Presidential Address 9/8/2011 7:00 p.m.

Nov 20, 2003
Here comes the circus!
Only watchin cuz I'm gon off meds and don't feel like changin the channel when the game comes on.....
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

just give the man a chance damn, he said there will be change and he will deliver.

Are you serious ? He didn't deliver change, he delivered status quo. Iraq war, bailouts for the ultra wealth. New regulations in the financial sector never appeared. What's bad is he vowed for change in such a promising way. When we were let down, the fall was much greater.
I see he knew better to address the nation before the football game started tho lol...
It's like he's been treading water for 3 years. Too worried about making everyone happy.

Wish he had the cowboy up attitude Bush had.
Originally Posted by Josh311

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

just give the man a chance and stop hating.

We've giving him a chance for almost 3 years now.

He is facing opposition on EVERYTHING and had to make unreasonable compromise and is running the country while being held up...

not to mention burdens that just fell into his lap BP Oil and dealing with the wake of president Bush etc...

I can only imagine how things would be if McCain/Palin in the white house...
biff lawson wrote:
Originally Posted by Josh311

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

just give the man a chance and stop hating.

We've giving him a chance for almost 3 years now.

He is facing opposition on EVERYTHING and had to make unreasonable compromise and is running the country while being held up...

not to mention burdens that just fell into his lap BP Oil and dealing with the wake of president Bush etc...

I can only imagine how things would be if McCain/Palin in the white house...

Originally Posted by Cada5

I'll just leave this here

what may I asked was the impetus for occurrences 1-10?

Did Obama just get inaugurated and go off the deep end or did it have anything to do with the War on two fronts, War on Terror, Tax cuts for the rich, and that big recession in 2008 before he was elected?

OR was it something Obama did in particular?
Originally Posted by biff lawson

Originally Posted by Josh311

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

just give the man a chance and stop hating.

We've giving him a chance for almost 3 years now.

He is facing opposition on EVERYTHING and had to make unreasonable compromise and is running the country while being held up...

not to mention burdens that just fell into his lap BP Oil and dealing with the wake of president Bush etc...

I can only imagine how things would be if McCain/Palin in the white house...
That is the whole point... Obama give or take is equivalent to a female vagina.  He has no guts and no backbone.  He compromises on everything.  He bows down to GOP leaders. For crying out loud the dude had to reschedule this speech because the Majority Republican leader TOLD his #%* too. 
Dude doesn't have what it takes bottom line and he needs to GO!  
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