NikeTalk Rules of Conduct

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
Section1 - General Conduct

1. Derogatory comments regarding race, ethnic background, language, gender, sex, sexuality, ability, or religion are strictly prohibited. The use of slurs and/or hate speech will result in immediate and permanent banishment from the community without warning.

2. Swearing is unacceptable. Partially edited profanity such as "$*!t" is also unacceptable. Attempting to circumvent this rule using abbreviations, acronyms, or other obvious representations of prohibited language will not be tolerated and will result in administrative action. Other restrictions may be made according to context. If you are unsure if a word is appropriate, DO NOT USE IT.

3. No name calling, attacks or flames wars. ANYTHING specifically directed at another member in a disrespectful way will NOT be tolerated. Flames are unacceptable in any form and will result in immediate banishment. Any post calling out a specific member or group of members will be locked without discussion. This includes "newbie" bashing.

4. "Trolling", or making posts with the sole intention of creating problems on the board is against NT guidelines. This includes registering an alternate ID for the sole purpose of creating problems on the board. "Troll ID's" will be locked immediately and permanently, and can be locked without notification to the rulebreaker. If an existing member creates a separate troll ID and is caught, the troll ID AND the member's primary ID will be banned. Note: "hijacking" of threads (posting with intent to derail a thread) and "copycat" threads (i.e. parodies mocking others' threads) will be considered trolling.

Section 2 - Fraud

1. We at NikeTalk do not tolerate FRAUD, in any way, shape or form.

2. If you are caught intentionally misrepresenting yourself or any items you may have for sale/trade with the sole purpose of defrauding a fellow member then you will be permanently banned fromthe board.

3. Similarly, any attempt to intentionally deceive other NikeTalk members (i.e. Hoaxes) will not be tolerated. This includes intentional posting of false or misleading information, creating multiple user IDs in an attempt to fraudulently provide positive feedback for yourself or otherwise attempt to deceive users, generating hype without intending to follow through, or similar stunts. (E-mail me for AJ XXV pics, etc.)

4. Assisting someone commit fraud is also grounds for banishment.

5. Fakes / "factory variants" are also considered fraudulent. Discussion of fakes and variants will be frowned upon and may lead to the locking or deletion of a post.

Section3 - Images

1. Images, including those used for personal icons, must be appropriate for all ages. Images that show illegal drug use, graphic depictions of violence or are sexually provocative are not acceptable. These restrictions apply to videos and links to outside sites as well.

2. Images, icons and links to images located on porn sites or sites condoning illegal activities are not acceptable.

Section 4 - ETC

1. Links to porn sites or Web sites dealing with illegal activities (fraud, drug use, etc.) will not be tolerated. Similarly, threads/replies encouraging and aiding in illegal/unethical actions such as bootlegging of music, movies, games, illegal drug use, etc. are prohibited and will be locked or deleted without discussion. Users may NOT post OR request copyrighted content - including premium online articles, etc.

2. "Free posts", or posting solely for the purpose of boosting your post count is not allowed. Many people judge member's credibility based on post count, so we ask that you obtain your post count legitimately. Furthermore, free posts waste server space and ISP bandwidth unnecessarily. Topics in violation of this rule will be locked or deleted without discussion. Repeated or consistent violation of this rule will result in banishment.

3. Usage of embedded audio files of video files set to 'autoplay' will not be allowed on NT. We are very serious about this rule and those in violation will be banned without warning.

4. Administrators reserve the right to exercise discretion in removing any member whose conduct is deemed disrespectful or destructive to the community. Don't risk your membership over something foolish. If you are respectful to your fellow members at all times and handle conflict appropriately, your membership will never be in jeopardy.

We feel that our policy is extremely reasonable. You may think we're being too restrictive, but bear in mind that this board is used by a wide range of ages, races, religions, and nationalities. We have children on this board, and we have parents on this board. What you may consider appropriate may offend someone else. We ALL have a place within the NikeTalk community, and these rules are designed to keep it that way.

We expect and appreciate your full cooperation.

If you have any questions or concerns about the rules, here's how you can handle it:

The administrators and moderators are volunteers who run the board in their free time. We are sneaker fans, just like you, and are not paid to take your abuse. If you have a problem with the board that you would like to convey to an administrator or moderator, please be civil and polite as we try our best with what limited time we have. Bring up your concerns in a mature and respectful manner. If you are contacting us because you violated forum guidelines, be adult enough to admit your mistake. If your IP has been locked for some reason, talking politely to us about it in private, via e-mail can get you reinstated in many cases. We believe you'll find it infinitely easier to work with us rather than against us.
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