Roger Clemens: The white barry bonds (article)

Jul 11, 2007
Clemens is no different than Bonds
[/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][/table]By Dan Wetzel, Yahoo!Sports
December 13, 2007[table][tr][td] [table][tr][td] [table][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table]
Year after year he peddled the same garbage, RogerClemens was so dominant for so long because he simply outworked everyone. It played to the nation's Puritan roots, made Clemens out to be this everymanmaximizing his skills through singular focus, dedication and a commitment to drinking carrot juice, or something.

It's all gone now, the legend of Rocket Roger dead on arrival of the Mitchell Report; one of the greatest pitchers of all time, his seven Cy Youngs and354 career victories lost to history under a pile of lies and syringes.

Clemens was injected with performance-enhancing drugs and human growth hormones by his former trainer starting in 2000 and continuing many times through theyears, trainer Brian McNamee told George Mitchell in great detail.

Baseball has its white Barry Bonds.
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The sport has been waiting for the other shoe to drop on the 45-year-old Clemens for years. What he did defied not just age, but belief, and if there is onething we know about commissioner Bud Selig's sorry era, it's that if something seems too good to be true, it is.

The smoking gun comes from McNamee, a former New YorkYankees employee who used to work as a personal trainer for Clemens and his buddy Andy Pettitte, who is also cited in the report. McNamee is also a witness ina federal investigation and spoke to Mitchell and federal investigators under the penalty of perjury. The details are in Mitchell's400-plus page, 20-month, $20 million report released Thursday afternoon.

Clemens refused to meet with Mitchell, according to the report. "In order to provide Clemens with information about these allegations and to give himan opportunity to respond, I asked him to meet with me; he declined," Mitchell wrote.

If McNamee is wrong and Mitchell ran with it anyway, then Clemens can sue the former Congressional leader, Major League Baseball and his drug-dealing formertrainer for about a billion dollars.

This report, painstakingly investigated and detailed, may be a witch hunt to cleanse Selig's soul, but it isn't operated by fools. It'sextremely unlikely Mitchell and MLB would set itself up for such risk.

No matter what the defense that emerges, Clemens will struggle to ever win in the court of public opinion.

Which leaves baseball fans with the gut-punch reality that the generations' greatest hitter - Bonds - and greatest pitcher - Clemens - are nothing butdrug-enhanced cautionary tales.

It is Clemens and his arrogance through the years that makes this one so distasteful. Just like Bonds, he relished in his greatness, seemed to mock all theother mortals who couldn't keep up with his workout regimens, his off-season drive, his freak of nature physical abilities.

He liked to convey that maybe anyone could do this, if they just were as tough as the Texas Con Man.

And just like Bonds, you have to wonder why it was ever necessary. Clemens was an all-time great back in the 1980s and early 1990s, when he was presumablyclean. He had three Cy Youngs and a MVP by 1991, when he was just 28. He didn't need to cheat to become rich and famous.

Maybe it was ego, maybe jealousy, maybe insecurity. It hardly matters now that his deal with the devil just came painfully due.

There is a forgivable element to some of the other names. Baseball is a global game now, which is why there are too many factors involved - a chance toleave third-world poverty for cash-flush America - to ever end the lure of doping.

Clemens has no such excuse.

The only surprise here for anyone paying attention was that Mitchell actually caught him.

For years Bonds supporters have pointed the finger at Clemens as a sign of a media (and racial) double standard. Their guy was getting crucified daily,while Clemens was getting standing ovations and new contracts.

But until now there was never a credible link to performance-enhancing drugs. There were rumors, broad-based speculation and a tenuous mention in theJason Grimsley affidavit. But Bonds was caught up ina federal investigation into BALCO, a prison term for Victor Conte and a mountain of other evidence.

Call it Clemens' good fortune, but there was only so much you could say. Not any longer.

Anyone who spent years spewing contempt at Bonds needs to do the same to Clemens, because there is no difference between them.

