Official Confessions of Fall 2011


Staff member
Jul 27, 2006
We haven't had a confessions post in a while...figured id start one...

-i carry a lunch bag to work every day that has my name and nickname embroidered on it
-my boss dosent come in at least once a week and on those days i do NO work and take a two hour lunch break
-for a christian, halloween is lowkey my favorite time of the year mainly because my birthday is around it
-i am no longer a wale stan

-i got accepted for the navy and have yet to tell my mother or anyone in my family on her side. only people that know are some of my friends and my father.

im sure i will think of some more later. post yours...
in for lulz


I've seen you post in the WDYWT thread numerous times, but you've never shown your face. Are you ugly?
Thread derailed?

Spoiler [+]
SoleWoman Appreciation in disguise?
luls @ the responses

cantgetright - to each their own
beware - hai
fallengodofwar - ive seen the light
- i love my job. i work 9s Monday-Thursday. i do 3 hrs of work, 2 hr lunch, and 4 hr surfing the net.
- i make 21/hr and have only 700 dollars in my bank account.

- im becoming more distant from my family since i moved away. when they call, i rarely pick up.
- i think im ready to marry my gf. but an expensive wedding is the only thing hanging over my head.
- im glad my bf marriage got called off by his ex, she wasnt for him. he didnt see it and he wasnt ready. i feel bad for him, but also happy. shady i know.
- im in the best shape ive been in since college.
- i think about trading my car in for a charger srt8 on a weekly bases. but i dont want a increased car payment.
- im starting to realize ill never be satisfied when it comes to material things. i will always want for something new.
-Im goin to Hawaii for work next week for 2 months, I think ima be a damn dog out there, smashin all that i can.(not like that usually)
-every chance i see hazeleyed honey post, i take note. I dont sweat girls in real life, but i sweat her on here
-I am on NT 80% of the time at work.
-I cant dance but i do it anyway.

dont really have any confessions at this time. look forward to readin about some of yall crazy mo fo's lol
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

luls @ the responses

cantgetright - to each their own
beware - hai
fallengodofwar - ive seen the light
*watches NTFL vs Wale vid again...*
- I watch HLN Morning Express everyday at work and I have a huge thing for Robin Meade.
- I'm constantly thinking of my next car, and I change my mind every week, yet I am upside down on my car.
- I spend more time on my Fantasy Football league at work than actually doing work.
- I hate taking my son to football practice 4 days out of the week, only to watch them get smashed 35-0 on Saturdays. I don't have the heart to tell him that they suck.
- I hate my brother's wife, it's not really a secret, but most of my family think I'm just joking around when I say it. I'm not.
- I have a pretty good job which requires me to do hardly anything and I get paid $39 an hour. Yet I'm actively (secretly) looking for a new job cause I gotta drive an hour through DC traffic every day.
- None of my friends really know what I do at my job, or how much I get paid. Considering I live a very modest lifestyle, dress in sweatpants and t-shirts, they all assume I'm barely making it by.
- I'm addicted to naked pictures of females I know. I can't get enough. *shoulder shrug*
- I am currently wearing a button up shirt at work that doesn't fit me. The sleeves only come down to my forearms, but it was the only clean shirt I had. I'm wearing a jacket.
Originally Posted by dadecounty11

- I hate taking my son to football practice 4 days out of the week, only to watch them get smashed 35-0 on Saturdays. I don't have the heart to tell him that they suck.
- I am currently wearing a button up shirt at work that doesn't fit me. The sleeves only come down to my forearms, but it was the only clean shirt I had. I'm wearing a jacket.
yo you are a fool for these

-I'm starting to dislike my job.
-I almost put my entire savings account on the Tigers to win and the Colts to cover last night...if I did I would've gambled myself out of credit debt that is keeping me from saving as much as I want to and doing projects on my house that I just purchased.
 (smart choice to not bet, btw...too much risk)
-My gf has really been nagging me lately, although I think it's because we don't spend as much time as we want. I want her to move in but she doesn't think her parents and grandparents will be accepting to the idea and they pay for her school so it's not like she can just say "f it".
Originally Posted by moundraised23

$39 a hour??? If I may ask, wat do u do?
Honestly, I can't get too much into it (I'm not even kidding).  But I am a COMSEC Manager.  You can google it and find more info on it.

- i just moved to chicago from nashville.. & i haven't been sad one bit, not even when i saw someone cry when i left.
- i still think about my ex, i miss her.
- cuffing season is in full effect here in chicago.. which doesn't help; i need to find one asap, might be too late.
- i made up the biggest lie the other day so i wouldn't burn bridges.
- i've been eating terribly ever since i got here.. need to get back to my healthy habits.
- i think i've drank every day but a few since i've been in chicago.. i've been here a month.
-I'm starting to really dislike my job. I feel myself having a bad attitude towards my boss. I've been approached by another company a pretty good position. If I take that position, I would screw over my current company so bad. I would feel terrible for screwing them over, but I cant stand my boss.

