So basically white women just look better right? vol. read 1st

Sep 1, 2011
This is a serious topic and I'd like to discuss this with you guys.  This topic will cause alot of us to look in the mirror and really decided whats real.

I think we have been brainwashed.  From our birth when are told everything white is right.  We hear it verbally, we feel it in public, we see it in the media.  TV/movies, internet, magazines...It's basically convinced us that white women look better.  Think about this...You have men from all races that will hate on their own race of women but will take a white one.  How rare is it that you hear white men say "I don't like white women"?  Barely ever.  But they will say some of the grimiest stuff about women of color "she's ok for a black girl"..."I'd only smash a light skin chick"..

But this is my main question....How come men of all races will smash any white chick with a half decent face?  The chick could be slightly chubby, the chick could be skinny and lacking curves.  It's like it doesn't even matter.  Why is this? Why are dudes so sexually attracted to the AWG (average white girl)? Every other race of women gets judged on a much harder scale.  Every race has beautiful women but the average woman of other races gets no love.  It seems the AWG> ABG,AAG,ASG, etc.....why is this? 

I think this all boils down to facial structure/features.  Plenty of women from all races have a nice face but they aren't accepted universally like the AWG.  Is it that we accept a pointy nose more than a round one? Is that we accept round eyes more slanted ones? Is that we accept slim lips over full ones?  You rarely hear a white woman get called ugly.  Like Uma Thurman...c'mon she's ugly..but men think she's good looking because of this AWG brainwash.  Dudes would smash Dee from Always Sunny in Phila. 
  Are they just looking at the straight hair and skin color?

When it comes to judging women's bodies they get a pass too. On average a man wants a fit woman with womanly curves right? Well how come we see alot of women with these ButterBodies get passes.  Decent face but her body is missing hips, butt, thighs, or breast.  That doesn't make sense either? If its for fashion purposes I understand that industry but I'm talking about the guys who think this is attractive.  Then you have the guys with the fat white girls too
.  Fit, decent looking dudes with a missy piggy on their arm? That comes from brainwash. 

I believe some of the reasons us as men lust after the AWG is because of what the media has taught us.  When we see the AWG we think "Girls Gone Wild" infomercial.  All those chicks weren't great looking but we were just happy they were naked and drunk.  The media/entertainment industry has convinced us that white women are easier, more fun, and more submissive.  Is this life imitating art or art imitating life? I think this image makes us lust them more and actually is responsible for the "I mean she's ok but I'd smash" attitude.  

The "She's ok but I'd still smash" statement is almost applied to every white woman who isn't obese or disfigured....that's insane.  Dudes that will never marry a white woman for whatever personal reasons still would smash.  But you have women from other races that get the "uhhh she's ok but nawww" response.  We have dudes that treat these AWG's like goddesses when there's nothing special about her.

I understand people have a preference but we do things for a reason.  Sometimes the preference can come from conditioning.  Why do you guys think the AWG is getting the pass? 

Are we brainwashed or is it a fact that white women are more attractive that other races?  I think we are being brainwashed.

Disclaimer: I believe every race has beautiful women.  I believe every man has a right to have preferences. 





none of the girls you posted are good looking. The US doesn't even have that many good looking white girls in comparison to Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, etc. The comments you mentioned only apply to some black people. White dudes couldn't care less about race as long as she looks good. I'm half white if that matters

On the other hand, EVERY white girl that gets posted on NT gets "average white girl, easy pass." EVERY SINGLE ONE
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

none of the girls you posted are good looking. The US doesn't even have that many good looking white girls in comparison to Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, etc. The comments you mentioned only apply to some black people. White dudes couldn't care less about race as long as she looks good
 you can't be serious

These are Average White Girls which is the whole point of the first
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

none of the girls you posted are good looking. The US doesn't even have that many good looking white girls in comparison to Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, etc. The comments you mentioned only apply to some black people. White dudes couldn't care less about race as long as she looks good
 you can't be serious

I am serious. Maybe not redneck white people. We white people in Cali don't accept them as part of our race anyways (or human beings for that matter). You've never seen white dudes with non-white girls?
It's all conditioning like AZ said, and the conditioning is systematic and global simply because white people were more successful, than other groups, at exploiting other global, emerging, cultures.
In fact, this conditioning is something I've thought about considerably as a burgeoning artist of color in a visual tradition that has long celebrated and apotheosized Eurocentric ideals of beauty while simultaneously denigrating and relegating non-european complexes.

In that respect, I've made a considerable effort to educate and find beauty in non-european art. You'll be surprised at how much beauty there is elsewhere besides the West.

Originally Posted by MonStar1

These are Average White Girls which is the whole point of the first

They're not even average (maybe Aniston is). I don't know one single person who finds Uma Thurman attractive. You posted the some of the worst examples even for "average white girls"
AND they do whatever you say with no backtalk and will still adhere to antiquated gender roles and wait on you hand and foot
NGL, I have a thing for average girls of all cultures more often than actual dimes.
This thread is pointless...

Everyone knows Latinas are the best looking females
Originally Posted by theDEEK

NGL, I have a thing for average girls of all cultures more often than actual dimes.

Same. I'd rather have a decent looking foreign girl than a boring dime American girl.

Anyways, when you ask NTers to post black girls, they post the most disgusting women on earth from those "club" party pics just because they have a nice @#$ and get 
comments. Post a good looking black girl like Zoe Saldana and she gets "
she's shaped like a white girl." And white people get called biased
Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

This thread is pointless...
Everyone knows Latinas are the best looking females

I'm Hispanic,

White Girls >>> Latinas >>> Asians >>> *the rest*

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

there is no doubt that is what we have been conditioned to believe growing up. As I've gotten older though, white women appeal to me less and less more and more

This. (Fixed)
This dude Nawlinsjunkie is proving my point of the inflated view of the white woman...

the pics I posted are below average? really? Do you guys know what the word "average" means? I'm not talking average in the entertaiment industry. I mean average period.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

none of the girls you posted are good looking. The US doesn't even have that many good looking white girls in comparison to Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, etc. The comments you mentioned only apply to some black people. White dudes couldn't care less about race as long as she looks good
 you can't be serious

These are Average White Girls which is the whole point of the first
I think what you are doing here is grouping different races together and assuming they all have the same preferences. This isn't true, each person has their own preferences doesn't really matter what race they are. However, I will agree to a point that people have essentially been conditioned, but it is wrong to assume that every person of a particular race has the same beliefs or preferences. To each their own.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

AND they do whatever you say with no backtalk and will still adhere to antiquated gender roles and wait on you hand and foot

I think this thread is about looks

With that said Latinas>White>Asian>Middle Eastern
Another funny thing is that most of those "traits" you mentioned don't apply to all black people. You guys hate on Anton and call him out for self hatred for liking skinny girls instead of fat girls....Clearly you haven't met straight up African girls before 
I know so many Nigerian and Ethiopian girls who look nothing like what you described
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Scientific Method said:
AND they do whatever you say with no backtalk and will still adhere to antiquated gender roles and wait on you hand and foot

I think this thread is about looks

With that said Latinas>White>Asian>Middle Eastern
I was being sarcastic but you are right, no thread derail, even though it's still relative as it gets into preferences and perceived superiority as mates, but yea somewhat tangent. Disregard
i kno what your sayin..some of it has to do with the attitude/stereotype of girls of other races..alot dudes don't want to put up with that
Once you cretins finally realize that ALL women are average than and only then you will truly achieve...
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