NT I hate shaving. Vol Razor Bumps burn or whatever

Aug 22, 2005
While i was on Accutane, and now that im off, i absolutly hate shaving with a passion. I like to keep myself clean so i shave every third day, but for the pastfew months it hurts so bad. I tried just about everything and i get the same burning results. Where my sideburns would be my face would appear red a littlebit, but on my neck it is terrible. I get red bumps, mainly on the right side.
I dont like rocking a beard at all, its uncomoftable, but i also hate shaving now.

I dont know what to do, or buy. My dad gave me this Brut after-shave splash, and that !%%@ burns out the world, it doesnt really help all that much though, istill gotta few bumps from that.

Anybody else have this problem? Is it because of the Accutane( drys out skin, and lips to prevent acne )? Or my shavers or lotions.
I have a Nuetrogena Razor Defense shave gel, and a Gillette Fusion. Im going to change the blades in the fusion tomorrow, i think they are a little over amonth.. Maybe thats the problem??

And my after shave lotion is Nivea for men.

NT please help
This is why I don't shave...I'm workin on a Sunni...

Wish I could help u tho, patna...
I had acne problems as well and I am 90% sure the problem is the Gillette Fusion. I was getting razor bumps and my face was burning like crazy for a monthuntil I stopped using the Fusion completely. The 4 sharp blades are probably too much for your face to handle. I would try using something else, recentlyI've been using disposables and I havent been getting as many razor bumps.
i tried the cheap disposables to.. they really didnt help at all. but then again they were 15 pack for a dollar, and like a few years old
If your hair isn't super coarse, I might suggest you switch to an electric trimmer. While I was in the Marines, we had to shave every day. Razors onlyaggrivated the bumps I had so I switched to an electric. It took about 3 weeks to settle in and clear up but it was what worked the best for me.
i dont even shave myself..Just get shapeups weekly at the barbershop lol. my facial hair doesnt grow back as fast so a shapeup on monday will last me tillabout fri
Originally Posted by StarBucks GTD

try that nair hair removal%$#! thats what im going to try.

I think i will try it. i was just on the website reading the info and all that and it sounds pretty good.

Im only 18, and i can get a pretty decent sized beard in a week.. I HATE IT.. but thanks for the heads up
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I had acne problems as well and I am 90% sure the problem is the Gillette Fusion. I was getting razor bumps and my face was burning like crazy for a month until I stopped using the Fusion completely. The 4 sharp blades are probably too much for your face to handle. I would try using something else, recently I've been using disposables and I havent been getting as many razor bumps.
never in this world. The Gillette Fusion is perfect. Crafted by the gods. I think it actually is the cure for acne.
I'm not sure about the Gillette Fusion - I think that my Mach3 gave a closer and more comfortable shave.
After shaving, use Tend Skin or any similar toner. You can find them in the skincare aisle, usually by the bikini waxing stuff lol but its all the same. Maybeuse a shaving gel for sensitive skin. And exfoliate every few days
so is the nair good??
i might as well try it, i dont got nothing too loose, i can handle a bad smell every now and then.
they say it lasts weeks longer than shaving and i hope that it is true

ill make a thread about it if this dies down after i try it.. ill take one for the team lol
I've used the regular Nair. Never had a problem but I'd spot test first just to make sure you dont have a reaction to it. But the legs are a littleless sensitive than the face so that might be it. Make sure you buy the right kind though.
try that nair hair removal%$#! thats what im going to try.

Definitely DO NOT do this...ive heard some pretty bad horror stories from people who tried this...its fine to use on chest or legs or whatever...but not on your face
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

try that nair hair removal%$#! thats what im going to try.

Definitely DO NOT do this...ive heard some pretty bad horror stories from people who tried this...its fine to use on chest or legs or whatever...but not on your face

Nah you must be crazy to using that %*$@ on ur face. It was design for women's legs, arms and #%+$* or something. I think I read the label once andit specially tells you not to get that %*$@ near your face.
aerdel24 : I just PMed you bro
Originally Posted by super roach

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

try that nair hair removal%$#! thats what im going to try.

Definitely DO NOT do this...ive heard some pretty bad horror stories from people who tried this...its fine to use on chest or legs or whatever...but not on your face

Nah you must be crazy to using that %*$@ on ur face. It was design for women's legs, arms and #%+$* or something. I think I read the label once and it specially tells you not to get that %*$@ near your face.
aerdel24 : I just PMed you bro

hence you get the kind made for your face. Theres different Nair versions. Or man up and go get that%%*$ waxed
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by super roach

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

try that nair hair removal%$#! thats what im going to try.

Definitely DO NOT do this...ive heard some pretty bad horror stories from people who tried this...its fine to use on chest or legs or whatever...but not on your face

Nah you must be crazy to using that %*$@ on ur face. It was design for women's legs, arms and #%+$* or something. I think I read the label once and it specially tells you not to get that %*$@ near your face.
aerdel24 : I just PMed you bro

hence you get the kind made for your face. Theres different Nair versions. Or man up and go get that%%*$ waxed

Oh no *!#@. Times has changed a bit, didnt realize there was a face version.

aerdel if the problem is that bad you might wanna consider dropping some dough and get it lasered off.
I knew this female in college that use to get her *!#@ lasered off every few months
I resort to clippers/beard trimmer. I can't even use the lowest setting it offers because it irritates me. My skin is very sensitive and when I used toshave, it would cause me to break out. Now I just keep a shadow around. If I were to shave when neccessary, I'd have to shave every day, or every other dayat least. I'm like wolf man after a week.
i used to have really bad ingrowns from shaving, but now i just use the andis t-outliner. not as close as shaving but its good enough and keeps my face in goodshape.
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