NT, Very Serious talk. Is this dangerous for me? PICS

Jan 12, 2006
After HS my weight got really screwed up. I went from 160 Six Pack, to 190 Fat pack. I am going to start the gym again. But I am fed up. I eat WAY TO MUCH.Like I even crave in the middle of the night and go out and it ALOT. I am going to "starve" myself in a sense starting tomorrow. When I wake up Imgoing to eat 1 bowl of cereal. In the middle of the day I eat 3 small chicken breast pieces and a salad. And the rest of the day just water. And then hardcoregym for cardio. Is it to unhealthy?


Don't do it, man. It's not worth hurting your body to take off weight that can instead be done safely and probably more effectively.
Dude, I swear you post all of your personal issues on NT. Nothing wrong with it, it's just funny, we must be family to you.
ull lose more body fat if u just eat 6 small meals and drink water and cardio and weights than what ur planning to do.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

after looks like you just pushed your stomach out

and you sound like a woman

I had a friend who used to do that all the time in High School
i think it is bad for you
someone once told me when ur body dont get protein it starts tearing down muscle tissue
so u lose muscle definition but u get skinny
but then u look like a skeleton
u got a fat but technically the 6 pack is under there
i guess just runnin alot can burn of the fat and reveal the 6 pack u got hiding away
It is better to eat a lot but in small increments.
S/T Forum might be able to help you out better.
why dont you split your lunch up and have dinner also? It'll help your metabolism plus you can use the lean protein after your cardio. The way you haveyour diet, you will quit very quickly. Trust me, ive tried everything possible and I've lost 125 lbs in a year.
Terrible idea, hope you like the idea of you organs wanting to shut down due to lack of calories. Trust me it is impossible to work out and eat under 1000calories a day, you will barley be able to walk to the gym nevermind do anything semi athletic. Beside onces you start eating a lot again you will gain a lotback cause your body will think oh snap I may get starved again so it will store as much as it can. Just follow something like this and it will come off beforethe summer.

Breakfast- Egg whites and some high fibre low sugar ceral
Snack- Apple or something healthy
Lunch- Chicken brown rice fish salad something like that
Snack- Healthy penut butter with some crackers or something, protien shake even
Dinner-Same as lunch
Night-Vegis, something low cal

Fiber and vegis are your friends for losing weight. It is impossible to gain weight eating carrots and broccoli . A whole bag of baby carrots has like 230calories lol.
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