Navabar is still transparent when scrolling down page in Safari Desktop Browser.

Feb 23, 2006
When scrolling pages, the navigation bar overlays the page. This doesn't happen in Firefox. Using Safari 13.0.4

Screen Shot 2020-01-15 at 12.36.31 PM.png
Is anyone else encountering this issue?

I couldn't reproduce it in Safari 13.04.

It may be something else about your browser instance, like an extension, or your connection. Taken in tandem with your report about the post editor, it seems that these pages are failing to load completely.

Any further detail could be helpful in identifying the cause.
I don't have any ad-blockers or extensions installed in Safari so I can't pinpoint if there is anything specific to my browser instance. At work now, but will check some more when at home
Yes. This is only happening with one particular laptop. You can close this and my other thread.
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