Serious Discussion: Do you believe people are born equal?


Jul 19, 2007
I've had this topic brought up many times between close friends and I have gotten a few serious discussions. I never had an arguement over it and I do notplan too because its just... a debate. Now NT I am wondering whats on your mind. Do you believe people are born equal? Is every race given the sameopportunities? Would you prefer disparity or equality? Let me hear some intelligent answers and i'll post my response in return. If this thread dies, ohwells.
of course not!...the discrimination is vast also..its not only about the race...its also skin color...the lighter skinned dude will get the job over the darkerskinned fella....the muscular dude will get a job over the fatty..even if its just a cashier
if you mean equality in society, no

if you mean equal in talents and abilities, definitely no.

america is a society based on class. it used to be classes based on race but now its class based on resources. if youre poor, youre gonna get ****ted onregardless if youre white, black, asian, etc. it would be naive to think otherwise.

and for the natural equality, theres no way 2 people can be born with the same talents. some people are naturally more atheletic than others. others arenaturally smarter. its just the way things are
Originally Posted by Mayor of NYC

of course not!...the discrimination is vast also..its not only about the race...its also skin color...the lighter skinned dude will get the job over the darker skinned fella....the muscular dude will get a job over the fatty..even if its just a cashier

It's also about what class you are in currently, or were raised in... Actually I think that is the most important thing... You develop a specificmindset depending on your life experiences and unfortunately you form stereotypes or judgments on people that haven't had the same experiences or are inthe same class as you... It's the same reason the pimple faced kid with thick glasses doesn't get the blonde bombshell...
of course not, some people are born into better situations.
- Rich families
- high end education
- access to resources

Sometimes they are born into the right skin color. People aren't all born equal, but everyone has a shot at bettering themselves.
People are definitely not born equal talent/ability wise. And sadly based on society not everyone is equal there are always going to be those who are givenmore opportunities and chances in almost every facet of life. Anyone who believes otherwise is obviously in a dream world.
no we arent born equal because some are born into better situations than others. i DO believe tho, call me dumb but...i do believe we all have an equal SHOT atbeing great.

my friend who grew up in a bad area of detroit and went thru crappy schools ended up being valedictorian of his ghetto class, got into college, graduated as apharmacist and now works in texas making about $125Gs a year. he wasnt born in the best situation but hes better off now than half the population.
that JDilla avy up there is society is such a horrible thing man...i know a female who was a fat 300 pounds...she never gotany kind of attention...she lost like 150 lbs and she told me he cried the first time she saw a guy check her out...and she actually had gotten help when shewas carrying bags when before they would shun her for the simple fact that she was fat...
NO people r not born equal. Im black and the proof is all around us. Whites never want blacks or any other minority for that matter to rise. They barely likeus going to the same schools. How come minority areas have some of the worst schooling in the country. BEcause they want minorities to stay ignorant, thatswhy. Blacks get looked upon as if were all bad and ignorant. I have went out with plenty of women whose parents didnt want her going out with a black personbecause they felt Blacks werent up to standards. Blacks have it worse than ANY other race EXCEPT for the NATIVE AMERICANS. I swear i have never seen one inperson
Now in our culture we have been trained for individual differences to stand out, so you look at each person and immediate hit is brighter, dumber, older, younger, richer, poorer and we make all of these dimensional distinctions, put them in categories and treat them that way. And we get so that we only see others as separate from ourselves, in the ways in which they're separate and one of the dramatic characteristics of experience is being with another person and suddenly seeing the ways in which they are like you, not different from you, and experiencing the fact that which is essence in you, and which is essence in me, is indeed ONE, the understanding that there is no other, it is all one.
I wasn't born Richard Albert, I was just born as a human being and then I was TAUGHT and learned this whole business of who I am and whether I'm good or bad or achieving or not, and all of that is learned along the way.
no no ones equal...we should all have equal rights.. but if I'm way lets say stronger than someone else born same hospitol same room next bed..and hes alil dude.. best beleive I'm pushing a tractor.. and hes pushing a pencil..u wouldn't want n 11000 pound life guard on duty while ur swimming would u??its not about equality..its about whats right for the situation..or common sense
Originally Posted by Mayor of NYC

that JDilla avy up there is society is such a horrible thing man...i know a female who was a fat 300 pounds...she never got any kind of attention...she lost like 150 lbs and she told me he cried the first time she saw a guy check her out...and she actually had gotten help when she was carrying bags when before they would shun her for the simple fact that she was fat...

thats the sad reality of not only this country but this world. but thats why its important we have to change it. every generation brought a change to theirrespective times. we just need to remember to be opened minded and remember we're all not much different from each other
Well after reading some of the responses, I guess ill post mine. Sometimes people call me ignorant because I believe people aren't born equal. Level ofintelligence is not equal throughout the world regardless of atmosphere. I view ignorance as the belief in a world where people are born equal, have the samepotential, same growth rate, same prowess, and same opportunity to become the greatest. Maybe its my general attitude in life; I have a huge disdain foraccepting mediocrity. I mean think about it, if people were born equal, we would be living in communism and individuality would not exist. This is not to sayevery race cannot increase their general capacity and raise their limits simply because of their race. I believe that every race has potential, but some racescan do certain tasks with a lot less effort. Am I in the wrong? o_O

Are you debating over whether people are equal, or whether people should be equal?

