New Blog...Can I get some feedback?

Apr 15, 2008
Yo.! I setup a new blog, displaying some photoshop work I do.

Can I get some feedback that might be useful for improvement. Thanks
Originally Posted by Spidahyeee

if it's just a blog then it's fine, but if you're actually using it to promote your business then I'd opt for a more professional layout, ie: change all font to arial or tahoma, make a tab for your portfolio instead of 4 different tabs then have a tab for orders, and def. change the banner and colors.
channing's 1st pumpkin patch.
why are all the pics stretched out like that?

if you're going to try and make them into square pics... crop them instead of messing up the aspect ratios
It's got to be cleaner. Make it easy to read.

My blog might be the opposite extreme in terms of simplicity and ease of reading, but yours has too much going on. I'd get rid of all the different colors.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

channing's 1st pumpkin patch.
why are all the pics stretched out like that?

if you're going to try and make them into square pics... crop them instead of messing up the aspect ratios

was just going to post this exact same thing. It's extremely unprofessional to have stretched out images. Are you self-taught? I'd recommend a few design books to round off some edges before you dive into the professional world.

Goodluck friend.

workin on a new color scheme..alot ppl been sayin suggestin that...thx for the feedback....

the pics frm the pumpkin patch have a posterize filter, its not the aspect ratio...its cuts the colors into layers...

thanks for the suggestions
Originally Posted by Spidahyeee

the pics frm the pumpkin patch have a posterize filter, its not the aspect ratio...its cuts the colors into layers...
the filter aside... the pics are indeed screwed up...if you can't see that, then I dunno what to say..
if that's how you got the pics from the source...then you need to push back to the client and tell them their pics are messed up. the end of the day... it's your work... someone else looking at it as a representative sample of your work won't care about anything but the finished product.
As a design professional for over 10 years now I have no problem saying that this stuff is garbage.

I just recently received over 40 resumes in 12 hours for a junior design position and only found 2 worthy to call back.

Most people were like this guy, they had personal websites, business cards, etc. but not a lick of design skill.

When did people stop telling other people that they suck?

PS: As a general FYI, designing myspace layouts for your friend who is a "rapper" is not portfolio material. Nor is using every PS filter available considered "cutting edge".
I agree with SIZE TENS.

But you have a good start, and motivation! Best luck to you!
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