My cry for help.

Jan 5, 2009
I don't even know if this will help but I have been going through some personal stuff since last summer. I have tried to tackle this issue on my own I have spoken to fiends and family about it but nothing has worked. It's eating me alive killing me inside I feel my mind being eaten alive I can't eat or sleep and I feel as though I'm just dying. I just feel tired already and don't want to keep living like this. The issue was me and my sons mother took some time apart few months an during that time she hooked up with her ex while I was trying to come back and make things work. She ended up sleeping with him and now wants to work things out with me. But honestly her sleeping with hi is what is killing me inside becasue I tired to propose to her prior to the event and she said no. It's messing me up at work and a hook it's just I never would have done anything like this to her. I really just want the pain to end.
why do you allow yourself to hurt over someone who does not value you? do what you need to for your son. your time with her is over.

you have to get over it to be happy again. things will never ever be the same.

I know you don't wanna read that but you need to fam
Keep your head up bro... I know you might catch some heat from a few NTers.

But just stay up fam, don't do anything stupid now. Be there for your son, you're probably the only one he has right now.
love comes and goes man. your son shouldn't have to grow up without a dad because his mom's a bop.

side note find out if your seed is really your seed..

I agree with watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall. other advice, don't listen to any older Eminem.
Sounds like it's time to start taking those steps of emotionally removing yourself from her.

Focus on your life and son before you let her completely ruin your life. You can see it's obviously not worth it
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

I don't even know if this will help but I have been going through some personal stuff since last summer. I have tried to tackle this issue on my own I have spoken to fiends and family about it but nothing has worked. It's eating me alive killing me inside I feel my mind being eaten alive I can't eat or sleep and I feel as though I'm just dying. I just feel tired already and don't want to keep living like this. The issue was me and my sons mother took some time apart few months an during that time she hooked up with her ex while I was trying to come back and make things work. She ended up sleeping with him and now wants to work things out with me. But honestly her sleeping with hi is what is killing me inside becasue I tired to propose to her prior to the event and she said no. It's messing me up at work and a hook it's just I never would have done anything like this to her. I really just want the pain to end.
here in lies your problem.  dont talk to crackheads, they don't make good advisers. 

let her go son.  keep the relationship about your seed and nothing more.  she still wants her ex.  the sooner you see that, the better off you are.  100.
I took a little break form her cuz I was tryin to focus on finishing grad school and find a job to give her and my son the world. I only thought of her but needed time to fix my wrongs and come back a better person.
Good advise is not always eff that chick.
Not trying to sound like a simp but a chick can slip up to. Especially if she's tryin to get back at you for something you did.
But if you did nothing first to cause the break up, then find some strange and have at it.
Now if you stepped out first, you may just have to chalk it up and consider both of yall with one strike.
Ok on the real. It might over for you all. Yea she might run the it was mistake line but I think its best to let go. Her sleeping with her EX of all things is her getting over you. Just be there for your son and lawyer up incase of child support.
man can't imagine how it feels bro. easy for us to give advice from the outside but i'd be pissed. even if you work things out you're gonna hold it against her and throw it in her face when u can so best to move on imo.
I can never understand how a man can let someone control them like that. Dude life is short don't waste it on those who don't make u a priority on theirs.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

I can never understand how a man can let someone control them like that. Dude life is short don't waste it on those who don't make u a priority on theirs.

Originally Posted by tim teufel

I can never understand how a man can let someone control them like that. Dude life is short don't waste it on those who don't make u a priority on theirs.

Its called feeling. people have them.

OP all i can say is, even though u have a son, you still need to see other women. only way. Think about it, if you dont see other women, youre going to keep thinking about her.
You gotta hit my phone b. If you want to talk about it message me for the numbers. We'll work it out. Seriously.
I know it's hard, but stay positive. If not for yourself, then for your son. Think about what would happen if you removed yourself from him life. Don't let him grow up like that. Try and separate yourself emotionally from the kid's mom. She's clearly not worth the time and effort. Sure you think you're in love with her, but I'm betting that a major part of the reason is that you share that child. Realize what she did to you, how she disregarded you while you two were apart, and move on. That's not love man. You're in your darkest hour right now, but you can get through it and you'll find someone who will truly appreciate you. When all is said and done, you will come out stronger and on a level so far above this woman that you won't even know why you stressed so hard over her in the first place. My PM box is always open fam, but if you don't want to talk, then please just don't do anything out of line.
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