NT Who are you favorite broadcasting duos of ALLTIME

Nov 27, 2006
For me hoops is my life so .... Steve Snapper, Walton and %!+! Enberg

Madden and Summerall were gangster cuz of pat's voice.

joe buck ftl
Krukow and Kuiper doing Giants games, you won't catch them unless your in the FSN Bay Area region

these dudes kill me, they just start cracking on people in the stands when the game gets boring/giants getting beat
Jon Miller and Joe Morgan, Im not a huge baseball fan, but ill watch if they are doing the game
Kirk Herbstreit & Brent Musburger
Jeff Van Gundy, Mark Jones & Mike Breen
John Madden & Al Michaels
Ron Franklin, Ed Cunningham & Jack Arute
been listening to them for my whole life. Could do big names, but these two are MY favorites


The originator


All good Announcers have "Ayo!!" moments
Calvin Murphy and Bill (something?) were great to listen to growing up, then I moved. Calvin was crazy and I got to occasionally hear them after I left Houstonif there was a feed of one of the FSN games on here. Actually, there was a Minnesota/Houston game I watched from '99 that they were announcing.
Originally Posted by AirVandal180

Keith Hernandez, Gary Cohen and Ron Darling > any broadcast team in baseball

Keith is the man. No cooler dude Him and Clyde are my idols.

I'm Keith Hernandez!!!
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