
Originally Posted by HHaZian911

and now i have this dry irritated spot at the corner of my mouth. i'm done for.

Good luck with that.
man you will be alright

that is funny as hell though

also part of me wants to say your reaching and call ducktales

but if not get over it
One time I went to a strip club with my boys for his birthday.

I proceed to go to the VIP area for a private dance and I'm wasted and this stripper is making out with me and she whispers "For 20 dollars I'llgive you head" and of course after weighing the pros and cons quickly I figure *%%#, I've already paid 20 bucks sounds like a great investment to mebut when

I tried to unzip my pants she ACTUALLY said "I'll give you a tablet of acid for 20 bucks" Immediately killed my mood.
have you learned NOTHING from UFC fights?

right hook then go for the arm bar. CMON SON.
On some real stuff, you need to get that checked out dude. You must have either been desperate or wasted to let a stripper (on duty at her club, anyway) tolet her kiss on you like that. Even when I'm posted in the club or at a bar, I keep a close eye on a chick that think might be feeling me. If she willingto give up the goods just based on attraction, either she's one of the smartest women I'll ever meet or is thirsty. Hope you get cleaned up,OP...
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