People that don't say thank you when you hold the door UNAPPRECIATION

May 28, 2003
Today I pushed the door open and turned around to see if anyone was there and some girl was walking a few steps behind me so I hold the door for like 2 secondsand the broad just walks past me like the door was holding itself..didn't even look at me. I mean I don't hold the door to hear people say thank youbut damn how rude can you be? I always pace up if I see someone open the door and say thank you it's not that hard. I've been noticing this with moreand more people lately too...
Totally agree man, I'm always holding the door for people and its mainly the girls that don't say thank you. They pretty much just pass through. Idid this when we got dissmissed from one of my classes which contains mostly girls and only one girl of them all said thank you and she was the prettiest oneat that. The next class I only held the door for her and not the others and I got weird looks from them.
Originally Posted by BCF06

Totally agree man, I'm always holding the door for people and its mainly the girls that don't say thank you. They pretty much just pass through. I did this when we got dissmissed from one of my classes which contains mostly girls and only one girl of them all said thank you and she was the prettiest one at that. The next class I only held the door for her and not the others and I got weird looks from them.

Women killed Chivalary cause they think your trying to hit on them or something but On topic Its main reason I dont do it for none but the older folks
and people who you let go in front of you on the road, like when they're pulling out of a driveway and there is traffic

I let them in front of me and they stay giving me the
This happens to me all the time

I just do the same say "Your Welcome" all loud
the all of a sudden there like
"Oh thank you"
By that time im like
i try to be polite as possible. [carried bags,held doors, etc]

I never look for a thank you because most people wont, then you'll end up getting upset.
it hadn't happened in a while, but i decided the next time i come across a non manners having female again who does this, i said i would just blurt out"you're welcome" if i don't hear thank you first.
That bothers me and people who don't give you the thank you wave, head nod, or some sort of recognition when you let them merge into traffic, because I amvery corteous in both cases and wait longer than most. I'll turn around and if you're about 10 seconds of less behind me, I'll hold the door open.I'll almost always let you merge in, except when it's one of those where you know damn well your lane is about to end and there's space rightbehind me and you'd have to shoehorn to squeeze in front, yet you still try to speed way up ahead in the traffic of the remaining lane and think I'mgoing to let you in, knowing you did that on purpose.
it may just be me, but it always seems that the ppl who you think would say thank you , never do, but the ones you think are not, they usually do.... gofigure...
yes this is just wrong. sometimes if I feel like being a complete douche, I SAY YOU'RE WELCOME, in a very rude tone.

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