People Bringing Babies to the Movies UnAppreciation Vol. Take that @#$ Home!


Jan 28, 2008
Why do they do it? I'm just chillin waitin for the movie to start and I see a !%@ with a stroller with a new born, two other chicks with babies in theyarm. Like "it's a movie dummy, why bring em in here". Then they will start crying and they just sit there trying to hush em up like that'sgone work. Take yo @@@ home. Don't come if you can't find a sitter stupid! If you can't afford or find a sitter ,stop havin all them got damn kids!

Side Note: Movies on a Friday.....unappreciated. Kids everywhere!!
ughh i hate kidz at the movies like a bunch of 8th grders chilln wit girls acting stupid tryna impress em.... got i hate that
yeah I hate that too. Ain't nothing worse than some stupid baby crying at a movie or some lil' kids talking all reckless with no respect for others,especially if it's a rated R movie
. Like why the $%%$are you bringing a baby or some lil' !%! kids to a movie that's got boobies and dudes murkin' each other in it?
Originally Posted by Face82

I'm in the biggie joint right now. Lol
Word-- lemme know what happens. I heard he dies at the that true...

LOL at you quoting me 'cause you fail at detecting sarcasm...
i just go to theaters where there aren't goons, ghetto folks, or high schoolers in general. not to mention what a ripoff movie ticket prices are.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]C'mon fam, look at what movie you went to see, no way this is a shock toyou.[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]C'mon fam, look at what movie you went to see, no way this is a shock to you.[/color]
sums it up
Always happens in NYC. Every @$!$*%% theater has this problem. Parents can't find a babysitter or grandma wanna get her swerve on so they bring their 1yr. old to AVP: Requiem. The day that someone tells the baby to shut the %!%# up is the day parents will stay at home. Hate that !$%$ with a passion.
Honestly, I'd rather have babies then middle schoolers thinking they're all grown up... Being loud, bouncing around, cussing, just obnoxious overall.

But I feel you man, I've encountered that a couple of times as well.
that's why i only go the during old people time. early afternoon movies ftw, no lines, plenty of seats and no children or babies.
Or wack people yelling in there and throwin stuff at the screen tryin to act cool
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Face82

I'm in the biggie joint right now. Lol
[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Word tell me what happens. I heard he dies in the that true...[/color]
wow u idiot ..

u must be looking in the mirror...
You are pretty dumb, u should edit that 1st post
I hate babies in the movies with a passion. Only thing worse is the middle schoolers who are yelling, cussing and acting a
straight fool in the row behind me. I remember when I went to see There Will Be Blood a woman's cell phone went off
and she had like a calypso or soca ringtone blaring and she just sat there like it wasn't going off. She didn't even
begin to try to shut it off, just sat there like everything was ok. Finally, an elderly woman of like 65 turned around and
said, "can you shut that thing off! My God, how rude!" The lady finally goes to shut it off and I was rolling cuz she looked
stunned that this older white woman made her look stupid.
Originally Posted by ripfan816

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Face82

I'm in the biggie joint right now. Lol
[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Word tell me what happens. I heard he dies in the that true...[/color]
wow u idiot ..

u must be looking in the mirror...
You are pretty dumb, u should edit that 1st post

Hes being sarcastic if you can't tell
. Also, I hate the people whobring babies to movies and kids to rated R movies
. The babies annoy methe most because they will be crying and I will be giving the stone face out of the parents...
I was so pissed off and just stared at them for a good minutewithout paying any attention to the movie...Like why bring the baby to the theater? Can't they just leave them at home with a baby sitter or with cousins?I hate lame square +@! white kids ( no offense but mostly white families bring their kids to movies) who must narrate everything that goes on in the movie
They will speak out loud so the whole audience can hear them and whenthey see some boobs they go berserk and start screaming ewwwww...I threw a tic-tac at that kid...many tic tacs....with all my force too so he could shut thehell up.
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