NT - Keep it real, do you purposely wait 3 hours to respond to a text?

Nov 30, 2002
^What the title says.

...I sometimes do it, but its definitely out of frustration. It seems like its more so of a game, like I'm going to double the amount of time it took youto respond.
I get more annoyed when they don't reply back, period.
Usually, I read the text, go back to what I'm doing and think of something to say.. then forget about it until an hour later.
yooo.. it depends on the person i'm textin..

clearly if its one of my boys i respond with the quickness
and if im in the zone textin a girl and we have a little back and forth %@+$ goin on ill txt right away
but if its a broad that takes a day to respond to a text.. i respond with the "oh cool" or "oh ok" and dead it.. not worth my time
i honestly don't purposefully try to do it. its just that i have a bad memory, so if i get a text and don't answer right away i forget about it

if i'm not busy i usually just answer right away.. i dont play texting games, at leastnot with my friends
Sometimes I do that, I hate playing games, but it can be necessary. A lot of times, I do it because I'm either busy, need time to think of what to say, ordon't care to respond at the moment.
I'm the absolute worst when it comes to responding texts. I try to have my phone with me as little as possible.
Depends, Can't lie it happens with some people that tend to annoy me. (More so on BBM than via Text, but its the same !#$)
depends on who its 2 and how dumb the original message was..usually people wantin somthin stupid so I ignore em.. Why is it if you ignore em they send like 5more messages? all a min apart from each other.
Depends on who it is. I always check my texts when I get them cus my phones on vibrate but a majority of the time I cant respond or its not important enough toget back to that person so when I do have time ill get back to them if I member. If its a female who just says "Hey", "Hi', or "Goodmorning", ill take days to respond on purpose cus a majority of the time theyre just trying to make small talk and I hate that.
Sometimes I Jus Answer Regularly...

Only Time I Stall Or Wait Is Wen Im Being Annoyed/Asked Somin Dumb/Or Avoiding The Person...Those Replies Have Time Frames Of

An Hr, 3 Hrs, Or A Day
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