Obama uses executive privilege to withold Fast and Furious documents 'update'

pig love

Aug 13, 2008
[h1]Video Evidence: Obama Knew About Fast & Furious[/h1]
June 22, 2012


On March 23, 2011, Obama lied to the American people about Operation Fast and Furious. He said that neither he nor Attorney General Holder authorized the effort to arm the drug cartels in Mexico.

Several weeks later, on May 3, Holder lied to Congress. He said he did not know who approved Fast and Furious. He also lied when he said he “probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.
He's just doing his term..
Spoiler [+]
..a quarter mile at a time
the program has been flawed since its implementation back in 2006, under Bush - Wide Receiver, and the executive privilege is expected and quite honestly as shady as all exercises of executive 'entitlement'...
Four years ago I thought dude could be the next great leader and was filled with hope. Now four years later I'm disgusted for trusting and voting for him. Dude is worse than Bush, imo, because of all the hope for change that he promised us.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Four years ago I thought dude could be the next great leader and was filled with hope. Now four years later I'm disgusted for trusting and voting for him. Dude is worse than Bush, imo, because of all the hope for change that he promised us.

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

He's just doing his term..
Spoiler [+]
..a quarter mile at a time


Spoiler [+]
once that light turns green, hes goin for it
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Four years ago I thought dude could be the next great leader and was filled with hope. Now four years later I'm disgusted for trusting and voting for him. Dude is worse than Bush, imo, because of all the hope for change that he promised us.

Very well said Johnny, it's good to see some people are awake.

You weren't the only one who was lied to.
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Four years ago I thought dude could be the next great leader and was filled with hope. Now four years later I'm disgusted for trusting and voting for him. Dude is worse than Bush, imo, because of all the hope for change that he promised us.

Very well said Johnny, it's good to see some people are awake.

You weren't the only one who was lied to.
as if Obama was the first politician to not follow through on his promises. Such is the nature of politics guys. You both sound very naive.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Four years ago I thought dude could be the next great leader and was filled with hope. Now four years later I'm disgusted for trusting and voting for him. Dude is worse than Bush, imo, because of all the hope for change that he promised us.

People actually trust politicians to do what they say? Obama is no different than any other president...they all don't deliver on the great things they promise while campaigning. If more people would just take what politicians say with a grain of salt, less people would be up in arms IMO. That doesn't make their actions right, but at this point it is what it is. Put your faith in politicians and be disappointed, or keep what they say at arms length, so to speak, and keep living and doing you regardless of who is in office. They all lie. And they're all corrupt or end up that way.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Four years ago I thought dude could be the next great leader and was filled with hope. Now four years later I'm disgusted for trusting and voting for him. Dude is worse than Bush, imo, because of all the hope for change that he promised us.
you actually thought that a president of the united states would actually do what is right for the country?
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Four years ago I thought dude could be the next great leader and was filled with hope. Now four years later I'm disgusted for trusting and voting for him. Dude is worse than Bush, imo, because of all the hope for change that he promised us.
you actually thought that a president of the united states would actually do what is right for the country?
Yeah c'mon JRS, what were you thinking? 
Originally Posted by Keif Sweat

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Four years ago I thought dude could be the next great leader and was filled with hope. Now four years later I'm disgusted for trusting and voting for him. Dude is worse than Bush, imo, because of all the hope for change that he promised us.

Very well said Johnny, it's good to see some people are awake.

You weren't the only one who was lied to.
as if Obama was the first politician to not follow through on his promises. Such is the nature of politics guys. You both sound very naive.
"The nature of politics guys?" What are you 4?

I guess it's the nature of politics guys to sell guns illegally to foreign countries and do everything in their power to cover it up. Or to sign into law provisions that basically systematically void our CONSTITUTION one by one!

"Politics guys" 

he would be allowed to do more if the congress didn't have it in for him as he got sworn in...

i wanna
i wan-
but I wa-
but I

and how is obama a worse president than bush was? factually speaking.
Originally Posted by debs 168

he would be allowed to do more if the congress didn't have it in for him as he got sworn in...

i wanna
i wan-
but I wa-
but I

and how is obama a worse president than bush was? factually speaking.

Here's a few questions for you. 

