Rap Careers in 2015? (for the artists)

Feb 16, 2015
Thought I would open up a discussion on the validity of having a real rap career now in 2015.

I hear a lot of people talking about how its so hard to build a career with free downloads and everything, and I disagree.

I think if we get out of the mindset of building entire careers just on traditional album sales, a whole new world and way of making music with the art we create will open up...

I detailed the entirety of my thoughts on my blog here: http://tylerambrosius.com/home/blog/how-to-make-money-as-a-music-artist-in-3-steps

If anybody has thoughts to add to this discussion I would love to hear them
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not gonna read your blog at work...you could also just post it here.

I think you gotta be able to perform and gain some sort of internet following to garner shows outside of just your home city.
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