They are just two guys who had it all, foolishly went for more, and have now lost everything.

Welcome to America's pastime. Pass the peanuts and Cracker Jack.
he hasnt had to deal with anything... honestly this dude better run and hide because the backlash will be thick.

i want to see this fool get the bonds treatment and well see how he reacts.

ps. bonds still gunna sign with an AL team and hit 30 bombs next year
This is going to be very interesting to see how this turns out.
Clemens was BELOVED by the media. Nobody ever said anything bad about him, everyone loved him.
Most people had speculated/knew that Clemens was on steriods before the Mitchell Report,
but he Media never said a thing about it.
Whether he makes it into the hall or not will be a very interesting topic.
There is No way, and I repeat NO WAY you can let Clemens into the Hall and not let Barry Bonds in.

Like I said, this will be very interesting topic
I'm just glad some of the heat will be off Bonds for once. The whole steroids era was concentrated on Bonds, but now another prominent star (well at leastyou would think he's still a star by the way ESPN covers this dude) gets to take some of the heat.
^i hope clemens plays this year.
im gonna go to a game when he pitches against the angels and throw a real syringe filled with some of magic johnson's blood at him
Originally Posted by 27th4theHood

^i hope clemens plays this year.
im gonna go to a game when he pitches against the angels and throw a real syringe filled with some of magic johnson's blood at him
No way dude plays next year. He is gunna go into hiding, watch
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Clemens was BELOVED by the media. Nobody ever said anything bad about him, everyone loved him.

If he isn't hammered, then this is why. It is a completely different situation with Bonds and Clemens. Bonds was an @+%%#+$ to the media for his wholecareer, which is exactly why he caught all the backlash. If he doesn't get in, thats also exactly why, its the writers who choose, therefor its his ownfault for screwing up and being a scummer instead of screwing up and being a good person.
Bonds has been the focal point of this whole "Steroid Era Cloud". I hate Clemens so I hope he gets the Bonds treatment and they put asterisks next toeverything Clemens achieved.
Originally Posted by 27th4theHood

^i hope clemens plays this year.
im gonna go to a game when he pitches against the angels and throw a real syringe filled with some of magic johnson's blood at him

sorry folks, but clemens will never have as much villainy as bonds....bonds is the face of the drug-cheating era in baseball....forever.....
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

If Clemens makes the Hall, Bonds better too.

Word. But for whatever reason, Clemens still probably wont take as much flak as Bonds gets.
Originally Posted by JND1

Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

If Clemens makes the Hall, Bonds better too.

Word. But for whatever reason, Clemens still probably wont take as much flak as Bonds gets.

I have that feeling too... The media is full of hypocrites...
yeah i have a feeling they'll give Roger Clemens* a bunch of excuses, like oh it's for rehab blah blah blah or whatever.
Clemens better be treated exactly like Barry Bonds.

He is a cheater, put a asterisk by his name, label him as a steroids user the rest of his life, do not let him in the hall of fame.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Clemens better be treated exactly like Barry Bonds.

He is a cheater, put a asterisk by his name, label him as a steroids user the rest of his life, do not let him in the hall of fame.

This man speaks the truth.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Clemens better be treated exactly like Barry Bonds.

He is a cheater, put a asterisk by his name, label him as a steroids user the rest of his life, do not let him in the hall of fame.
This better happen. Most people who were ragging on Bonds are M.I.A. on Clemens.
a cheater is a cheater regardless of race. clemens deserves the EXACT same treatment as bonds, but sadly he won't get it
Exactly what someone you guys mentioned before. If Roger Clemens finds his way into the HOF. Then Barry Bonds has every right to go along with him.
at your avy. nyckicks105
The sad thing is Clemens will not get the same treatment as Bonds due to the fact that Bonds
was a **** to the media. Roger was treated as a hero by the media before this
They've already been on ESPN and everywhere defending Clemens. You knew it was going to happen
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