NT Alpha Problems...."Oh I think he is busy"

Apr 15, 2007
So my fellow NT Alpha's (yes the term is over-used but just go with it for now)

This is the third time in a two month span that I have not been invited on a trip / event / party due to other men being insecure. I will keep it short. Went out with friends....girl is into me..."friend" (acquaintance really i don't have many actual friends) has liked this girl for a while but isn't doing anything about it. There is a trip this weekend they are all going on (same group of people i went out with last weekend). Dude tells girls "he is busy i think". I don't get invite to trip due to "friend" feeling threatened by me being there.

For the record (no pics) she is ok looking, the girl in question. Id smash for sure. But dude was talking about wifing her and all this non-sense. I was like uhhhhh ok?

But this type of behavior seems to be happening a lot to me these days. I don't understand what ever happened to bro's over garden tools. Or let the best man win...or just acknowledging she doesn't like you or likes me more. I have had times where i brought a girl around and i liked her and she hit it off with a friend....in which case i say damn guess she is into him more....anyway on to the next one.

This is also why i find myself solo a lot these days because i can't trust people at all. Anyone else have these issues?

-get new friends (i am a 25 year old single male...i ain't hitting on dudes at a bar to get bro dates)
- You ain't no alpha you would say something/throw hands/clap son's shoulders (I am not going to call them all out and make things awkward i just dead them so when i see them again its all fine but i just cut myself out)
- yns
- something about yambs/dambs or fambs
Females choose, sometimes they choose you sometimes they choose the homie. Don't think it has anything to do with being alpha, just vibes man. Some vibes connect some don't. Your boy is a sucker tho, real dudes always respect the chicks choice and move on. It doesn't mean anything king, youre looking to deep into it. The way you were so flamboyant with patting your own back I figured you were gonna tell us about how you came through in the 458 spider and when everybody was discussing who is gonna ride with who to the club all the ladies was like, "i wanna ride with jking he's the truth" and they flipped coins and drew straws and what have you and your boys was just in the background like, "well we got space in the Hyundai if ya'll wanna roll...... its one of the new joints with.the reclining seats that looks like a benz....." and the chicks were just ignoring them talking about how they might just pile up in the rari. Then yall got to the club and you were giving champagne showers and they were drinking lemon drops but no you talking about ya'll went out and a girl your boy likes liked you and he was kind of hurt so he didn't invite to take a trip with them so now you hurt because you feel left out......... King that's not alpha, that's alfalfa.
It's all good, most women see right thru sucka dudes, trust.

She's asking him about you, you've already won. No need to feel some kind of way, the seed has already been planted.
Females choose, sometimes they choose you sometimes they choose the homie. Don't think it has anything to do with being alpha, just vibes man. Some vibes connect some don't. Your boy is a sucker tho, real dudes always respect the chicks choice and move on. It doesn't mean anything king, youre looking to deep into it. The way you were so flamboyant with patting your own back I figured you were gonna tell us about how you came through in the 458 spider and when everybody was discussing who is gonna ride with who to the club all the ladies was like, "i wanna ride with jking he's the truth" and they flipped coins and drew straws and what have you and your boys was just in the background like, "well we got space in the Hyundai if ya'll wanna roll...... its one of the new joints with.the reclining seats that looks like a benz....." and the chicks were just ignoring them talking about how they might just pile up in the rari. Then yall got to the club and you were giving champagne showers and they were drinking lemon drops but no you talking about ya'll went out and a girl your boy likes liked you and he was kind of hurt so he didn't invite to take a trip with them so now you hurt because you feel left out......... King that's not alpha, that's alfalfa.

Normally i like your extended reach rants wise....sub par on this one though...

I just bring it up not to humble brag that one girl likes me....more for the fact that i have "friends" actually going out of their way to tell people to not invite me places because of their insecurities. I wanted to know if anyone has friends like this or has had experiences like this.

It ain't that serious just thought at 25 years of age people were past these shenanigans but I'm apparently mistaken.
Normally i like your extended reach rants wise....sub par on this one though...
I just bring it up not to humble brag that one girl likes me....more for the fact that i have "friends" actually going out of their way to tell people to not invite me places because of their insecurities. I wanted to know if anyone has friends like this or has had experiences like this.
It ain't that serious just thought at 25 years of age people were past these shenanigans but I'm apparently mistaken.

I dont think its insecurites, its just part of the game. If the end result is to get a chick, why would I include somebody that is going to hurt my chances. Just like your main goal is to get the girl, so is his
Females choose, sometimes they choose you sometimes they choose the homie. Don't think it has anything to do with being alpha, just vibes man. Some vibes connect some don't. Your boy is a sucker tho, real dudes always respect the chicks choice and move on. It doesn't mean anything king, youre looking to deep into it. The way you were so flamboyant with patting your own back I figured you were gonna tell us about how you came through in the 458 spider and when everybody was discussing who is gonna ride with who to the club all the ladies was like, "i wanna ride with jking he's the truth" and they flipped coins and drew straws and what have you and your boys was just in the background like, "well we got space in the Hyundai if ya'll wanna roll...... its one of the new joints with.the reclining seats that looks like a benz....." and the chicks were just ignoring them talking about how they might just pile up in the rari. Then yall got to the club and you were giving champagne showers and they were drinking lemon drops but no you talking about ya'll went out and a girl your boy likes liked you and he was kind of hurt so he didn't invite to take a trip with them so now you hurt because you feel left out......... King that's not alpha, that's alfalfa.

