NFL and NBA Player Conduct Keeping Them Safe and Out Of Trouble

Dec 20, 2000
These passed couple years have been bad for sports, specifically the NFL, you have all of Pacman Jones incidents, Micheal Vick and his dog genocide,� DarrentWilliams who was murdered early this year after an altercation at a club, and now Sean Taylor's murder. Something has got to be done, but what?

Something has to be done to keep players safe, and something needs to be done so these players use better judgment. I know a lot of players are from the hood,but why do some
of them feel that even though they are out of the hood you can't take the hood out of them?

Why do players like Allen Iverson, and Carmelo Anthony feel they need to be out on the block at 2am after a game drunk acting a fool?

That is ridiculous every time I see that video I get upset.

As for Sean Taylor I'm not saying what happened to him (RIP) was his fault, I just want opinions on what rules you all feel are needed for the players ownwell being?
First off, I don't think anyone should criticize any of these players for carrying a gun or having personal security. As we saw over the summer with AI,there are too many people out there looking to make a name for themselves (on the street) or make a buck off of an incident. These guys have every right toenjoy things in life like going to a nice restaurant, visiting their old neighborhood, shopping, and nightlife. Unfortunately, there are jealous people outthere who view success as a negative. Rather than praising someone for their feats whether athletically or academically, they essentially become targets due totheir status. I don't know what can be done to protect these players. Like I said before, they have every right to enjoy their wealth and lives in general.Anyone can become a target, and hopefully with some of these higher-profile cases like Williams and Taylor, it will keep the next man a little more cautiousabout their surroundings, and what they need to do in order to protect themselves and or their families.
I don't like guns, I always felt you are at a greater risk if you have one on you. As far as the players go I agree they should be able to enjoy therewealth, but someone should teach them to be responsible, and mature with what they have. There is no need for them to be out on the corner past midnight atall, point blank period, there is no need for them to go to a club and throw up thousands of dollars, that is just asking for trouble.
Now all sports are tainted, Baseball players take steroids, and NBA/NFL players are hoodlums.

Only league with no issue is the NHL, and they glorify fighting.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Now all sports are tainted, Baseball players take steroids, and NBA/NFL players are hoodlums.

Only league with no issue is the NHL, and they glorify fighting.

whoa whoa could you forget about the MLS.

You know if you compared athletes to the general population, they are far far far more well behaved yet everyone$$@%+*%! and moans when they do something. Whatlaw are Melo and AI breaking in that video? You know 18% of black men will be arrested and do time at some point in their lives? 450 guys in the NBA, don'tfeel like counting exactly but let's just say 400 of which are black men. That would be 72 guys. How many guys in the league now have been arrested?

And crime happens everywhere. Sebastian was robbed at gunpoint outside of Justin's. Eddy Curry and Antoine Walker were robbed in the suburbs. Flip Murrayhad someone follow him home to his gated community in Troy and shoot into his window.

Kids "look up" to athletes in the sense they love how they play and would like to be as good as them, but if you think kids who are fans of Vick wantto dogfight because he did, or Kobe fans want to rape girls because he allegedly did, then you are mistaken. And if that actually is the case, that'sindicative of a failure on the parent, the kid, and the part of everyone in his life. Anybody who can be that easily swayed into a certain lifestyle wasn'tgoing to make it anyways. It's not liek kids are ambitious and have high dreams and hopes and are well on their way, then all of a sudden hear a 50 Centalbum and decide they'd rather kill%%%*!!!. And again, if they are then they not only weren't going to make it, but aren't mature enough to belistening to/watching such content.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

What law are Melo and AI breaking in that video?

They aren't breaking any law, but they are just out there drunk on the street putting themselves in a situation where something bad can happen.Yeah youcould make the argument that they out there enjoying them self after a game, but they are acting a damn fool with a bunch of thugs.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

good thread

here is a good convo on this topic, REAL TALK from Deion:

the good point he made, was when he said if this was Brett Favre or Tony Romo, they damn sure would get to the bottom of this. you know if somebody even LOOKED at Favre wrong they would have a man in custody right now... yet we still don't know who killed Darrent Williams. we don't even know who killed Pac or Biggie

Peeps know...whats bad is two more COPS were added to the wrongful death suit of Biggie.
Sean Taylor got shot in HIS HOUSE. if u aint safe in your in your own crib, u aint safe anywhere, so u may as well have fun wherever u at.
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

Sean Taylor got shot in HIS HOUSE. if u aint safe in your in your own crib, u aint safe anywhere, so u may as well have fun wherever u at.

From what I am hearing it was provoked.
We should just lock them up in a room with no doors or windows, provide them amenities for sustenance, bring them out to perform on the sports field for us,then return them to their quarters.

And you know more than the people in charge with investigating the murder. You should probably give them a call. 1-800-Crime-Stoppers.
From what I am hearing it was provoked.

I don't know how one can be possibly provoked when someone, a stranger that was a burglar, comes into your house.

I have no problem with athletes going out having good times because at the end, they are humans, too. They just have to be more cautious than normal peoplebecause many of them just becomes target even if they don't do anything. Some dudes may act a fool but some of the dudes got into this trouble just becausethey are high-profile dudes. Leagues are doing the best to educate these cats but at the end, it's up to athletes themselves to watch out for themselves.Keep in mind, many of these dudes are still young dudes in their 20s, they are learning to live a life in the real world but problem is they usually pay higherprice than us when they get into trouble.
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