Signs of changing times

Jan 18, 2006
When I first joined Niketalk (old screen name - airjordan8isbest), I was begging hardfor the 8's to be retroed around 2001 - 2002. I got ragged on so hard on these boards about loving the 8's. Six years later when they drop (for thesecond time) the shoe is so hyped its beyond belief. At least back then, there were more respectable people on these boards. Do kids now days understand what aAir Jordan used to be? What happened to the days where we could pick up colorways that were actually worth buying, and of course the quality of the shoeitself. It's sad to sit back and watch this shoes come out that should not even dare bare the jumpman logo. It seems like no matter what crazy color Jordancomes out, kids hype of the shoe so much, and in return we get more ridiculous shoes.

I was very excited to see these packs come out. I was counting on actually buying a few packs. Would be my first Jordan purchase since the XVII's. I got sofed up with the new Jordan's, actually sold nearly all my shoes. But like I was saying, when word came out about the packs, I was getting excited. Now Isee the Retro+ colorways that are being paired with an OG colorway, and I am really second guessing these packs. Though the XIV colorway looks great. Maybe Iam begging a bit here, but why can't we get a good retro shoe that actually is a classic Jordan colorway the way it was when released?

Would it be too much to ask for:
Black/Red IV's one more time - counting on them being in the packs, may have been confirmed already but not sure
Spacejams - again, gonna be in the packs, I think that is what I read.
And last, but not least. an actual high top version of the I's. The way they were supposed to be....

More then anything, I would like to see a series be retrod, but not have 8 retro+ colorways that are horride to look at.
I feel you on this man. And i think alot of people will. I think part of me is sad because JB has somehow tarnished the legacy of mike for me. I dont reallyhave anything to add beyond that. Youre not alone.
Things have changed....... however a major aspect of NT is people remembering things as they never actually were.
i wouldn't be surprised if he did come out with space jams or just all the OG colors
straight red/white/black

i think thats what the packages are ment for

but i did notice that almost everyone is saying they are getting all of em

thats about 360 a pop for a package every month, thats almost a car note
To cop all the packs you are saying that your OG game is weak, and we all know the quality will be poop.
I dont have the strongest OG game but its strong, but at these prices its just robbery.
I just remember to only buying 2 shoes a year. Kids now-a-days buy every release. It takes away from the value in my opinion.
I definitely feel the OP. I tried to get back in Js, but I just ended up giving mine away. I wanted the 8s that drop this month, but I just can't reallyget in to Js anymore.
Maybe its the older we get, the more mature. Da R, I was in the same boat as you. Got to fed up with the shoe game sold all my stuff. Tried to get back into itwhen the Mars and Military 4's came out, the shoe was so crappy I couldn't do it, then tried to get back in the game with the aqua 8's and some olestory. I think most of it comes to the fact that the older we get the more we realize there is more to this world then a pair of air jordan's.

The comment made by BigLefty is so true. I remember back in the day, I got one pair of "schoo shoes" a year. Of course that meant just one colorwayof that years air jordan. It wasn't until I started working when I get 2 pair a year and that was when the XI's dropped. I had 2 pair i think. Still, Ilook back and realize the same thing about just one pair a year for me. Its sad, these kids are getting 10-20 (if not more) a year. Sad thing is, you cancombine all the shoes they get in one year and they still are not as greatful as we were back in the day picking up the OG's. Knowing then that the shoeswe had stood for something and meant something. Imagine if some of these retro+'s came out back then? Would the line still be around today?
times always change with everything
but if you love the shoes it shouldnt matter what everyone else thinks or is buying
if you love the 8s then buy the 8s. if everyone else does too good for that
Originally Posted by Poofyo101

times always change with everything
but if you love the shoes it shouldnt matter what everyone else thinks or is buying
if you love the 8s then buy the 8s. if everyone else does too good for that
Cosign.Its crazy how some of you think now.Do you think Jordans weren't viewed as a fad back then.People getting shot over their sneakers.Longlines and riots.And there were people back then who bought 10-20 kicks a year and they are no different than the shoe heads now.Times have changed.You guys gotolder and lost your passion for Jordans.
Originally Posted by JordanRetroHead23

You guys got older and lost your passion for Jordans.

Exactly. Shoes are a luxury to me. As I've gotten older and continue to grow older other things have become more important such as my wife and 2kids as well the upkeep of my home and vehicles. Pretty soon a good portion of this board will experience. It's inevitable.
Dude if they hot buy them if they not then don't. I got back into the shoegame this year cuz Jordan IIIs were retroed. i remember after the pennys and D.robinsons came out in the late 90s i quit the game cuz shoes were ugly and started to look like the Kobes and Lebrons look now...wack. So just stop buyingshoes and if cool ones come out buy them if not don't. After the Jordan III and XX comes out next year I am out again unless Nike SB or Skytop supras keepme around.
Originally Posted by Poofyo101

times always change with everything
but if you love the shoes it shouldnt matter what everyone else thinks or is buying

There it is.

