Francis. Francis shot a three from the right wing that was two feet wide left and a foot short. The referee called a late foul on Reggie Evans, assuming that there was no way a guy could miss that bad without his elbow being hit. The replay showed Evans hand nowhere near Francis shooting arm.

Later in the first quarter, Francis drove toward the lane from the right wing, drew defenders, and had a shooter spotted up in the left corner. Francis made a perfect pass to the Rockets coaching staff seated near the left wing.

attitudes like this makes glad kobe hasnt done this to the lakers... i know how much Kobe wanted to leave but you dont get to see this kind of attitude fromhim playing for Us..
He plays his heart out every night and im glad he hasnt done what other players do when they don't feel like showing up or playing at all..
No comment. I been baggin on soft #$@ Tmac for weeks. Ima just let the evidence pile up.
What's the big deal? TMac HIMSELF has been quoted after games saying he mailed it in. Check the Warriors game @ Oakland post-game comments last year.[Paraphrase] "This was just one of those nights where you're going through the motions and it slips away from you." [Paraphrase]

There's 82 games a season. For some guys, for FIFTEEN years. If you've worked retail, a desk job, or any job where energy is guys damnwell know you haven't given it everything each time out. These guys are no different.

DWade's performance last Thursday in Portland was just as bad. And he ended up with 21/10/9 for the night. These guys mail it in as often as TimThomas...hell...Lebron did ALL of last season. They're just that talented (or in TMac's opinion...playing against drunkards..."tripletrue")
Originally Posted by B1LLY HOYLE

What's the big deal? TMac HIMSELF has been quoted after games saying he mailed it in. Check the Warriors game @ Oakland post-game comments last year. [Paraphrase] "This was just one of those nights where you're going through the motions and it slips away from you." [Paraphrase]

There's 82 games a season. For some guys, for FIFTEEN years. If you've worked retail, a desk job, or any job where energy is guys damn well know you haven't given it everything each time out. These guys are no different.

DWade's performance last Thursday in Portland was just as bad. And he ended up with 21/10/9 for the night. These guys mail it in as often as Tim Thomas...hell...Lebron did ALL of last season. They're just that talented (or in TMac's opinion...playing against drunkards..."triple true")

yea cause 82 games for 15 years or so is a lot tougher than working 40+ hours a week till youre 60+ like most average people. not to mention all the days imsure hes mailing it in during practice. boo-@+$%+%$-hoo for mcgrady.
T-WACK is just like his cousin Vince Carter.

I feel sorry for Rockets & Nets who pay to watch these 2 fools.

I'm surprised the NT biggest T-WACK slurpers (Nyc Buc & Durty Pancakes) arent on this thread defending their man crush.
By "pulling a Moss" - do you mean contributing to an undefeated season, approaching a single season record for his position, and on his way to aleague title??? Cause thats what Moss is "pulling" this year
I've been noticing his attitude at certain points during the game way during our 6-1 run.

The problem is, winning solves/disguises everything.

Now that we are losing and things become magnified, it's not looking so good.

Franchise will NEVER be the ideal point guard in the system, nor does he belong in the starting line up.
Shame on me for thinking this team was going to be great at the start of the season because we looked so good on paper.
By "pulling a Moss" - do you mean contributing to an undefeated season, approaching a single season record for his position, and on his way to a league title??? Cause thats what Moss is "pulling" this year
He's refering to how Randy Moss played in Oakland with Raiders during his career.
t-mac been my favorite player for 8 years now. i woud defend him, but i really can't. it really pisses me off when i see no heart or effort from him
No, T-Mac isn't pulling a Moss.

If he really wanted to mail it on the Rockets, he would have took his merry time after he injured his elbow. He didn't do that.

After watching T-Mac the past couple of years, playoffs included, and how he has been tearing it up this year, what makes anyone believe he's the type toquit or not give 100%?

The guy who wrote this article is a clown.

The Rockets are disappointing thus far though, no doubt.

They better get things back on track.
There's 82 games a season. For some guys, for FIFTEEN years. If you've worked retail, a desk job, or any job where energy is guys damn well know you haven't given it everything each time out. These guys are no different.

These guys are totally different. Most people work 40+ hours a week and barely get by. While they get paid what we get paid annually in ONE game. Seriously,come on now dont feed me this pathetic arguement. Its not like its his first time and people are paying ridiculously high ticket prices to watch him play. How would you feel if you paid $100 for to see Jay - Z just half$%%$ his way through a concert. The Roc would not be in the building, tell you that right now.
Originally Posted by B1LLY HOYLE

What's the big deal? TMac HIMSELF has been quoted after games saying he mailed it in. Check the Warriors game @ Oakland post-game comments last year. [Paraphrase] "This was just one of those nights where you're going through the motions and it slips away from you." [Paraphrase]

There's 82 games a season. For some guys, for FIFTEEN years. If you've worked retail, a desk job, or any job where energy is guys damn well know you haven't given it everything each time out. These guys are no different.

DWade's performance last Thursday in Portland was just as bad. And he ended up with 21/10/9 for the night. These guys mail it in as often as Tim Thomas...hell...Lebron did ALL of last season. They're just that talented (or in TMac's opinion...playing against drunkards..."triple true")

The big difference is that in a retail job, if you don't want to work, you can slack off and, for the most part, it only effects you. It will impactyour employer, in which case they can fire you on the spot, but it won't effect your co-workers.
In basketball, if you slack, it effects everyone on your team. Will T-Mac's slacking effect T-Mac? No. It might effect the 12th man, or theball-boy though, who's job becomes expendable when the team starts losing and loses revenue. Can TMac get fired? Sure, but he still gets his guaranteedsalary. That's a huge difference from the normal working stiff.

I won't even get into the nuances like how much they get paid per minute, per game, etc. Their vacation time alone trumps anyone working a 9-5. Not tomention that they are playing a children's game, they are the envy of everyone in the world. The fans who love their team, who love them, pay theirsalaries by supporting their team.

TMac can do whatever he wants, and it is human - at times. But there is a line, and it is understandable for fans to get upset.
I was at this game Monday and they aint lyin...T-Mac spent about 20 minutes playin halfass ball and then left 4 what I thought was no reason...this is a damnshame if he faked that...
Tmac is soft.. Point blank. Last year I was pissed watching this dude play sometimes.. I thought he would come out ferocious during the Jazz playoff series..He let Derek Fisher body check him the whole damn game.. Not to mention Giricek was D'ing him up to.. Tmac quits on a lot of games..And the first time Ireally noticed it was the birth of his second born child.. I refuse to give this guy any credit b/c he'll bring you up on one day, but let you down twodays in a row.. I'm tired of seeing his lackadaisical effort and I hope Adelman calls him out on it. Shoot, Clyde Drexler, Bill Worrell or Someone!. But,he won't b/c of his history of being a superstar.. I see why him and Vince Carter are related..

Yao said the team is soft and it is true.. The hardest workers Mostly come off the bench.. Scola, Wells and Hayes.. Other then that... Shane battier is beinggay shooting 3 point shots all day.. Watching the Houston vs Memphis game last week was just painful.. Shane battier is 6"9 .. Navarro is 6"3..Navarro and Lowry both start.. Gay is on Mcgrady.. Tell me why Battier is doing baby hooks over this giant named Navarro.. The team is soft and they need tocheck themselves... Too bad the person telling the Rockets they are soft sometimes is soft himself..
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