1. Why is there an active nuclear threat in Japan and our government refuses to even address the issue?

2. Obama insisted on adding the detention clause to the NDAA after he publicly said on TV he was against it.

3. Why are the vaccines given to our pets safer than the ones for our children since ours are tainted with mercury which kills areas of the brain.( DO NOT vaccinate your kids)

4. Why is the TSA groping childrens and adult genitals when they have NEVER caught a terrorist?

5. Why do you need a high powered Xray performed on you to get on a plane when again, we have never caught a terrorist?

6. Why are cops in Minnesota getting kids high and dropping them off at occupy movements?

7. Why are 30,000 drones being prepped to monitor us from the sky to spy on peoples gardens?

8. Why are farmers being arrested and threatened with 20 years prison terms for selling raw milk?

9. Why is our government preparing to go into yet another (nuclear this time?) war with a country that does not endanger us?

10. Why are 53,000 corpses in Florida registered to vote and expected to acually show up to fill out their ballots?

11. Why does George Soros new company have the contract to count the votes for the 2012 presidential election in, wait for it, SPAIN!

12. Why is our government heavily invested in plastic coffins for the fema centers?

13. Why are there 800 new fema centers that have surfaced in the past ten years if our country is so broke?

14. Why are 8 year olds being taught sex ed?

15. Why is one of his biggest campaign contributers Bain Capitol? Mitt Romneys company?
I second the opinion that Obama has been just as bad if not worse than Bush. He's only expanded upon many of the same policies of Bush that he claimed to be against (patriot act, useless wars, corrupt banking system, deception etc). Basically two heads of the same dragon. Many people can't see this and get caught in the partisan "democrat/republican/liberal/conservative" nonsense.

The same hippies who were so vocally anti-Bush (and claimed to care about human rights etc) are now deafeningly silent on Obama's various crimes. I guess his well-deserved nobel peace prize (lol) makes him immune from criticism.

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Four years ago I thought dude could be the next great leader and was filled with hope. Now four years later I'm disgusted for trusting and voting for him. Dude is worse than Bush, imo, because of all the hope for change that he promised us.
you actually thought that a president of the united states would actually do what is right for the country?
Yeah c'mon JRS, what were you thinking? 

And Pig what's this about cops getting kids high in Minny?
Go to Youtube and type in Minnesota cops, there's like twenty reports.

Like a month ago, they tried to set up the Minnesota occupy by getting some kids stoned and hoping they would start ruckus. They did it for  a few weeks. One kid got a buch of free "donations" and went public with the first video. These dumb cops gave them each so much, these dudes were near passing out when they were dropped off at occupy. Yes, these "officers" were actually filmed dropping these kids off.
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by debs 168

he would be allowed to do more if the congress didn't have it in for him as he got sworn in...

i wanna
i wan-
but I wa-
but I

and how is obama a worse president than bush was? factually speaking.

Here's a few questions for you. 

1. Why is there an active nuclear threat in Japan and our government refuses to even address the issue?

2. Obama insisted on adding the detention clause to the NDAA after he publicly said on TV he was against it.

3. Why are the vaccines given to our pets safer than the ones for our children since ours are tainted with mercury which kills areas of the brain.( DO NOT vaccinate your kids)

4. Why is the TSA groping childrens and adult genitals when they have NEVER caught a terrorist?

5. Why do you need a high powered Xray performed on you to get on a plane when again, we have never caught a terrorist?

6. Why are cops in Minnesota getting kids high and dropping them off at occupy movements?

7. Why are 30,000 drones being prepped to monitor us from the sky to spy on peoples gardens?

8. Why are farmers being arrested and threatened with 20 years prison terms for selling raw milk?

9. Why is our government preparing to go into yet another (nuclear this time?) war with a country that does not endanger us?

10. Why are 53,000 corpses in Florida registered to vote and expected to acually show up to fill out their ballots?

11. Why does George Soros new company have the contract to count the votes for the 2012 presidential election in, wait for it, SPAIN!

12. Why is our government heavily invested in plastic coffins for the fema centers?

13. Why are there 800 new fema centers that have surfaced in the past ten years if our country is so broke?

14. Why are 8 year olds being taught sex ed?

15. Why is one of his biggest campaign contributers Bain Capitol? Mitt Romneys company?
you're trying too hard
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