Normally i like your extended reach rants wise....sub par on this one though...

I just bring it up not to humble brag that one girl likes me....more for the fact that i have "friends" actually going out of their way to tell people to not invite me places because of their insecurities. I wanted to know if anyone has friends like this or has had experiences like this.

It ain't that serious just thought at 25 years of age people were past these shenanigans but I'm apparently mistaken.
haters gon hate, betas gon beta
When guys feel threatened by competition, they will exclude you from socializing with them around their potential prospects.

It is a way of defending their territory. Don't take offense to it. Just mark your own territory. And roll with whoever wants to roll with you.

Me and my homie always trade war stories, but go to war separately. But still kick it (play ball, have a beer, etc) when we have the time.

You cannot surround yourself with insecure people, they will find a way to have a reason to hate you, and sabotage your well being for their own. Just do you, and kick it with whoever wants to kick it with you.
Not trying to hate but...

What about you is intimidating to them?

Maybe downplay it when you're amongst the group, then let it shine when you're solo with the yambs.
Normally i like your extended reach rants wise....sub par on this one though...

I just bring it up not to humble brag that one girl likes me....more for the fact that i have "friends" actually going out of their way to tell people to not invite me places because of their insecurities. I wanted to know if anyone has friends like this or has had experiences like this.

It ain't that serious just thought at 25 years of age people were past these shenanigans but I'm apparently mistaken.

therein lies the problems. you pointed it out yourself. these arent your friends. real friends dont feel threatened by each other. hell, one of my boys just got that way with the ladies and will pull 5x as much as the rest of us. aint no one feeling threatened. we give dude props for doing his thing.

its just a shame that you dont have a crew of friends that you can really rely on. at 25 its kinda hard to make those lifelong bonds with people.
Ive had similar issues before. You just gotta fall back sometimes and let your buddies eat.
Glad me and my real friends don't go through that. We all different though so we never attract the same types.
I exited a circle of dudes i used to kick it with for a similar reason. They want to be the big fish in the small pond.

If the chick falls for that, she either likes being fooled, or wasn't meant for you.

But at the same time, so many relationships are based off of lies nowadays, seems like it's normal to misrepresent to get the opposite sex.

It's a desperate economy out there and I never been to fond of playing games.

Guess that's why I'm Hans Solo at the moment.

Sometimes it bothers me how easily I can drop people...
Age and maturity level have lilttle to no correlation.....

I tightened my circle so much over the years that it started to look rather square.

Sometimes the people closest to you are the most jealous/envious.....no matter how outgoing and giving you are to those close, some people get jealous of your genriosity and your good fortune.
Clearly, we've bred new generation of c0ck-blocks, smh. The responses in here are disgusting.

So, if the girls feeling your boy more than she's feeling you, c0ck-block him to give yourself the upper-hand. Never mind stepping your own game up so that you wont be a second option.

OP, I feel ya tho. I've had it happen on several occasions, smashed said girl, and watched the so-called homie still try to wife that. Some dudes are just oblivious to the reality that you weren't her first choice homes.
you gotta smash the chick and record, then show your boy, but right before it shows nipple you got to take away the video so he just ends up jelly and mad he didn't even see nip.

but seriously OP I know what you're saying, although I didn't think that still happened at 25. Thought it was more of a high school thing. This one dude (who I've deaded since) I went to school with from k-8 was always real lame and put girls he wasn't even smashing before his boys. If a chick was feeling one of his boys over him he would embarrass and say some stuff about his "boy." smh. A few weeks ago at a party, I'm talking to some chick, (half way into my bottle of Henny and first time hitting a bong so I don't recall everything he said) and this dude comes by and starts telling the chick things about me how I was never a ladies man yadadadadada.

I don't care how bad a girl is, unless it's your girlfriend/wife it's bros before garden tools.

smh, I really hate it when dudes do this ****.
Females choose, sometimes they choose you sometimes they choose the homie. Don't think it has anything to do with being alpha, just vibes man. Some vibes connect some don't. Your boy is a sucker tho, real dudes always respect the chicks choice and move on. It doesn't mean anything king, youre looking to deep into it. The way you were so flamboyant with patting your own back I figured you were gonna tell us about how you came through in the 458 spider and when everybody was discussing who is gonna ride with who to the club all the ladies was like, "i wanna ride with jking he's the truth" and they flipped coins and drew straws and what have you and your boys was just in the background like, "well we got space in the Hyundai if ya'll wanna roll...... its one of the new joints with.the reclining seats that looks like a benz....." and the chicks were just ignoring them talking about how they might just pile up in the rari. Then yall got to the club and you were giving champagne showers and they were drinking lemon drops but no you talking about ya'll went out and a girl your boy likes liked you and he was kind of hurt so he didn't invite to take a trip with them so now you hurt because you feel left out......... King that's not alpha, that's alfalfa.
its a hit or miss with wisefarrow ...

This was a hit...
Feel your pain OP. Bros won't even double date because they don't want their wifey to be introduced to the charm. Its cool though like someone mentioned make a concerted effort to be self depracating in groups but yourself alone with the potential yambs.
so you're mad they're not inviting you to a trip/party and your reasong is because they feel threatened by you...Maybe he wants alone time with her. You're over here giving him a time limit on when he should make a move with her. Why dont you invite her out on your own time instead of complaining about not going out with the group of "acquaintances"
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