Prayers Needed NT Fam. UPDATE


Mar 7, 2007
My Grandmother had a stroke and the whole left side of her body is paralyzed.
Please pray for our family.
I don't know if she'll get the correct treatment here in India but please pray for her quick recovery.
She can talk (it's hard to understand) and she knows whats going on, (she keeps saying she's fine) but we're all praying here for her to get better.

I'll keep you guys posted.

Please keep my grandma in your thoughts and prayers :frown:

Update 12/26

So my grandmother has a blood clot in her brain. She is waiting to get an mri in a few hours and from there we will see whether she needs surgery or other treatment.
She is able to recognize who is talking to her and she is able speak somewhat. Her vision is kinda on and off though.
However her left side of the body is still paralyzed.

Please continue with the prayers Nt. I really appreciate.
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Prayers sent up brush. Went through this back in the day with my grandfather having a stroke and becoming paralyzed. Hope she pull through, if you ever want to vent or talk, PM me and i'll send you my number.

Try and have a Merry Christmas, I understand its hard.
I prayed for your grandma along with a pair of bred xis. hopefully both come true.
Sorry to hear bro. My prayers go out to your grandma and the fam. Stay strong for them.
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Nothing but the best wishes for you and your family, hope she gets well soon.

Merry Christmas.
Update 12/26

So my grandmother has a blood clot in her brain. She is waiting to get an mri in a few hours and from there we will see whether she needs surgery or other treatment.
She is able to recognize who is talking to her and she is able speak somewhat. Her vision is kinda on and off though.
However her left side of the body is still paralyzed.

Please continue with the prayers Nt. I really appreciate.
Sent one up for you my dude. :smh:

My grandmother who was also indian went through the same thing back in 2005-2007.
Wow im so sorry to hear.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I really hope to GOD everything turns out. ok.
So sorry to hear, My mother had a severe stroke a few months ago so I'm familiar with your situation. I did ALOT of research and Time is the most important thing.

I know its a late response but try to explore all your options to get the clot removed and find the source. If the stroke was on a side of the brain, then there is a good probability she can fully recover.

PM me if you want to talk in detail.
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