If you are debating over the former, then there's no doubt that people are not equal.

And regarding whether people should be equal, in my opinion, of course they should be. But we'll never see that in the consumerist, elitist, racist,hierarchical, and capitalist society that we live in.
Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

NO people r not born equal. Im black and the proof is all around us. Whites never want blacks or any other minority for that matter to rise. They barely like us going to the same schools. How come minority areas have some of the worst schooling in the country. BEcause they want minorities to stay ignorant, thats why. Blacks get looked upon as if were all bad and ignorant. I have went out with plenty of women whose parents didnt want her going out with a black person because they felt Blacks werent up to standards. Blacks have it worse than ANY other race EXCEPT for the NATIVE AMERICANS. I swear i have never seen one in person

I don't believe that blacks have it the worst off of any race. Its just that their injustices are more publicized by the media and other groups.
Originally Posted by ceelo4

Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

NO people r not born equal. Im black and the proof is all around us. Whites never want blacks or any other minority for that matter to rise. They barely like us going to the same schools. How come minority areas have some of the worst schooling in the country. BEcause they want minorities to stay ignorant, thats why. Blacks get looked upon as if were all bad and ignorant. I have went out with plenty of women whose parents didnt want her going out with a black person because they felt Blacks werent up to standards. Blacks have it worse than ANY other race EXCEPT for the NATIVE AMERICANS. I swear i have never seen one in person

I don't believe that blacks have it the worst off of any race. Its just that their injustices are more publicized by the media and other groups.

ever hear of black taxes. And the school system is a joke. Inner city kids who are mostly minorities get pushed aside while whites in good schools get thebest stuff with no questions asked... were as at my school we have to win art supplies in contest :smh:. So no not everyone is born equal, minorities get jackedfrom jumpstreet and lower class people are just looked over....
No we arent equal...the chances of us ever being equal is slim becuase everytime something happens to "marginalize" an issue another group of"them" (using the us/them argument here, no group is assigned a value, us can be aybody and them can be anybody.) pops up and they have to deal withtheir issues...
People do realize not all blacks are from the hood, nor are all white people from the sticks, right? I ask this from upstairs in my parents's 6,000 sq. ftmansion, not counting the add on, and they're not professional athletes or music moguls.

But actually I'm in the minority in that I believe the nurture factor is greater than the nature. For example, people think I run fast and jump highbecause I'm black and we just do that, but they didn't see the 100's of hours I put into plyos and my legs back when I was good at it. Anybody,black, white, green, or otherwise who would have been working out right there with me would have seen comparable results, possibly better, possibly worse, butresults.

All this black people have smaller brains, and Asian brains are prewired toward computers +@%%, I don't buy it. I truly believe if you just took a randomblack baby and a random Asian baby and switched them and raised them by a "typical" family of each group, nothing would change except you'd havean Asian hoodlum or whatever you believe black people become and a black dude into math and computers because of his family's heavy emphasis on academics.

All this "I am a victim of my own genes" stuff does is create a self fulfilling prophecy where people don't believe in themselves and thereforedon't even aspire to reach their max potential or quit at the first sign of obstacle because they didn't really think it was likely anyways.

I'll introduce you to 100s of black guys who can't jump, white guys who can, Asians who do bad in school, blacks who will blow you away with theirintellect, whatever stereotypes you believe in people who will blow it out of the water. It's just that people buy into all this psuedo sciences likeEugenics, which is as easily disproven as proven, and so called studies and Bell curves they develop such an expectation bias they don't even notice the1000s of times they meet someone who refutes all their preconceived notions but that one time they do, "Yep! See! I knew it! That's what theyare!" and attempt to justify their racism or xenophobia.
I just read a great article about this today, but I'm sure it's much more than most would want to read.

I can't find the text online because it's from an academic journal. Is there any way to get an Adobe file on here?
I agree with DatZNasty about the nurture being greater than nature. I believe everyone is created equal and made in the image of God. I think that some peopleare born into better situations than other. I also believe that everyone has talents, things that they are good at, and attributes that make us special andunique. Its just that in society some talents and attributes are more desirable than others thus making people seem superior to others. However at the end ofthe day we are born the same way and one day we all will eventually die.
I can't find the text online because it's from an academic journal. Is there any way to get an Adobe file on here?
You could copy and paste all of the text out of it
It all depends on what you value, but no matter what aspects of a person you place emphasis on, we are all different and thus unequal.
People are definitely not BORN equal. People are of different intelligence levels, athleticism levels, propensity for crime, propensity for charity, varyingsexual tendencies, etc.

However, the problem is that these differences don't fall PERFECTLY along ethnic lines. Because of this, any modern society has to treat all people (onpaper at least) in such a way that they all have the same opportunities.
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