Official Minnesota Timberwolves 2012 Off-Season Thread ... Andrei Kirilenko signed for 2 years/20 mi


Feb 7, 2008

2011-2012 Schedule - TBD




Time to play.

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Just seeing that tweet from William's got me extra excited now.

at Kevin Love. Funny how NBA stars spend their time off during this lockout.

Anyway...To a new beginning. *cheers*
So is there anyone we should sign or just stay with the same guys?

My guess the starting 5 will be the same.
Unless we pull off a miracle and sign Tyson Chandler, Marc Gasol or Nene in free agency... I feel like the starting lineup will be:

PG- Rubio
SG- Webster
SF- Beasley
PF- Love
C- Darko

I really am hoping that Adelman doesn't kick off the year with Luke Ridnour running the point... whether or not Rubio is ready, you need to just throw him to the wolves (pun absolutely intended) thereby sending a shockwave through the fan base. This is the first Timberwolves season I've EVER been extremely excited for (I was in 6th grade when 2003-04 happened).

You gotta assume Derrick Williams will start the season on the bench, but we all know he'll find the starting lineup in no time.

By the way, I have a feeling Chuck Hayes will be a Timberwolf this time next month. He is Adelman's boy, and he is also a free agent. I also believe we have an outside shot at Shane Battier, however we'd have to shake things up at the SF spot.
Damn, man. You really are young. I was a freshmen in college that year.
  Maybe I'm just old though.

That season and then the first two Marbury season's had me beyond hype.  This season is certainly up there now. Cannot wait.
chilled with malcolm and derrick during the lockout, i know they are excited to play for yall.young talented team
What you thought, lived by, felt like then.... I am now.

In a 82-game season I felt like 35 games was attainable... with 66 games that equals out to, around 28 wins.
Moving Besley in favor of an upgraded big to pair with love is all that I ask, I just know he is going to chuck up so many shots this year. Excited to see everything come together under a capable coach. Excited to put my season tickets to use 
That's the spirit

That 03/04 season I was in 7th grade I was getting hyped through the season into playoffs, until Kareem Rush

If there is a way we can get a legit center next to Love they can have Williams or Beasley.

For this short season I think we enough players overall, I think all the guys are restricted anyways. Since Pek is overseas playing means more PT for AT, Randolph, and even Dwill at the 4 spot. Don't know if Pek is allow to come back.

Really doesn't matter what the win total is as long they build some momentum into next season im good.

Anybody know how there gonna do the draft?
Based on the 66 game record, right?

New Sota coach Rick Adelman, I'm told, would have level of interest in signing Roy after knee fears led to Wolves' Roy/R. Foye draft swap

Good times. Bring on the Rubio and Williams show. If Adelman determines they need to wait their time a bit before getting major minutes then so be it. Williams more than anything needs to show the team what he is about and if the man can play then we need to cut loose Beasley and frankly I will be happy about that because it means maybe we are starting to become serious.

It will also be interesting to see what Adelman can pull off for free agency quickly. There's a fine line there of wanting to be competitive right away but also just letting the kids play and not caring about wins at the moment.

I'm so tired of witnessing nothing but losses every year with this team that all I want right now is to at least just be entertained somewhat. That's a start for me.

Also remember first round draft pick next year.
Well, Adelman certainly has lot more pull and can persuade free agents a heck of a lot better than Rambis could. Love the hire and ready to get back to competetive times.
So how would you guys feel if we got brandon roy to "solve" our shooting guard problems? if he gets amnestied, Im guessing the wolves would be a player in the bidding for him
I know it's a long shot but hey just learned how to screen cap. I can dream right?

I think though Otis would ask for Williams though

You guys see Kevin Love playfully trying to recruit DeAndre Jordan over Twitter? 

Roy would certianly help, but here's the thing. We would use him in a "finisher" role more than a "workhorse" role. I would love Roy on the team, but I would want Wes to start, and then have Roy finish the games. Can you imagine having an All-Star caliber SG (and I say he's All-Star caliber because he'd have fresh legs from not playing huge minutes in the particular game), playing the big minutes in the fourth quarters for us? A lineup of Rubio, Roy, Beasley, Love, Darko to end the games would be exciting.
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