NikeTalk Frequently Asked Questions


Staff member
Jan 10, 2000
Reaction score
Okay, it's Saturday night and we're all at home online. I think it's safe to say that we have nothing better to do then twiddle our thumbs.

With that said, I've noticed that the need for a FAQ has become more and more prevalent. I'm planning to create a temporary (if not permanent) FAQ for NikeTalk. But being that I'm a lazy bum, I decided to work smarter rather than smarter.

How about you guys give me examples of things that YOU think should be on a NikeTalk FAQ along with the specific answers? THEN, my lazy cut and paste butt will do just that and upload them to my site. When someone asks a question, you can just refer them to the exact page. What do ya think?

Sounds like a deal.
To make the picture appear below your username:

1)Go to the EzBoard homepage.
2)Log in.
3)Click on "edit profile"
4)In the upper/middle part of your screen, where it says "personal photo url", type the url to the picture you are linking from.
5)YOU CANNOT LINK FROM YOUR COMPUTER, it must be linked from the internet somewhere. If you need to put the pic from your computer to the internet, try
6)Make sure the box labeled "use personal photo" is checked.
7)Click on "save changes" at the bottom and you're done!

To make a picture appear to the right of your name:

1)Go to the EzBoard homepage.
2)Log in.
3)Go to "edit preferences".
4)Scroll down about half way to where it says "personal icon"
5)Type the url to the picture you are linking from into the text box.
6)YOU CANNOT LINK FROM YOUR COMPUTER, it must be linked from the internet somewhere. If you need to put the pic from your computer to the internet, try
7)Make sure the box labeled "use personal icon next to my user name" is checked.
Scroll down and click "save changes" and you're done!

To make a picture appear in a post:

1)Type [**image][/**image]


3)So, if I were to type, [**image][/**image], without the *'s, this would show up:


4)You're welcome.

To make your own personal signature:

1)Go to the EzBoard homepage.
2)Log in.
3)Go to "edit preferences".
4)Scroll down about of the way down your screen, here you will see a text box labeled, Custom Signature.
5)Enter your custom signature.
6)Make sure the box labeled, Use Custom Sig.
7)Save Changes (at the bottom of the screen) and youre finished.

Also, you should have a link to the NT Directory on there, as well.
[color=Dark Gray]Have I pissed you off today? Mail me[/color][color=003333]*[/color][color=Dark Gray]AIM = MixMasterNick[/color]
What does LMAO and IMO mean?

LMAO: Laughing My *** Off

IMO: In My Opinion

BTW, the use of profanity is prohibited on NikeTalk.
The answer to that question should be...

"A. Act like a reasonable person and email or IM the Mod/Admin in question. It's a lot more effective dealing with a person one on one rather than attacking them in a public manner. Especially when they are trying to do GOOD for something they believe in. In this case NIKETALK."
I have a question, maybe a dumb question, is there a way to change your username on NT?

I would like to align my user name here with my username on twitter and IG, it seems like there needs to be a way to change my name short of starting a new account.

Can anyone help me?

Hallo i am a new member here. Live in the netherlands. I think you can change your profile name when you go to ur profile page. Goodluck
I see no place in profile edit to change my user name, only update my location and/or my twitter and about
The forum seems cool I was previously a poster elsewhere, but the whole mod having to approve my posts shindig each time I post because I’m a new poster is a tad annoying.

Also not being able to post in the general section is somewhat of a buzz kill.

I guess this is more of a gripe.
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