My dog just had

Feb 23, 2008
I have a pitbull and Friday morning she had the first puppy. I had to go to school, so my mom stayed home and kept on checking on her. She ended up having 9,everything was good until today afternoon. I wend to check up on her and noticed that she killed one of the puppies, and she bit the puppies head off. If anyof ya have dealt with this before what should I do? Should I just leave them there with her or take separate them?
She might've killed the puppy because something was wrong with it. I raised pits (APBT registered before the Vick situation, now...UKC)
They do that sometimes. If the mother doesn't have enough nipples to feed her young, she'll kill her own babies.
if you separate them how will they feed?

call a vet before she kills all of them
Really...Crux hasn't shown up in this thread yet?


Yes, this happens. Usually when the mother is too young or when something stressful happens (being left alone, someone banging on the door, neighbor dogbarking, mailman coming... nearly anything can set them off if they are the nervous type).

It is totally irresponsible for you to leave the mother alone until the pups are several weeks old. Too many things can happen (as you've seen).

Responsible breeders SPAY dogs who are poor mothers... this is NOT something you want passed on and b*tches tend to treat their pups as their mothers did.
They do that most times if they r sick. Somethin may have been wrong with it. It's normal
Originally Posted by BlocStarr2006

She might've killed the puppy because something was wrong with it. I raised pits (APBT registered before the Vick situation, now...UKC)

the second puppy she had was really skinny and I was kind of worried that he wasnt going to make it, it looked exactly like the one she killed from the neckdown, same black color and all...
Ill post pictures of it tomorrow morning, since i dont have a camera right now. She was looking kind of sad and I had a good talk with her, but I HOPE that shedoesn't kill anymore...suck for my little nephew, that was the puppy he wanted.
you should have read up on this before she had pups

might of been a possibility she killed them because she couldnt support them or give them enough milk
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