So a Black Manager at Mcdonalds Called me the N word

May 22, 2004
Hello everyone soI went to Mcdonalds Last week ordered 2 sausage egg and cheese mcmuffins, told them well done pleaseand not to burn the sandwiches please. The muffins were burned I didn't want them to remake the food just wanted my money back, so I could leave. I work in customer service and know how so I also wanted them to see how upset I was I went straight to the front of the store & said "you burned my sandwiches can I have my F word money back and I have the receipt :is what I told her in a nasty way. SHe told me I would have to wait, so I said there no line I have my receipt give me back my f word money now.. They refunded the money I cursed at her calling her stupid f word B word. She then called me N word with the emphasis on the ger as the last 3 letter of the word. She just straight up said "you're a N***r". I was shocked and I lied and told her I have a video of her saying it and I was recording her the whole time which I didnt. Then I opened up my coffee threw it in her face and left. She's a black manager and I've seen here there at that mcdonalds for years, but I wont be going back now anyway.I'll eat Burger King from now on but I'm just surprised that a thought came to her head to call me that and shes black herself. Anyone else find this weird or ever encounter a black person racists towards or acting or doing something racists towards their own kind?
you make some ****ty threads.

Why because it's the truth? No feedback or thoughts on what the manager said? I know it's embarassing ( for her because she's the one who said it ) but it's the truth. A black person just called me a N - word but i'm 1/2 black myself...theres no explanation as to why the thought came to her head to call me that? Racism exists and some people I discovered are racists towards their own kind. This is a fact ..are we really going to deny that doesn't exist?
Why because it's the truth? No feedback or thoughts on what the manager said? I know it's embarassing ( for her because she's the one who said it ) but it's the truth. A black person just called me a N - word but i'm 1/2 black myself...theres no explanation as to why the thought came to her head to call me that? Racism exists and some people I discovered are racists towards their own kind. This is a fact ..are we really going to deny that doesn't exist?
she shouldn’t of called you that but you started it with the give me my ******* money then calling hers ******* *****.

both of y’all are idiots in this equation. then you top it off by throwing coffee at her.
lock this thread. but i would have lost my job once coffee was thrown on me. y'all remember that video of the guy beating the girls with a stick at mcdonalds? that would have been me on in on OP.
I did have a right to I just asked for my money back by adding the f word... to get her upset the same way they got me upset by burning my food , after I repeatedly told them not to,but I didn't think she would call me what she did. SHe added the N word which is more then uncalled for especially being a manager. If she had good control she would of kept her cool but she spit out that unforgiving N word and escalated the situation.
Being a customer does not give you the right to act the way you did towards employees.

I did have a right to ...I just asked for my money back by adding the f word... to get her upset the same way they got me upset by burning my food , after I repeatedly told them not to,but I didn't think she would call me what she did. SHe added the N word which is more then uncalled for especially being a manager. If I were a undercover person testing her to see what she would of said and done in a real situation she would have been terminated for sure. If she had good control she would of kept her cool but she spit out that unforgiving N word and escalated the situation.
I did have a right to I just asked for my money back by adding the f word... to get her upset the same way they got me upset by burning my food , after I repeatedly told them not to,but I didn't think she would call me what she did. SHe added the N word which is more then uncalled for especially being a manager. If she had good control she would of kept her cool but she spit out that unforgiving N word and escalated the situation.

I did have a right to ...I just asked for my money back by adding the f word... to get her upset the same way they got me upset by burning my food , after I repeatedly told them not to,but I didn't think she would call me what she did. SHe added the N word which is more then uncalled for especially being a manager. If I were a undercover person testing her to see what she would of said and done in a real situation she would have been terminated for sure. If she had good control she would of kept her cool but she spit out that unforgiving N word and escalated the situation.
Your gonna end up dead like your brother, just saying if that manager get her people's on you and catch you sleeping, you better pray to Jesus they give you a fair shot for mercy, cause honestly whatever hood you in, your basically a dead man walking, but you don't believe in Jesus so that will be pointless.

Crying over some burnt $1 dollar McDonald's food.... :smh:
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OP def not black...Yo trying start off hot with the troll threads but not good at it :lol: :smh:
Actually I am black i'm 1/2 Guyanese half Jamaican my fathers from Jamaica which makes be black. Heres The proof on my birth certificate where my parents are from? Why would I lie about being black?
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