NT, How many times did you drink beer before you liked it?

Nov 5, 2007
I've drank beer 3x and both times it wasnt tasty but I will admit the 2nd time was more tolerable and the 3rd time was boderline between bad and good. SoI'm wondering how many times do I have to go through this?

And before any one says anything like "Drink what you want", everyone who likes beer admits it took them a while so not everyone likes beer theirfirst time, and plus if i have to go through some nasty times to get to an amazing drink everyone seems to enjoy I'm willing.
You have to develop an acquired taste for it. Start off with a light tasting beer, maybe Coronas. It might help if you fruit the beer at first, then ween yourself off of the fruit and work your way up to microbrews, dark ales.
Beer is an acquired taste. No one likes it the first time but you grow used to it.
Took me a summer of beer pong.

i'd say maybe the 10th time, took me a while.

my friend has drank beer about 20 times and still doesn't like it, so it depends on the person
just start with some beers easy to drink. don't drink a guiness or nothing. it took me a while to like beer alot.
Originally Posted by s dubl

You have to develop an acquired taste for it. Start off with a light tasting beer, maybe Coronas. It might help if you fruit the beer at first, then ween your self off of the fruit and work your way up to microbrews, dark ales.

Truth, i started on coors light and keystone light
Originally Posted by s dubl

You have to develop an acquired taste for it. Start off with a light tasting beer, maybe Coronas. It might help if you fruit the beer at first, then ween your self off of the fruit and work your way up to microbrews, dark ales.

I remember my boys preaching this to me when I was anti-brews.
i've drank beer countless amounts of times lol... the only beer i can really tolerate is busch light... and i still dont even like it... im more a vodka,e&j type dude
I've tried on a few occasions to drink it and like it but I just can't. Stuff tastes bad and I don't like the "heavy" feeling that itgive you.
i've drank beer a bunch of times and still dont like it..drank a damn 40 ounce last night..ishh was disgusting
I had to drink a ton of it, but now I love it. Just keep on drinking and you'll like it one day.
Originally Posted by s dubl

You have to develop an acquired taste for it. Start off with a light tasting beer, maybe Coronas. It might help if you fruit the beer at first, then ween your self off of the fruit and work your way up to microbrews, dark ales.
I tried coronas wasnt a fan. How bout Heineken? Everyone says thats better
Took me like an entire summer of drinking Heineken and Coronas. Then I moved onto some stronger Czech and Polish beers which I despised at first. Now I candrink any beer I want and enjoy it. But it all came at a cost, the only American beer that I can drink now is Sam Adams and some microbrews like Brooklyn Ale,Blue Point, and some other local ones to the NYC area. European beers FTW!!!
Originally Posted by tony AYOOO

i've drank beer a bunch of times and still dont like it..drank a damn 40 ounce last night..ishh was disgusting

see, that's the problem dude, you're drinking @@$!, not good tasting beer. Look into the thread LLC made about seasonal beers, we're having apretty good discussion
some beer is jus trash but i jus got on this woodchuck apple cider beer and its bangin in like 50 different flavors
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by s dubl

You have to develop an acquired taste for it. Start off with a light tasting beer, maybe Coronas. It might help if you fruit the beer at first, then ween your self off of the fruit and work your way up to microbrews, dark ales.
I tried coronas wasnt a fan. How bout Heineken? Everyone says thats better
, but has a bit of a stonger flavor.

You might want to try Sam Adams Cherry Wheat, has a beer taste with a little sweetness to it. Try light color ales, Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada. Or try lightbeers, coors, bud light, they have that beer taste, but watered down. I started really liking beer when me and my friends used to buy Heny Wienhards (sp?) onthe cheap and just get drunk all the time.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

i've drank beer countless amounts of times lol... the only beer i can really tolerate is busch light... and i still dont even like it... im more a vodka, e&j type dude

I have been throroughly disgusted by e&j since i chugged a bunch and passed out...
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