Relocating To A New City

Jul 9, 2011
Year removed from college and have a good job however I've been seriously considering moving away from NYC to a new city. I know a good amount of you guys have moved around to new cities and just wanted to get your perspective on how things worked out for you. Additionally, if you have any tips for such a big life change such as these please feel free to share. I currently cant decide on where I'd like to move if possible but I've been thinking of Miami or possibly somewhere out west in California.
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Lived in 4 different countries, last move was in 2017. The last 2 recent moves I up and left within 2 weeks of deciding.

Mind if I ask how old you are? What profession/industry you're in? How much do you prioritize social life, career, relationships etc.

For me, I moved for career moves and to live in the US and ambition. If you're not the most extroverted person be prepared to have a period of time of loneliness and isolation. I moved without knowing anyone and the first year were rough socially. Hell, I'm still struggling with it today. I thought it was worth the sacrifice and would've gutted it out regardless because I have very specific goals I want to achieve. I haven't spent a single birthday or holiday with my family or closest friends for 4 years.

I can give more feedback if I know more about your situation and what's motivating you to move, because it all really depends on what you want in life.
Go where your job will pay relocation, the lower the cost of living the better. I've been bouncing around from state to state the past few years, currently in Colorado, but the cost of living here is higher than I would like, but it's one of the few states where managers for my company get paid hourly (salary is balls for my company because they will try to work you to death and it's not worth it).
The more you think about it, the higher chance that you will flake.


You got a job lined up in those other cities
I havent started looking for jobs yet because I am planning on making the move next year once I have some savings and two years experience in my field. Ideally, I'd like to start looking the beginning of next year.

Lived in 4 different countries, last move was in 2017. The last 2 recent moves I up and left within 2 weeks of deciding.

Mind if I ask how old you are? What profession/industry you're in? How much do you prioritize social life, career, relationships etc.

For me, I moved for career moves and to live in the US and ambition. If you're not the most extroverted person be prepared to have a period of time of loneliness and isolation. I moved without knowing anyone and the first year were rough socially. Hell, I'm still struggling with it today. I thought it was worth the sacrifice and would've gutted it out regardless because I have very specific goals I want to achieve. I haven't spent a single birthday or holiday with my family or closest friends for 4 years.

I can give more feedback if I know more about your situation and what's motivating you to move, because it all really depends on what you want in life.

Early 20's and in engineering. My main motivation is just to get out and explore other places. Yes, I can visit but thats a whole different beast from living somewhere. I went away for college and came back afterwards; I just feel like I'd want the challenge of having to succeed somewhere else while also growing my network of people outside of the tri-state area.
After visiting Amsterdam, that’s a place I could see myself relocating is awesome, good luck OP, only a year off college, this is the time, you are young

:lol: my wife and I visited there last year and said if we were in a different point in our relationship, we would have considered living there as well. Probably my favorite city that I've visited.
I havent started looking for jobs yet because I am planning on making the move next year once I have some savings and two years experience in my field. Ideally, I'd like to start looking the beginning of next year.

Early 20's and in engineering. My main motivation is just to get out and explore other places. Yes, I can visit but thats a whole different beast from living somewhere. I went away for college and came back afterwards; I just feel like I'd want the challenge of having to succeed somewhere else while also growing my network of people outside of the tri-state area.
Do it man. You're the perfect age and your job travels anywhere in the country. Two scenarios here:

1. You hate it and move back to one of the best cities in the world.
2. You love it and decide to stay

You can't lose.
Get a job first. Hell apply at all the cities you’re thinking and go with who hires you. Having a job makes acclimating 1000x easier. You know where your job is so you have an idea of what side of town where you want or don’t want to live. You’ll meet people...locals most importantly.
A few tips for you agentorange agentorange and anyone else who is considering a move:

1. Line up a job before moving. Period. It seems nowadays moving somewhere and struggling is romanticized? I have no idea why.

2. My primary resource for researching potential neighborhoods was Let's just say that site caters to a more "privileged" demographic...if they say a neighborhood is safe on there, you can pretty much bet it is.

3. If you are moving to Southern California, try very hard to live close to your job (if possible).

4. Maybe this coincides with getting older, but once I moved away from my family and friends it felt like time started to move faster, people started to pass, etc. If funerals mean a lot to you, keep in mind you may miss some simply based on proximity and time constraints. (Random but this was a main takeway from my move).

5. You will be the same person in your new locale that you were in the old one. Sounds silly, I know, but a lot of people feel that they will become a whole new person with a change of location.

Ultimately, my move across the country was one of the best decisions in my life. I hope it works out for you too, man
6 years ago I drove from NY to LA without a job lined up and only knowing 2 people in the whole state. That move definitely isn’t for everybody but if you want to really move somewhere, just do it. The longer you put it off, the more excuses you’ll come up not to do it.

However I would recommend to have a decent amount saved up and have a job lined up if you can.
Thanks for the input everyone. I definitely will not be moving unless a job is lined up regardless of where I choose. I'm taking this next year not only to get more experience but to save (ideally have 3-4 months rent saved plus some additional for moving costs). Unfortunately, where I currently work is a small company thus I would have to find a new job if I left.
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Do it! ....if you have the chance, every man should try living in a different city on their own at least once...will learn a lot about yourself and life and you can usually go back home if all else fails ...the worst part will be missing your fam/friends if you really close to em, def feel lonely at times but if you in a big metro area you can get over that quickly...everything else would just be the same ole stuff just in a new location

Plus the ho’s luv outta town cats, super easy :pimp:
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I just moved from southern California to Northern California for work. First line up your work, apply and get the job before you make any move. If you got kids, go somewhere close to good schools, If you're single go for fun area. If you move to Cali, live somewhere close to work, nobody likes traffic.
I’ve lived in 6 different city’s and 3 different countries since 22 - now 30. All for work, absolutely do it. My biggest regret is not living in NYC as an adult.

It will all work out, what field are you in?
I’ve lived in 6 different city’s and 3 different countries since 22 - now 30. All for work, absolutely do it. My biggest regret is not living in NYC as an adult.

It will all work out, what field are you in?
Which cities and countries? Where was your favorte/least favorite?
Which cities and countries? Where was your favorte/least favorite?

LA, SF, Oakland, DC, OC, Palo Alto

Switzerland, US, UK

Favorite is LA

Least favorite is probably Switzerland. Not a ton to do, city of 150k only 2 bars, everything closes at 5 PM. Would be different if my GF was there but I was solo and always traveling (one week China the next Brazil).
I’ve lived in 6 different city’s and 3 different countries since 22 - now 30. All for work, absolutely do it. My biggest regret is not living in NYC as an adult.

It will all work out, what field are you in?
Engineering. He will always have work and cool pay. He good.
LA, SF, Oakland, DC, OC, Palo Alto

Switzerland, US, UK

Favorite is LA

Least favorite is probably Switzerland. Not a ton to do, city of 150k only 2 bars, everything closes at 5 PM. Would be different if my GF was there but I was solo and always traveling (one week China the next Brazil).
The allure of Europe never appealed to me. US is where it's at imo. Too many god things about LA, I've gotta make it there eventually. This 4-months-a-year cold weather ain't it
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