So I'm in my school's computer lab right....

Oct 18, 2007
And I open up IE....type in "ni'. And up comes the recent browsing history...


It's a small world after all.

I knew there were NT'ers that went here...but what are the odds of us getting on the same computer in the same lab when my school has like 50 labs and acouple thousand computers???
Man that dude is slippin'

Whenever I use my school's computer I always delete cookies/cache/history...everything.
FAMU's got mad people on niketalk nowadays. Real talk that might have been me though haha. What part of the library were you in? Whoever it was must'vejust been on it before you got there.

I remember one time I was in the front comp lab by the entrance, and all the comps started shutting off at the same time. You heard like 50 individualexclamations of "what the %%#!?". It was pretty funny but i was lucky i was just working on my resume and not doing something extra pressing. Peoplestay writing long*$$% papers right before their due in that area, because it's so close to Tucker and GEC and such.
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