Moving back in with your parents Vol. My prides tellin me nooo

Jan 4, 2010
I think i may have to do it NT, ive been on my own for 3 years now, i cant fathom the thought of rules again..
I think i may have to do it NT, ive been on my own for 3 years now, i cant fathom the thought of rules again..
23, but bills keep piling and i lost my job, these government checks aint cuttin it anymore with my rent..
23, but bills keep piling and i lost my job, these government checks aint cuttin it anymore with my rent..
i am...

they know i'm trying to get out as fast as possible tho...

more than likely...if i'm lucky i'll be able to get two jobs to save faster
i am...

they know i'm trying to get out as fast as possible tho...

more than likely...if i'm lucky i'll be able to get two jobs to save faster
At 23, anything you do should be a non issue unless you have really traditional od 'rents. Outside of anything illegal you should be good.
At 23, anything you do should be a non issue unless you have really traditional od 'rents. Outside of anything illegal you should be good.
Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

At 23, anything you do should be a non issue unless you have really traditional od 'rents. Outside of anything illegal you should be good.

Yea no doubt, moms is cool but shes real old fashion, but i guess i have to suck it up for a month or two, man this sucks.
Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

At 23, anything you do should be a non issue unless you have really traditional od 'rents. Outside of anything illegal you should be good.

Yea no doubt, moms is cool but shes real old fashion, but i guess i have to suck it up for a month or two, man this sucks.
Maybe move in with your gf if possible? Man i would HATE to have to move back in with my crazy family lol
Maybe move in with your gf if possible? Man i would HATE to have to move back in with my crazy family lol
Doesn't sound like you have a choice my G. Make the best of the situation and just stay focused on getting back on your feet. There's no shame in asking your parents for help.
Doesn't sound like you have a choice my G. Make the best of the situation and just stay focused on getting back on your feet. There's no shame in asking your parents for help.
Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

But my wallet! My wallet was tellin me yeaaaaa!

Been on my own since I was 17, there is no going back home to mom and dad, mom
Sold the house and lives with my sister and niece...

I wish I could go back home sometimes, but I keep looking ahead and pushing forward
It gets hard sometimes, I lost my main job at one point and wanted to quit and give up, but I'm in and have been in a situation where failure isn't really a option and there wouldn't been a place for me to go

Goodluck OP
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