snap back hats for a good price in LA

May 5, 2005
im going to la this week and im tryin to find a place were i can find snap back hats for a good price if any one can help tell me were to find some for a good price thanks in advance
Holy Grail has a great selection. It located by Staple Center, on Pico and I forgot the other street.
holy grail also has pretty pricey prices. i know theres a place in downtown where you can get them for maybe a good 5 bucks. im just not sure on which streets
Where in LA do you live?

Try hittin' up Pro Sports I think it's called. They have locations in Stonewood Mall and Santa Anita. It's a small place, kinda hidden but they have a grip of snap backs for stupid prices. I think it's $8.00 for one and 3 for $20. They have NBA, NHL, MLB classics
And Still on La Brea has ok prices. Starter snapbacks are pretty pricey though.
99 cent only stores... not a joke...

if your looking for plain colors cant go wrong.
someone here put me up in a nice little spot in LA before but i forgot the place. it was like a mom and pop store. they had a grip.
i NEED to go back.
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