Professors screwing up your grade unappreciation

Sep 16, 2003
How ******g hard is it to check your email? If you say that something can be submitted this way by the last day of class and I can verify that the email went through and even show you what day and time I sent it how the **** are you going to say that there is nothing you can do? :stoneface: You playing with ****** futures and you shrugging your shoulders like its whatever SMH
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Talk to the head of the department; whichever your professor belongs to (i.e. if its your English professor, contact the head of the English Department.)

When you go, tell them that:

1. You've already talked to the professor, and s/he has told you that there is nothing they can do.
2. Your professor told the class that electronic submissions were allowed, and if you can, print any emails/messages that would show this.
3. You've printed out proof of your email submission. A screenshot of your sent messages, along with a time/date somewhere in the frame should work just fine (be sure to highlight the time/date).

When the head of the department sees all of your evidence, politely ask to have a meeting scheduled between the head of the department, your professor, and you in order to get to the bottom of everything. Be patient, understanding, and try not to let your emotions get the best of you. I'm confident that it won't even get to the point of a meeting, and that your professor will magically be able to do something once the head of the dept talks to the professor. This happened to me a couple of times during undergrad, one time I just had to talk to the head of the department and explain my side of the story; he and the professor agreed to it was all just a big misunderstanding. The second time, the head of the department talked to the professor and magically, she found the .pdf in her email.

Goodluck & Godspeed.
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Talk to the head of the department; whichever your professor belongs to (i.e. if its your English professor, contact the head of the English Department.)

When you go, tell them that:

1. You've already talked to the professor, and s/he has told you that there is nothing they can do.
2. Your professor told the class that electronic submissions were allowed, and if you can, print any emails/messages that would show this.
3. You've printed out proof of your email submission. A screenshot of your sent messages, along with a time/date somewhere in the frame should work just fine (be sure to highlight the time/date).

When the head of the department sees all of your evidence, politely ask to have a meeting scheduled between the head of the department, your professor, and you in order to get to the bottom of everything. Be patient, understanding, and try not to let your emotions get the best of you. I'm confident that it won't even get to the point of a meeting, and that your professor will magically be able to do something once the head of the dept talks to the professor. This happened to me a couple of times during undergrad, one time I just had to talk to the head of the department and explain my side of the story; he and the professor agreed to it was all just a big misunderstanding. The second time, the head of the department talked to the professor and magically, she found the .pdf in her email.

Goodluck & Godspeed.

Thanks fam im going to do this.
That's why I'm so glad to be finishing up undergrad within the next two weeks. All the politics and dealing with all these different personalities in the classroom (professors and students) has taken a huge toll on my patience over the years. I've dealt with so much BS like this. You've gotta set that person straight and go to the head of his/her dept with all the necessary documentation/evidence. Don't take the L, you're in the right here. These professors stay trying to play students all the time, I've wanted to slap the fire out of so many.

I had a teacher lose 3 of my research papers and then proceeded to tell me it was my fault cause I didn't let her know she lost them.
Dam she trolled you bruh.
Everytime I hear stuff from people in college it makes me not want to go. :lol: Hope you get everything sorted out op.
this is the reason why to this day I still call some of them teachers. 

in the beginning of the semester some teacher of mine wasn't giving me credit for assignments because she was giving it to some other kid with the same name but spelled differently who dropped the class.
teacher once lost my test, she gave me 0
last semester, the 2nd midterm i got a 98 

when grades were given out i had an incomplete for the class

emailed her asking why and she says she had no record of me taking the 2nd midterm

she was nice enough to offer me a retake but i aint studying that **** again so i had to dig through everything to get the paper

luckily i kept it or else my grade might not have been what it was

had a teacher back in hs who lost my final project too, it was all hand made/written because she wanted it that way

the day she collected the projects, she marked us down on a sheet

got a call day before last day and told me that she has on record me handing in the project but it appears she lost it and if i could re-do it :stoneface:

It was in the afternoon too and thing was completely hand made so aint nobody got time for that

went from a 90 something in the class to an 80
Dam she trolled you bruh.:lol:

Word. I had a teacher say she lost my 20+ final paper.. She suggests we go out to her car to look for it.. Low and behold underneath passenger's seat covered in coffee.. :smh:

She didn't even apologize.
Happened to me before on a final exam. Had to make them up before finals because I was going on vacation that week. 

My teacher misplaced it and gave me a 0. Got a 70 for the easiest class ever. I then didn't get high honors. 

Took all summer for them to fix it. I got a 100 on it too. 
Had a teacher who's car got stolen, apparently she kept all her stuff in the trunk :stoneface:
dumb *****, made me redo everything
When I was in 9th grade my honors earth science teacher gave me a D on a research portfolio for a 15 week long term project.  When I got the rubric back I noticed a lot of the stuff that she marked off for not being there was actually in the portfolio.  When I brought it to her attention she told me she "didn't feel like digging for it" and kept the grade as a D.  I really wish I stood up for myself back then the way I do now.  I can honestly say she was the reason I gave up on science during high school, which sucks because I wasted 4 years on a History degree because I was under the impression that I didn't have an aptitude for science.  Fast forward about 10 years and now I'm going for my RN, getting straight A's, and have aspirations to become a Nurse Anesthetist.  Sucks how one authority figure can skew your perception of your own knowledge-base and self-worth.
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I teach at a college. Here are some tips

1. Have proof, if you don't have proof you are screwed

2. Be persistent, and talk to the dean over the department in which your class was held.  When trying to talk to a Dean you can make an appointment or better yet show up and say you will wait.

3. Find out what the process is at your school. Find out every single step. Contact the people who are responsible for changing the grade and make sure they do it.

4. If you are able to speak to your departments Dean, be nice. Understand this process can take a long time, especially over Christmas break. It can also be done really quickly if they want. So don't make them mad.

At my school all we have to do is fill out a grade change form, get it signed by the Dean, and take it to admissions. There is one person who works in admissions at our school who handles grade changes. At our school it could take 1 day or 1 month. I generally get them signed by the Dean personally as appose to putting it in his mailbox. Then I can walk it to admissions myself. Instead of handing it to someone in admissions, I take it to the person who is responsible for the grade change. But if you are making a seen they could "mail box" the paper work. That can take a long time or get lost.
I teach at a college. Here are some tips
1. Have proof, if you don't have proof you are screwed
2. Be persistent, and talk to the dean over the department in which your class was held.  When trying to talk to a Dean you can make an appointment or better yet show up and say you will wait.
3. Find out what the process is at your school. Find out every single step. Contact the people who are responsible for changing the grade and make sure they do it.
4. If you are able to speak to your departments Dean, be nice. Understand this process can take a long time, especially over Christmas break. It can also be done really quickly if they want. So don't make them mad.

At my school all we have to do is fill out a grade change form, get it signed by the Dean, and take it to admissions. There is one person who works in admissions at our school who handles grade changes. At our school it could take 1 day or 1 month. I generally get them signed by the Dean personally as appose to putting it in his mailbox. Then I can walk it to admissions myself. Instead of handing it to someone in admissions, I take it to the person who is responsible for the grade change. But if you are making a seen they could "mail box" the paper work. That can take a long time or get lost.

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