You guys got older and lost your passion for Jordans
No so much a loss of passion, but a change in priorities.
Im 17 and i do admit that i hype shoes a little too much, and i really dont know the history alot on jordans, but i can honestly say that i really do like themfor what they are, and even though though i dont know how the older ones were, i know the quality of the shoes do suck i.e. XVs
MAN this is stupid.....same ol' heads hatin on Jordan if you dont like them stop buyin them......I mean come on.....wild colors are typically the ones thatare LS anyway......yall always got a reason to want infareds you get infareds with some slight changes that make you boo-hoo....then you endup buyin the damn shoe anyway......If you dont like the shoe dont buy it......if you want some OGs that havent seem to have come out to save some money insteadof buyin the OGs i suggest you take the shoes and get them you can see things havent changes as the XIV in the pack is some offbrandFinalshots with white stitching......i highly doubt that Jordan Brand cares cuz they have so many customers......
if you wanna hate on anyone, may as well hate on mike - he sold it all out - he leads JB, always has, gentry or no
People constantly find things to bicker about on NT. The stitching is off, the colorway isn't right, the shape looks weird, this that and the third. Like afew people have already said, if you don't like the shoes DON'T BUY THE SHOES! Plain and simple. Nobody is forcing any of you to buy the 8's or thepackages or any other Jordan shoe in the future. Some of you people need to see psychiatrists, you talk about the faults of JB (which I do admit are plenty)and then go out and put money in their company by buying shoes you swear up and down you hate for numerous reasons. My comments don't apply to everyone,but this is 2007 going on 2008...of course things are gonna change at some point, just like priorities in peoples lives.
i cant say that i have felt wat u mean, cause im from the younger generation, but i do understand wat u mean and i feelz ya and the other real collectors. andim startin to understand more and more the meanin of it, i am not into jordans for the hype, and all these outrages colorways, if it was up to me, id have bredIV's cement III's. $$*! all the black n red colorways and og stuff. nothin out of the normal, but now we are gettin less n less if it.
I actually like the way the 14's looks this time around. some changes are good, some are bad, but u can't have both right? we don't live in aperfect fairy tale world. look at the 10/13 pack; it's decent. i can't wait for the 9's to surface, but so far these last 3 (10, 13, 14) shoes lookpretty good. enough about the "kids these days..." mumbo jumbo. if u feel that strongly about a retro+ colorway being horrible, purchase the oldermodels. let them do wat they wanna do. i've spent more money on the older ones, but i'm happy i did. i am also plannin on buyin the 8's on the 22ndsince it's the first AJ i ever owned as a kid.

times change, jus gotta deal wit it.
its looks like the youngsters versus the old heads in here....I have been on nike talk (and its previous incarnation) for a was the only place forme to chat with folks that really understood sneakers like i did.... a few screen names and years later i see all of us older heads (i cant believe i used thatterm for myself, i am 28) get all this hate by these new kids on the block....

and BigLefty said it right, the value is dropping....the true meaning of the shoe is getting played out buy this younger generation....

but its no different than real life, kids think they are the hottest thing since sliced bread and they shake their heads at the older generation, but we werelike that once too and soon they will see what we mean.....

What you younger "shoe lovers/collectors/hypbeasts" dont realize is that, With age comes wisdom, and also a change in thinking....i am OK with themthinking they are so fresh, we just know better.....

can i get an AMEN????
You're right on soo many levels. In high school I averaged about 1-2 shoes a month (maybe three). Now, the only shoes im getting are the Air Structureswhen they release (that'll be my first shoe purchase since around June). I can't see myself not only dropping $300 plus on a set of shoes, but alsowaiting in a line for 5-8 hours...that's just crazy.
i know where you're coming from. i loved the mid to late 90s. JB has put out some great shoes in the past few years (like the XXs, the Red Suedes, and afew other true retros) but the majority of the releases are garbage. The company is nowhere near where they were ten years ago. They keep trying to change withthe times and evolve as a brand, but all i (and many of the older heads) want are things to stay the same. I'm happy with all OG colorways. Screw theretro+. And limitedness is a horrible marketing tactic used to create hype.

JB has always been concerned with profit, just as any company should be. But they have gone to far. The products' quality and integrity have beencompromised just to make a few extra dollars. And thats where i draw the line. My first shoes were the taxis back in 7th grade. That Christmas morning when iopened them up and read the back i had no doubt in my mind that they were, in fact: "Quality Inspired By The Greatest Player Ever." Today i look atthat statement and i wonder if the suits at JB still think that statement accurately represents where the brand is today.

I will forever be a fan of Michael Jordan. And i will always love the shoes i grew up with. I couldn't even picture any other shoes on my feet. Andalthough it has been about 10 years since my first pair, at 24, I am still very much a kid at heart. I am one of those guys who refuses to grow up. So ihonestly doubt that my age is a deciding factor as far as my opinion on the situation is concerned.
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