Originally Posted by
I took a risk and modded my 360, yes it's a chance you can get banned from Xbox Live(the entire soul of the 360)
its VERY tricky, and from what it sounds like, you're not very familiar with it ..so I advise you not to do it.. It's still tricky for me and I've modded gaming systems for years..
They need to make chips so that they can be stealthed because the problem when you boot up the 360 it auto connects to LIVE if able, screwing you over. If they made a chip to stealth the mods, then you could boot the system and the chip would completely deactivates as if it's not even on there to begin with. Then when you wanna play copied games, you reboot (disconnect your internet connection first) and turn it on.
Don't try it if you're new to modding PERIOD.