Sean Salisbury has been found, unleashes on Deadspin, ESPN, lawsuits, etc.

Jul 14, 2003
good god. Sorry slow news day. But I miss the guy.

Quick recap:

1. Salisbury was let go by ESPN last year, rumors were strong he text-messaged employees pics of his 'lil Salisbury and that led to firing. Full detailshere.
2. Salisbury eventually got a job at a Dallas radio station and he was fired from that last week. Rumors were that he had another incident with a woman.

Salisbury has now come out of the woodwork and sent e-mails to Deadspin.
From Sean Salisbury:
This is salisbury and I just want u to know ur guys lies and
carelessness about CBS and espn stories has not only ruined my
reputation but has cost me jobs so prepare urself for a lawsuit so big
I will own deadspin u will be asked to give up ur sources so since u
guys have cost me more than alot of money my only goal in my career is
to ruin u like u have me. Sadly I tried to be honest with you and you
have continually written lies. So you and a few major media networks
arebeing sued. And put this on ur careless website. I kept a journal
for 13 years at espn and a tell all book will be released in months to
come. Book title: espn exposed. The truth inside the r rated
company. So ur lies about a cell phone incident that is a lie and
the reason I left CBS radio that u guys lied about. The time has come
and I won't stop until the truth is told and deadspin is exposed.

Sent from my iPhone

Response from Deadspin:

Uh, woah? Dude, I tried to contact you last week about the incident
and heard nothing from you. That was the rumor. If you want to go on
the record with something I'm more than happy to do that. If you want
me to run this email, then fine. Because I let you speak and have your
say and we ran all that. Remember? The two-part interview?

If you want to deny that rumor, that's fine and I'll put it in print.
But don't act like we're pulling this stuff out of thin air because
there's way too much consistency with a lot of these stories. Sure, it
could have all been innocent fun and all that but you've yet to
explain that situation because you are bound by a non-disclose
agreement with ESPN. Most of the stuff about you on Deadspin was done
well before I came here. If you want to talk this out, that's fine. If
you want us to do something, that's fine. If you want to talk to our
legal department, I'll give you their info.


Response From Salisbury:
From Sean Salisbury:
My email is the record u guys have lied and backstabbed me for the last time I owe u no answer nor will I dignify the lies with any response. For the record. U guys r being sued be a vicious attorney as is CBS and espn. And I will win with the proof. And yes for the record that book is being written and will rock the foundation of that company. Stuff that the sports world will not believe. I'm done being nice so prepare urself and u go ahead and put all of it on there because with the things I know folks are gonna be running for the hills. I will restore my reputation in a huge way. And by the way
the girl u guys tracked down after two years who lied about the cell phone #$%$ that u guys ran with a few months ago is the same woman who begged me on three different occasions to have sex with her and I said no. So she will be exposed as well. Damn I can't wait for all this
Sent from my iPhone

U guys always have some +%!%%+#$ snide remark after anything u right. I don't give a #$%$ what u put in there because everything I emailed u is true and I will make sure the world knows
That I promise
Sent from my iPhone

Your ##%%%+$ rumor was from a caller with no truth. I don't need to deny lies but you will be accountable. So go ahead and write what you want and try and make a joke but u will be exposed dude. no more!

Sent from my iPhone

I'm not bound to any non disclose with espn. They are going to be hit between the eyes and forced as you will be for the truth. So my lawyer will be in touch
This dude was supposedly seen completely trashed at the Dixie Chicken (in College Station) a couple of weekends ago trying to get at some college girls
Wow, he's really coming off as a half-wit reactionary with those articulate e-mails.
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Sent from my I phone

Sent from my I phone

Sent from my I phone

Bout the only sentences in that whole thing that made any sense.

Dan Patrick talks about ESPN all the damn time, I hope he writes a book too. But I laughed at Jose when he announced his book, and it was good money, hopeSean brings out the good stuff as well.
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