Moving to Fort Myers...

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What's good NT? I recently graduated from college and I have an interview w/ a company in Fort Myers this week. If (I'm praying) I get the job,I'll be moving to down there. I'm from Miami, so I'm excited about being close to home. Currently I'm in Tallahassee but I need beschool'ed on Ft. Myers. Where to stay, where to go, EVERYTHING. I graduated from FAMU and I'm from Miami. Soooo, naturally I'm looking forsimilar night life environments. (hip hop/urban, 18-30 year old crowds) So, help a brother out NT, Thanks.
There really ain't %#%* to do here. Everyone just goes to the beach. Clubs are garbage and it'll be a huge disappointment. Once I graduate I'mgetting as far away as possible.

If you're used to big city life, you'll be in for a culture shock.
fort myers sucks. everything is so slow paced. theres nothing but old rich people, college kids, and useless middle aged people that might be half ******ed.the good news is you will be able to get a house for cheap and theres lots of deals on real estate that you could buy up as rental properties or just hold onto since property values are in the tank and interest rates are low.

if your job pays you pretty well, i would get a place somewhere in naples and commute. fort myers is a horrible place to live.
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