NT what are your main Pet Peeves?!

Dec 18, 2009
People that talk about doing something and never do!
My pops being doing this %+%$ to me all day.
Being stood up
When people take out their gum that they've been chewing and stick it on the side of their plate. That ball of gum is
Being stood up
People that can't drive
People that wear basketball shorts with a polo
Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

People that wear basketball shorts with a polo


People who take the tp off the little bar and don't put it back... ie my girl and kids.. Lol.
Hate that %%*#... Somehow it always ends up in the sink... soaked.
Liars, frontin, and people makin me wait especially if you rushed me there calling every 5 mins like where you at? Thats why i always show up late so i dont have to wait lol
People who smoke while walkin down the street or standin near a busy walkway.

Ppl talkin or textin while drivin

Waitin 5+ min for fast food

Bein asked the same question 2+ times within a 30min span
Originally Posted by JJschenley23

People who make these threads.

u mad wak son

I hate people who NEVER answer their phone...i be wanting to punch something after that...

I also hate people who say their going to do this and that but never do it
Hair. I cannot not stand to find hair on something. I was in Burlington bout tontry on a coat and i saw a hair on it. I just left. I freak out when I see hair. It's to the point where as soon as I Walk in the house I change my clothes cuz I stay finding hair from seats on campus on my clothes. It's always hair from white people too. SMH. Ive never been more disgusted by anything in my life. I could go on and on about how much this bothers me but I'm getting angry thinking about it.
When someone say they are gonna do something and they dont do it (yes you)
Lying about something not worth lying about.
People who urinate in a public bathroom and DON"T FLUSH THE TOILET.

My reaction whenever I see this:

What's worse is when they leave urine on the toilet seat
My pet peeves include but are not limited to people who use the turning lane as a u turn opportunity and people at the grocery store who put their groceries up before the person in front of them.
Originally Posted by TeflanDon

People who urinate in a public bathroom and DON"T FLUSH THE TOILET.

My reaction whenever I see this:

What's worse is when they leave urine on the toilet seat

Sorry fam.. I'll be sure to flush my 5 in. DOOKIE next time. Yes i watch it go down the drain
Someone being late all the time
Someone too self centered
Someone who leaves a mess around the house, especially the kitchen
People who don't use apostrophes or understand ownership.


Jay-Z new single is bangin'.


Did you see the game? Look at Kobe kicks.
Another one is people who hate something because of its "hype". Instead of experiencing it and then coming to an informed opinion they hate it because too many people talk about it.
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