Feedback Media Gallery Embedding

Feb 8, 2009
I'm not a fan of how this looks at all within a post. It's too 'separated' from the rest of the content, causing it to not feel like a viable method of adding images.

Last night I did a little digging through bizarro world when I noticed a few members posting OG emoticons and put two and two together. After like half an hour of giving myself a headache on that garbage site, I managed to grab maybe 20+ old emoticons and figured that I'd assemble an album for myself and (if possible) anyone else that wanted to use it until the emoticons are re-added.

Went to use one in a post and this happens:

View media item 2491605
Clearly that isn't how someone would want a laughing smiley to fit within their post. Not sure if it would be feasible to alter this in the future or if the big platform update Meth mentioned as being on the horizon would fix it without NT having to do any work, but this has become one of my only and biggest critiques.

Thankfully I bookmarked the addresses of most of the emoticons so I'll just use them like that.
I think it came out that way in a post because you might have added it as a file to upload. Down by the post reply button, I assume the old emoji's will work just like the new ones once added to the "Smilies" menu. o_O

It might be frustrating not having the old NT ones right off the bat. :angry:
Yeah, they will work like that once added judging by the way things were in the beta.

But I didn't upload them in the post, I pre-added them to a media album and then added them to the post with the camera icon in the text area that opens up a list of things added in that fashion.

When I upload an emoticon from my files, it looks like this
when I choose 'full image', and like this nerd.gif when I choose 'thumbnail'.

Which brings me back to my point of adding media to a gallery for use being the worst method of putting pics and gifs into posts.

I wanted to help out NTers like myself that were missing them, but I guess I'll just put together a list of links for them or something and post it somewhere.
Man it must be these margaritas they serving at work today I totally got your initial post twisted. I think the media gallery is just good to peruse and see what all has been posted, it won't have the same benefit as the old NT site. Although what happens if you move the cursor to a location in your post, add the image like you did the emoji two messages up. Select thumb nail and then post the message? I think if you don't select a area in the message it just defaults to the bottom of the post to a media folder.
When you add an image from that gallery you don't have those 'full size' or 'thumbnail' options, or I didn't at least with the one I put in my initial post or the failed attempt last night. It just adds it within that stupid tabbed setup, regardless of where my cursor is.

Like right here, I'm adding the image from my gallery with the cursor directly next to this letter rView media item 2491612
I can see the code beginning right next to the r, but when I click post it still gets separated into that random tabbed informative-thing. It's terrible.

Just like with all the other changes, I'll obviously live if nothing can be done/feels worth doing about it, but the media gallery stuff seems like it's supposed to add something to the experience and I feel like as is, it's failing on that front unless someone ever randomly feels like going to that area just to look at the images there for some reason.
The first one is a link followed by a broken image embed, but the latter two look like they should. They can actually sit next to words.

I'm guessing you embedded each through a different way? Adding them through url and by uploading them as a file work just fine, it's just the method that you'd think would be the most well-developed that acts oddly.
The first one is a link followed by a broken image embed, but the latter two look like they should. They can actually sit next to words.

I'm guessing you embedded each through a different way? Adding them through url and by uploading them as a file work just fine, it's just the method that you'd think would be the most well-developed that acts oddly.
First I went to your NT Emoticons album, found the emoji I wanted and clicked on it. An option on the right says "share the media"

I tried sharing the page as an image but obviously, that doesn't work, then I tried share image and copied the HTML code and pasted it as an image. I did the same thing for the next one, however, I wanted to make sure it would enter into the body of the message also that I could enter text in the message before and after. The other options don't seem to accomplish the goal we are aiming for.
At least I know it can use somewhat useful for others then, even if it wasn't quite in the way I had hoped, and even if it feels like too much work to use it the way I'd like to for myself
laugh (1).gif

Thanks for testing that out. I guess 'Share the media' not quite working is another thing that could use a look by the developers.
You're a gentleman and a scholar. I was about to assemble that same list later.

You know what's been driving me crazy though? The :smh: (smh) emoticon seeming to have vanished into thin air. That was my favorite one, man

Also didn't know about the 20 image limit, so thanks for providing that insight as well.
Is the feature to view all images posted in a thread not on the new site?

Nope, that was a Huddler feature. Meth has said he'd be willing to look into it, but it wouldn't be for a ways off due to more pressing site work existing and a major update to this new platform coming in 6-8 months.
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