NT, how old is too old to be watching porn??

Apr 20, 2007
So I was using my dad's laptop today cause my comp was being used and I found a few sites in his history that I wasn't expecting to find. Not that Iwas real surprised just the idea of the old man looking at porn weirded me out. So I was wondering, around what age do you think it gets to be too old tostill be surfing porn sites? Is there any age that's too old? Imo once you hit your fifties or so it seems like you might be getting to that age...

My dads 48 btw
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

How old is too old to be breathing air?

Definitely the more debatable question here.

Porn 4 Liiiiiiife, word to N.W.O.

- Tical.
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