NT Have you ever done drugs?

Originally Posted by NKE TLK OG

no but im sensing ur a crackhead
there is already some trying to start something.
smoked alot of weed up until a few years ago.
coke twice
pills (vicoden+valium) 50 times

i am all grown up and pretty much just drink now.
Trees...hey hey yay yay, yamean?
Popped a few X pills...
Few Xanies, couple percs...
DXM on occasion...
Wanna try acid/shrooms...
Other than that, nah, cuz
Weed and Syrup(Codine)yess i sip that lean
and Vicodens like 3 times

As for the feeling, it all depends on the type of person you are you can get paranoide and ishh but i don't just enjoy tha ride
only tried weed a couple times....wasnt anything great...most likely will never do it again
Only thing I've done, and will ever do is weed.
I've done it a total of 7 times. The first 5 were mehh, but the last 2 had me trippin' balls, climbing walls n $+@+.

I guess it takes a few times for the weed to really take an effect on your body. I'm real hesitant about doing it again because the last two times I gotreal scared at different stages, I started praying cuz I felt my heart beating 100 beats per minute

I'm leaning towards doing it again because the experience was overall cool, and trippy. However, I'm trying to flush my body real quick so I can get myjob over winter break (smoked on thursday).
I've sniffed blow several times, and tried heroin once. I was young, I experimented, and that's that. I just didn't want to hit thatexperimental stage in my 30s so I got it out of the way early when I had few responsibilities.
tripped off herb?

i burn L's daily, do yay every couple months or less, did shrooms once and it changed how i thought about everything
Vicoden-prescription after i had surgery(not that strong haha)

Weed-you feel high as a kite. hotboxed just yesterday actually with my homies bass bumpin. you feel damn good. i always get real thoughtful and think up a lotof ideas, and stuff. i'm lightweight paranoid when i'm high but just cuz of who i'm with/trusting my boys driving high. nothing too serious.

cigarettes/blacks-it's like a mini high
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