-I'm thinking of selling my M3 to buy a condo. My gf thinks she would be moving in with me, I haven't had the courage to tell her she needs to keep her own place.

-I have this close girl-friend, best friend partically, who is extremly jealous of the current gf. So much so that she makes situations uncomfortable when were around her. I'm suppose to discuss things over dinner with her tonight. I'm worried my friends wont understand her childish ways and cause issues with my gf
- If they ever blocked HBOGo at my job, I'd probably quit. It's the only thing getting me through this 2 week system downtime

- having a lot of female friends has caused so much conflict within my relationship I could have a nervous breakdown
- I think females take my kindness as a sign I'm trying to get in their pants when that simply ain't the case
- my neighbor is a complete idiot when it comes to technology
- me and my guy friends need to hang out more often, on that same token we can't stick to a plan to save our lives
- twitter stalkers are so lame

- if the Eagles lose again on Sunday I might cry

- I need a new job but I can't find a damn thing better than what I'm doing now
- another year passes by where I regret what I majored in at college
Originally Posted by cantgetright

in for lulz


I've seen you post in the WDYWT thread numerous times, but you've never shown your face. Are you ugly?
lol,what kinda question ???

-Im in love with one of my ex's she is living with me but she has become below my standards since i have kinda got my looks together. Her personality is exactly what i want in a girl but her exterior isn't anything to be hype over at all.. She has a nice *%* and nice feet and a tight little frame which i like but other then that I'm not attracted to her.. but i can't front she has held me down lately through droughts and issues with other females..
-Im scared of my profession I come from a slightly religious family and i feel ilke I'm going to hell for producing porn wether it keeps overly sexual people off the street it still is a sin and a vice.. I hate it deep down..
-Ive started to hang with a crowd that does coke i dabble in it on weekends i hate it because i have slight depression and its screwing with my dopamine levels and when i smoke weed the paranoia and thoughts overwhelming.. (I don't think its a habit its becoming a social thing and i need to get the people that are influencing me out my life)
- Im on a prescription drug that is for obese people 250lbs+ i am only 206lbs and dropping..
-I barely eat because of this drug i literally didn't eat yesterday and it didn't phase me at all.. its bad for my muscle gain..
-I am talking to a younger girl (18 turning 19) but she is kinda immature and young minded and I have a daughter and i hate the fact that i would even have sex with a girl like that im like EXTREMELY guilty.. it even affects my performance.. I can't even look my daughter in the eyes since i been talking to her..
Originally Posted by dadecounty11

- I watch HLN Morning Express everyday at work and I have a huge thing for Robin Meade.
- I'm constantly thinking of my next car, and I change my mind every week, yet I am upside down on my car.
- I spend more time on my Fantasy Football league at work than actually doing work.
- I hate taking my son to football practice 4 days out of the week, only to watch them get smashed 35-0 on Saturdays. I don't have the heart to tell him that they suck.
- I hate my brother's wife, it's not really a secret, but most of my family think I'm just joking around when I say it. I'm not.
- I have a pretty good job which requires me to do hardly anything and I get paid $39 an hour. Yet I'm actively (secretly) looking for a new job cause I gotta drive an hour through DC traffic every day.
- None of my friends really know what I do at my job, or how much I get paid. Considering I live a very modest lifestyle, dress in sweatpants and t-shirts, they all assume I'm barely making it by.
- I'm addicted to naked pictures of females I know. I can't get enough. *shoulder shrug*
- I am currently wearing a button up shirt at work that doesn't fit me. The sleeves only come down to my forearms, but it was the only clean shirt I had. I'm wearing a jacket.

$39? When you find that new job, I'm ready to take your place just as long as you are not selling your body. I'm in DC.

I'm sorry about your sons team tho.
- I have been talking to one of my boy's GFs for the past two weeks on the phone for like 3 hours a day. She lives in Texas and I am in NC so nothing could happy but both of us know we are getting feeling. I am also married which is another problem. Her and I were chill when I was in Texas last month.
-Rock a plaid Burton laptop bag to work
-Growing my hair out(white) with no purpose for it.
-Growing out a beard with no purpose for it
-Running 6+ miles a day, but problem not eating enough, so I get terrible stomach pains at night
-Trim all of my body hair except legs and arms
-Haven't had a 9-5 since July. Making money in the streets (no Jeezy) is much easier and less time consuming. I may look for something soon, but I'm in no hurry.
-Making friends in a new city was easy as hell. I just hardly hang with them minus 1 or 2
-Tomorrow's my 21st and I'm just going to hang with peeps at D&B and get wasted. Wanted to go to Vegas for my 21st since last year, but that may have to wait until summer
-I was doing p90 for a good 3 weeks before I fell off. My diet as of late has been

-Some days I never leave my apartment. Maybe it's because this city is boring. Probably making a move to either VA Beach or down South in the next month or so.
-I've cut back A LOT on my gaming. Can't even remember the last time I turned on my 360. NBA 2k12 and MW3 are dropping and I have no urge or desire to play them like I used to.
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