Moving in with your GirlFriend Stories

Jan 1, 2006
My girlfriend's roommate doesn't want to live in there neighborhood anymore (NE DC)... so she's asking me to move in.

My girl is a flight attendant so I know she'll be gone a few days out of the week.

The apartment she lives in is ALOT nicer than mine...(concierge, workout room, and the neighborhood has a lot more to offer, right next to the Metro etc.)

yall already know the problem with living with your girl..

I'm 26 by the way.. she's 25...

We would be splitting bills 50/50

My bills would go up about $100, but that's not a problem.

What are some of y'all stories with moving in with your girl, or vice versa.
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None, I still run the household like a king. The occasional argument here and there, but that's what twin peaks is next door for.

#1 Pro: in house yambs. No more drives to the *****, it's right there when u wake up.

#1 Con: women are needy sometimes
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None, I still run the household like a king. The occasional argument here and there, but that's what twin peaks is next door for.

#1 Pro: in house yambs. No more drives to the *****, it's right there when u wake up.

#1 Con: women are needy sometimes

If I'm always over there... what is gonna be the biggest difference?

Do u still have side joints?
That's a big decision.

Because you have to ask yourself the 'what if' questions while factoring your decision.

If you do decide to, communication is VERY important. She may be set in how she likes her apartment and you may have your own way. Make sure to communicate these details.
If I'm always over there... what is gonna be the biggest difference?

Do u still have side joints?
It's a big difference between living there and always being over there. Trust me, u gonna learn all her dirty little secrets :lol:. But only u know what kinda person she is and know if u can deal with that. As far as the side joints, plead the 5th, but it will complicate your life some more.... so I heard. The sneaking, lying and hiding takes a toll on u b, when I can get in the shower and leave my phone on in the other room it's a wonderful feeling.
If I'm always over there... what is gonna be the biggest difference?

Do u still have side joints?
Not being able to get away from her for long stretches when you are tired of her.

Sure, you can go for a walk/drive, but it is different that you always have to come back "home" to her.

Some days you might not feel like entertaining another human being. You can't run
^ This. There are definitely some secrets that your girl is still hiding from you. Including, you. Are you ready for her to find out about those? lol
If he has a lock on his phone this won't be an issue.

She doesn't need to have it
Woman are wizards bro/sis. When they wanna know something they will figure it out. I thought the same thing once and that was the 1st time **** went downhill. Thank God I deleted that "bad" **** but what was seen was enough to put me in the dog house.
Yeah, but what if a side piece texted him and his gf sees it and begins questioning it?
Resolve any conflict sooner than later. There will be an adjustment period ,but if your really committed to each other it shouldn't be a big deal. Also I'm not saying all girls ,but some think that marriage happens soon after moving in together if that's not where you are at I would express that before moving in.
Woman are wizards bro/sis. When they wanna know something they will figure it out. I thought the same thing once and that was the 1st time **** went downhill. Thank God I deleted that "bad" **** but what was seen was enough to put me in the dog house.

Well make stronger passwords. That is on you if she figures out the password. That simple
^ This. There are definitely some secrets that your girl is still hiding from you. Including, you. Are you ready for her to find out about those? lol

She comes off as this perfect person that doesn't lie... and "has no reason to"
I'm tryna think about the best way to ask her to be 100 and ask her if she has any skeletons before I move in.
She comes off as this perfect person that doesn't lie... and "has no reason to"
I'm tryna think about the best way to ask her to be 100 and ask her if she has any skeletons before I move in.
That question is pointless.

Things come out on a contextual basis. How does someone even answer that question?

Too broad of a question.

And don't ask questions you REALLY don't want the answer to
She comes off as this perfect person that doesn't lie... and "has no reason to"
I'm tryna think about the best way to ask her to be 100 and ask her if she has any skeletons before I move in.
DC has a point.

You can't have her answer that and expect her to give you everything.

Just be ready to see things you wouldn't expect to see from your gf. It'll happen. She may come off as a 'perfect person' but there are still things that she hasn't shared with you yet. This is common.
I will just say, remain your individuality and privacy. Being with someone in close quarters doesn't mean you need to relinquish who you are and everything you have. She isn't your wife and even if she was, you are still entitled to being your own person.

I also would suggest making sure that is some visual representation of Bill Payment assignments. It needs to be somewhere that both of you can visibly see. Notepad, Calendar, SOMETHING. You don't want those money issues coming up.

Keep your own bank account to. Don't fall for the, "Only one bank account" nonsense that @ksteezy preaches
^ But steezy is married, though. I don't see a problem with a shared bank account with your spouse.
I think your biggest issue is dating someone that's a flight attendant. I know a few and they tell me stories all the time (personal and others) how they're hookin up with flight crew cause it's a quick and easy when in another city.
Don't think I would be able to move into a females place. We would have to get a new place together. Sounds like an upgrade for your situation tho. My girl is trying to move in together next year, so I'll be monitoring this thread.
Are you putting your name on the lease? That could work for or against you. If you wanna dip because it's not working, against. If she wants to kick you out because it's not working, for (until you find a new spot). Just something to consider.

Also never move in with someone if you aren't willing to honestly lay ground rules that you will not budge on. It's not an easy conversation to have, but it's one that needs to be had. You have to have boundaries and guidelines clearly stated or you're gonna be arguing a lot. She can't read your mind or anticipate what things you won't/don't go for.

Good luck OP.
If I'm always over there... what is gonna be the biggest difference?

Do u still have side joints?
It's a big difference between living there and always being over there. Trust me, u gonna learn all her dirty little secrets :lol:. But only u know what kinda person she is and know if u can deal with that. As far as the side joints, plead the 5th, but it will complicate your life some more.... so I heard. The sneaking, lying and hiding takes a toll on u b, when I can get in the shower and leave my phone on in the other room it's a wonderful feeling.
The last sentence. Fam this helps to avoid a lot of senseless arguing and the big question "why do you take your phone with you?" I don't do any dirt nor have side pieces. I don't even have a damn lock on my phone because I don't care :lol:
That question is pointless.

Things come out on a contextual basis. How does someone even answer that question?

Too broad of a question.

And don't ask questions you REALLY don't want the answer to

I would want to know... just depends what information.
^ This. There are definitely some secrets that your girl is still hiding from you. Including, you. Are you ready for her to find out about those? lol
She comes off as this perfect person that doesn't lie... and "has no reason to"
I'm tryna think about the best way to ask her to be 100 and ask her if she has any skeletons before I move in.
She's not gonna tell you everything, so don't even bother.
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