Sleep paralysis is no joke.

Dec 19, 2007
Got then once when I was a kid, I'm 22 now, get them atleast once every 2 weeks. Got my dose last night the pain of not moving while awake, smh. Anyone else go through this? Any tips on how to avoid.
smoke buds before bed. works for me.

i went through a 6 month stretch where I was getting it several times a week. started burning before bed to help me relax, and it stopped.
I noticed if i get it and just try and go to sleep while im sleeping i can lucid dream... Try that next time
Reduce stress, or at least try to. I'd have it every once in awhile, but I try and shake it off and ignore it while I'm in it. 
i just tried googeling it but someting happened to me a couple weeks ago i was sleep and then i woke up in the middle of the night but i couldnt move any body parts it only lasted a few seconds tho it was scary as $$*@ i thought somebody had broke in and drugged me on some nip tuck $$*@............. is that what it is i figured i was just dreaming
Alot during high school but I started smoking before bed and its all gravy now

one of the worst feelings ever tho
I hate that #%*%, I still get it from time to time
Originally Posted by Jking0821

I posted on this awhile ago....convinced it was still aliens....not even lying

everyone just told me it was sleep paralysis...i hope that's what it was

most scared iv ever been in my entire life

Yup, its when u are awake but can't move your body. Mine are bad, I can't open my eyes but I can feel them move around as I try to look around my surroundings.
Stop sleeping on your back and get more sleep. Used to happen to me all the time over the summer now its gone.
If you know its happening, just tell yourself its happening. Takes practice to really get it but from there you can bend your dreams.
I think it just means your body/state of mind is over exhausted, you need to exercise/stress relievers, and adjust to a full nights' rest.
Doesn't happen to me often, but I hate the feeling of knowing it's going on.

It tends to happen to me when I take naps.
I go through this only when I take naps. It gets bad at times too. I actually have seen and heard crazy *$!@. Like I would see shadows, it kinda spooks me but i got used to it. When the shadow talks it usually my mom. But I have gotten bad vibes too like a shadow standing in the doorway freaking me the %%#% out. I got so used to it that I actually was able to move and broke out of it. I was like crawling out of my room, although it was really a dream. When I crawled out of my room it became one of the craziest dreams i ever had. It really did make me think of like ghosts or aliens..anything really. But then again I realized it is me dreaming..To tell you the truth I dont know what to think about it lol.

When I know its about to happen its odd. Like my head feels super heavy, like im about to fall asleep in a super super deep state of mind. But I know to open my eyes cause its the feeling of me about go undergo sleep paralysis. When im about to have it I i cant move my body but I can wiggle my toes and clench my hand into a fist and then open my hand..I do this until my whole body can move again. I keep doing this until i fall asleep normally.

I really think this happens due to over tiredness and stress. This started happening to me when I was a senior in highschool. I would get only a few hours of sleep a night, and then i would pass out in my pitch black basement on the futon after school everyday and this would happen. It continued into college when i didnt get sleep and was stressing over everything that was on my back at the time.

Im really really used to sleep paryalsis lol
Sleep paralysis is connected lucid dreams. When you think you wake up but can't speak or anything, you're entering the lucid world. If you don't panic, accept it, and admit it's existence, you'll be fine and able to do some crazy stuff.
Originally Posted by quiickz

Stop sleeping on your back and get more sleep. Used to happen to me all the time over the summer now its gone.

This. Seriously. I used to experience this all the time when I was a teenager. I noticed that if you sleep on your side it really helps avoid it. 

I was also experiencing sleep paralysis when I would sleep a lot during the day and try to go to sleep at night. 

The FREAKIEST time is when you experience it after falling asleep with the T.V. still on!!!! The sounds from the TV turn demonic, spooked the crap out of me lol
I learned to control it. Now I'm able to perform extraction on others as long as they're within 20 feet of me.
Crazy i was talking about this with my friend the other day. Its happened to me a number of times. First time it happened i was scared as hell, and was really convinced it was some demonic possession or something cuz i do recall seeing darkness or a dark figure of some sort. I never told anyone, till a couple months later i googled it and saw it was pretty common. But anyway ive sort have learned to control it if it happens. If you just relax and liek try and fall back asleep or something, you wont wake up all panicky and scared. I havent gotten it in awhile now. But it is a pretty scary experience. Forget the scientific or spiritual reasoning behind it....its a scary experience lol.
I get this at least twice a week. My sleeping patterns are 50 Tyson. It still gives me the creeps sometimes, when I fight to kick out of it.
does anyone ever feel themselves slipping into sleep paralysis.. like as i close my eyes and start dosing off i know when it's about to happen. anyone?
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